Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009


News from Dr. Johann Plöd 

Regensburg - Johann Plöd from the court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg sent notice to German lawyer Matthias Loßmann to say he was fining Williamson €12,000 for incitement over his claim on Swedish television that gas chambers had never existed and only 200,000 to 300,000 Jews had been killed in WWII. Plöd was giving Williamson the option to pay the fine or take the case further. Williamson has two weeks to make his appeal. Loßmann said his client was likely to appeal. If he does, there will be a proper trial in Regensburg, which Williamson will not be forced to attend. German law allows a sentence of five years in prison for belittling the 'holocaust'.

Quelle: Internet  

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