Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009


Nobel Peace Prize to Obama

People marvel at the idiocy of these Nobel awards, but there’s method in the madness. Woodrow Wilson, the liberal imperialist with whom Obama bears some marked affinities, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919, having brought America into the carnage of the First World War. The peace laureate president who preceded him was Teddy Roosevelt, who got the prize in 1906 as reward for sponsorship of the Spanish-American war and ardent bloodletting in the Philippines. Barack Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, may become their genuine successor: he allowed Israel to murder Palestinians and his general McChrystal to request 40,000 new US troops to be deployed to Afghanistan. Obama can enrich these achievements during the coming years. German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama. 

The present Norwegian Nobel Committee who attributed the Prize to Obama (from left): Sissel Rønbeck [born 1950, deputy director, Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren), former member of parliament and cabinet minister for the Labour Party. Member since 1994], Kaci Kullmann Five [deputy chair, born 1951, former member of Parliament and cabinet minister for the Conservative Party. Member since 2003], Thorbjørn Jagland [leader, born 1950, member of Parliament, President of the Storting and former Prime Minister for the Labour Party, current Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Member and chair since 2009], Geir Lundestad [secretary], Ågot Valle [born 1945, member of parliament for the Socialist Left Party. Member since 2009] and Inger-Marie Ytterhorn [born 1941, former member of Parliament for the Progress Party. Member since 2000].

Quelle: Internet  

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