Sonntag, 4. April 2010


Obama and Sarkozy unite to punish Iran

WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday declared Iran will face tougher international sanctions within weeks. Obama and Sarkozy agreed to lead an effort to get China and Russia to sign on to tougher punishment for Iran.


One of the most scandalous manifestations of the present international order is the so-called 'nuclear hypocrisy'. The United States, the only country to have committed a nuclear holocaust, is insisting that Iran has no right to possess a nuclear capability. The US thinks it is fine to have Israel possess several hundred nuclear bombs and warheads, along with their American-supplied or Israeli-manufactured delivery systems. However, the same America vehemently rejects the very suggestion that Iran, or any other Middle Eastern country, should possess a nuclear capability.

It would be unthinkable to imagine Iran using weapons of mass destruction against Israel which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The Iranian regime has repeatedly called for an equitable settlement for the Palestinian question based on the dismantlement of the infrastructure of racism and apartheid under Zionism. This is a fair and just demand by any standard of equity and justice.

Quelle: Internet  

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