Montag, 09. November 2009


Obama’s credibility is shot
The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that 'our' government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that empire.

Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none. His health care bill is held hostage by the private insurance companies seeking greater profits. The most likely outcome will be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund wars that enrich the military/security complex and the many companies created by privatizing services that the military once provided for itself at far lower costs. 

Obama’s credibility is shot. And so is Congress’s, assuming it ever had any. The US House of Representatives has just voted to show the entire world that the US House of Representatives is nothing but the servile, venal, puppet of the Israel Lobby. The House of Representatives of the American 'superpower' did the bidding of its master, AIPAC, and voted 344 to 36 to condemn the Goldstone Report which is the report of the 'United Nations Fact Finding Mission' on the 'Gaza Conflict'. The 'Gaza Conflict' is the Israeli military attack on the Gaza ghetto, where 1.5 million dispossessed Palestinians, whose lands, villages, and homes were stolen by Israel, are housed. The attack was on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Excerpts of an article by Paul Craig Roberts

Quelle: Internet  

Weitere Infos:  

J M Damon, 15 November 2009

President Obama is not a cause of anything, he is a symptom.
How foolish to think he could bring about the changes he promised even if he wanted to. He may be the king, but AIPAC (American-Israeli Political Action Committee) is obviously the king-maker!


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