Santa Ana (California) - British 'Holocaust'-unbelievers Simon Sheppard and Stephen
Whittle (photo) languish for almost two years in Santa Ana Jail. They haven't committed any crime in the United States, but
are involved in a case involving free speech, international jurisdiction,
and 'Holocaust' disbelief. British authorities raided Sheppard's flat in 2004 after a copy of his
'Tales of the Holohoax' were found inside a synagogue, and arrested Sheppard and Whittle for distributing hate speech online.
Prosecutors convicted the two in absentia for publishing racist material
online - the first conviction of its kind in the history of the United Kingdom. In July 2007, the two skipped bail and made their way to
Los Angeles Airport, where they turned themselves over to US authorities and asked for political asylum, claiming the British government was harrassing them for their
"satire". Immigration officials hauled them to the Santa Ana
Jail. The fates of the Heretical Two is in the hands of Immigration Judge Rose Collantes
Peters. This past Tuesday, Peters heard final arguments in the case of the Heretical Two, with Sheppard and Whittle acting as their own attorneys. Peters is expected to deliver her verdict within 30