Freitag, 28. August 2009


News from MEMRI

Washington DC - The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian,Turkish, Urdu-Pashtu media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East. Founded in February 1998, MEMRI's headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in London, Tokyo, Rome, Baghdad, Shanghai, and Jerusalem. 

According to MEMRI, Syrian author Nasr Shimali states in his June 4 speech at Cairo University, that U.S. President Barack Obama did not stand with the Palestinians against their killers, despite the close similarity between what happened in Germany and what has happened in Palestine. He then explains that the 'Holocaust' was part of a reciprocal murderous conflict between Hitler and the Zionist Jewish capitalists. Hitler's Germany was preparing to avenge its defeat in World War I. Hitler wanted to implement a worldwide imperialist enterprise no less than the U.S. deserved one. Germany's way of achieving this was to unite Europe under its rule, whether by peaceful means or by war, so that it would equal the U.S. in size and thus be capable of competing with it geographically, demographically, economically, and militarily. In 1934, Jewish Zionist hostility towards Germany became patently clear. This Jewish hostility was manifested in a very real way: by launching an economic boycott against Germany, in coordination with the Western capitalistic monopolies and governments. Hitler, for his part, strongly pressured the German Jewish capitalists. Thus, the reciprocal conflict between the two sides began to escalate, and this unmitigated conflict played a role in precipitating World War II.

According to World Jewish Congress president Chaim Weizmann, it was the Jewish Zionists who declared war on Germany on September 5, 1939. Hitler said, the Allies and the Jews want to eliminate us - therefore, it is they who will be eliminated from the face of the Earth. On the other side, the Jews and the Allies said, Hitler and the Nazis want to eliminate us, but it is they who will be eliminated. In sum, the scope of their crimes was more or less the same - except that the Allies' crimes were greater and more extensive. Hitler treated the Jews like a combatant, hostile minority, and thus, by some universal wartime logic, imprisoned those of them who lived close to the front lines. The German command was concerned that the Jews might engage in hostile propaganda, and also feared that they might spy for the Allies and also engage in arms smuggling, sabotage, and black marketeering. The Germans believed that the Jews excelled in all these activities. Hitler believed that the Jews had a special talent for reclaiming land, and for banking. In short, his view of the Jews was not much different from that of Cromwell, Napoleon, Churchill, and Roosevelt. The Jews however, aligned themselves with his enemies, so he fought them along with his enemies. In 1939, the total number of Jews in the whole world, according to League of Nations statistics, was approximately 11 million; after the war, in 1947, the same census organization put their number at some 12 million. How can President Obama, master of scholars that he is, say at Cairo University that Hitler killed seven million Jews? The lie about the annihilation of seven million Jews... generated immense financial gain, and Zionists and the Israeli entity benefited from It. Obama continued the American efforts, throughout American history, to convince public opinion of the vileness and lack of honor of their enemies. They are doing this right now regarding the Palestinian victims; exaggeration and lies are being used to serve American interests. As French scholar Robert Faurisson said, the real victims are the German people - except for its leaders - and the entire Palestinian people.

Quelle: Internet  

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