Dienstag, 03. November 2009


'The greatest man who ever lived'
Fritz Darges (photo left) died in Celle (Lower Saxony) at the weekend aged 96 with instructions for his manuscript about his time spent at the side of the Führer (photo right) to be published once he was gone. Darges was the last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and was present for all major conferences, social engagements and policy announcements for four years of the war. Darges described Hitler as a genius and the greatest man who ever lived.


Experts say his account of his time as Hitler's direct link to the SS could discount the claims of revisionists who have tried to claim the German leader knew nothing of the extermination programme. Diaries kept by Hitler's armaments minister Albert Speer and his chief propagandist Josef Goebbels were published after the war and neither refer to hearing Hitler order the ' Final Solution'. A number of the revisionist historians have denied that THE HOLOCAUST happened at all, some of them acknowledging that many Jews died but refusing to believe that millions of deaths occurred. 

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