Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009


News from the Netherlands 


Amsterdam - DSB Bank owner-director Dirk Scheringa is considering a plan that would offer his ailing bank help from savers. The plan would call for savers to convert a portion of their savings into shares in a bid to lower the DSB’s debts. Savers would provide 70 million euros. Mr Scheringa would then match that amount.

For such a plan to become reality, it would first have to have the support of the Dutch central bank. Two weeks ago, the central bank lowered the maximum credit for DSB by 800 million to one billion euros and the plan can only go ahead if that decision is reversed. It would also require an Amsterdam court to extend a deadline it imposed on Mr Scheringa to find a buyer for the bank. On Friday, the court gave him until nine o'clock on Monday morning to find a company to take over DSB. If he fails to do so, the bank will be declared bankrupt.

Quelle: Internet  

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