Freitag, 12. Februar 2010 


Déjà vu

New York - 44 Nobel Prize winners, at least 70% of them blessed with Jewish background, wrote an open letter to US President Obama and the leaders of France (Sarkozy), Russia (Medwedew), Germany (Merkel) and the United Kingdom (Brown) on Sunday - on behalf of the Zionist Elie Wiesel (photo) Foundation - which was published in The New York Times. The letter urges the 5 leaders to implement harsher sanctions against Iran and to take steps to stop Iran's nuclear work.


In August 1939, the Jewish physicists Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner and Albert Einstein (equally fervent Zionist) wrote a similar letter to US President Roosevelt, warning him against the German menace and resulting in the atomic bombing of Japan during WWII.

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