Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010


I see no good in having several lords; Let one alone be master, let one alone be king.

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude - Discours sur la servitude volontaire


BERLIN - On Monday noon, the Israeli cabinet held a joint meeting with its German counterpart in Berlin, at Angela Merkel's offices, in the framework of Germany's commitment to Israel's security.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was accompanied on his visit to Berlin by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau and Science and Technology Minister Daniel Hershkowitz. Prior to the meeting, the participants visited the HOLOCAUST Museum. Netanyahu, Barak, Merkel and her defense minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, spoke about Iran and made it clear that they will prepare wide-ranging sanctions against that country


The Israeli delegation flew back to Israel on Monday afternoon.  

Quelle: Internet  

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