Mittwoch, 9. September 2009


Demographic war against Palestinians
The Israeli government has launched an advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews. About half of all Jews outside Israel marry non-Jews. It is one of several initiatives by the Israeli state and private organizations to increase the size of Israel’s Jewish population in the West Bank, in their demographic war against Palestinians. About half of all Jews in Western Europe and the United States assimilate by intermarrying, while the figure for the former Soviet Jewry is 80 per cent.

Israel, whose Jewish population of 5.6 million accounts for 41 per cent of worldwide Jewry, has obstructed intermarriage between its Jewish and Arab citizens by refusing to recognize such marriages unless they are performed abroad. The campaign is directed particularly at Jews in the United States and Canada, whose combined 5.7 million Jews constitute the world’s largest Jewish population. Immigration rates have steadily declined since a large wave of one million Jews arrived from the former Soviet Union through the 1990s. The absorption figure for last year – at 16,500 – was the lowest since the 1980s. There is a growing trend of better-off Jews leaving Israel to live abroad. 

Quelle: Internet  

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