war between US CIA and Iran 
The mysterious disappearance of the Iranian nuclear scientist
Shahram Amiri (photo) took another twist with the broadcast of a video message
in which he claims that he was abducted by American and Saudi intelligence agents and taken to the US where is being held against his will.
The Iranian foreign ministry said that it was now following up legal measures with the US over the case.
A second video was released shortly afterward on YouTube,
showing a young man, slightly more overweight than the man in the first video, wearing a suit in a well-decorated room, who also identified himself as
Amiri. He said in Persian that he was free and safe in the United States and was working on his
The first video was broadcast on Iranian state television news on 7 June. It shows Amiri speaking in his native Farsi into a computer wearing head phones. He claims that he was kidnapped by the CIA and the Saudi spy agency and that during his detention he was tortured in order to coerce him to make statements that were subsequently reported by ABC. In his alleged confession, Amiri says that he willingly defected to the US and that Iran is conducting a secret nuclear weapons
. Amiri worked as a scientist at Malek Ashfar University in Tehran researching radioactive isotopes for medical treatment, went missing in early June 2009 during a religious pilgrimage he was making in Saudi Arabia. He was travelling to the holy city of Mecca, but is believed to have been detained by Saudi police in Medina.
From there, he claims that he was handed over to the CIA and flown to the US. In the
first video, Amiri claims that he is being held against his will in an undisclosed place in Tuscon, Arizona. He appealed for international humanitarian organisations to take up his plight so that he can be returned to
Iran. From the time of Amiri’s disappearance, Iran has charged the US and Saudi authorities with the same offences that the nuclear scientist is now claiming, that is, false detention and abduction. His family also claim that he was kidnapped by these
agents. When Iran first protested the disappearance of Amiri, both the US and the Saudis denied any knowledge of the case. Yet nine months later, CIA sources were cock-a-hoop about their
coup in winning over Amiri as a defector and intelligence
asset. As with the wider nuclear controversy, Iran’s claims that it is not pursuing a weapons programme and that its uranium enrichment is for peaceful civilian purposes are distinguished from the US position which is riddled with contradictions and based on unsubstantiated