Mittwoch, 18. November 2009


Dr. Fredrick Toben unbroken and unrepentant

Sydney, Australia - Dr. Fredrick Toben, 65, the founder of the Adelaide Institute, emerged from three months in a South Australia prison on Nov. 12. The Australian Federal Court had found him in breach of a 2002 court order to remove all offensive material from his institute’s Web site . Toben’s site this week carried a message saying that he is unbroken and unrepentant,” and appears refreshed and relaxed after his little holiday. The site features three links to video clips on YouTube during which Toben vows to continue his work demolishing the HOLOCAUST. It also carries a banner saying that that the days are numbered for the greatest lie in the history of mankind. Toben also spent two months in Wandsworth Prison last year as German authorities tried unsuccessfully to extradite him on a European Arrest Warrant for publishing HOLOCAUST skeptical material - a crime in Germany. He had spent several months in prison in Germany in 1999 for doubting the orthodox history of the HOLOCAUST.   

Quelle: Internet  

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