Montag, 09. November 2009


The Ten Capital Lies
In his novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', published in 1949, George Orwell describes a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, public mind control, and the voiding of citizens' rights. The 'Ministry of Truth' is one of the four ministries that govern the world. As with the other ministries, the 'Ministry of Truth' is a misnomer and in reality serves for the falsification of historical and other events. The 'Ministry of Love' enforces loyalty through fear, a repressive apparatus, and brainwashing. The 'Ministry of Peace' serves as the militant wing of the government, seeing as the nation is at perpetual war with pretended wicked enemies. The 'Ministry of Plenty' controls the economy and oversees public access to food, supplies, and other necessaries of life and rationing these goods.

Orwell's régime based on the falsification of the truth is not so far from what may be perceived at present. Today, a 'Ministry of Truth' - of course under the cover of a more attractive name like 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' or the like -  would enunciate the following 'Ten Capital Truths' to be believed under the threat of ostracism from society or worse:  


Truth #1: Evolution has no goal, and it explains the formation of species.  
Truth #2: All people are equal.

Truth #3: Everyone has the right to freedom of information, opinion and expression.


Truth #4: ..................................................................      


Truth #5: Democracy is the best form of government, and the press is free.


Truth #6: Globalization is inevitable and prerequisite to the welfare of mankind.


Truth #7: 'Nine Eleven' was implemented by Al-Qaeda, and fight against terrorism is the most important issue.


Truth #8: Climate change can be influenced by reducing man-made emissions.
Truth #9: Infectious diseases like swine flu and bird flu are dangerous pandemics, and vaccines are of great benefit to mankind.  


Truth #10: National debts will be repaid.

Quelle: Internet  

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