Sonntag, 15. November 2009


Israel uber alles
Washington - It did not take the Israel Lobby long to make mincemeat out of the Obama administration’s no new settlements position.  In May 2009, President Obama told the Israeli government that he was serious about ending the Israeli conflict with the Palestinians and that a lasting peace agreement required the Israeli government to abandon all construction of new settlements in the occupied West Bank. On November 10, Obama’s White House chief of staff, Rahm Israel Emanuel, surrendered for his boss at the annual conference of the United Jewish Communities. The ongoing Israeli settlements, he said, should not be a distraction to a peace agreement. Does it need further confirmation who of both, Israel and the US, is the superpower and who is its client state?

A few days ago, the US House of Representatives voted 344 to 36 in favor of disavowing the UN report finding that Israel had committed war crimes in its attack on the civilian population in the Gaza Ghetto. The Israel Lobby demanded that the House repudiate the fact-filled report, and the servile House did as its master ordered. US Rep. Dennis Kucinich (photo) spoke to his colleagues for 2 minutes in an effort to make them see that their vote against the report would be a great embarrassment in the eyes of the world. Retribution quickly fell upon Kucinich: On November 9, he was forced to withdraw as the keynote speaker for the Palm Beach County (Florida) Democratic Party’s annual fundraising dinner. The Israel Lobby gave the order: dump Kucinich or there’s no money and no one is coming to the dinner.  

Quelle: Internet  

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