Donnerstag,16. Juli 2009


News from Strasbourg
Strasbourg - The British National party leader, Nick Griffin , on 15 July delivered his first speech to the European parliament (15.38.40) , using a debate on Iran to denounce human rights violations against nationalist dissidents in Britain. The UK government had barred Griffin and his fellow BNP MEP, Andrew Brons, from a Strasbourg reception. Griffin accused Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems of routinely deploying intimidation and violence against nationalist dissidents in Britain. He claimed they were using taxpayers' money to fund their own militia, which breaks up opposition meetings and attacks their opponents with bricks, darts and claw-hammers and described the Unite Against Fascism movement as an organisation of far-left criminals.

Griffin told the Strasbourg chamber that vested interests in the west and the Middle East were itching to go to war against Iran and were using human rights as a new casus belli. "Do not add the voice of this place to the warmongers' chorus for a third illegal and counterproductive attack by the West on the Muslim world," he said. "Do not leave the war – which hypocritical rhetoric will help to justify and unleash – to the usual brave British cannon-fodder: 18-year old boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne," he said. "Instead, send out your own sons to come home in boxes, or without their legs, their arms, their eyes or their sanity. Or mind your own business."

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