Biographisches Lexikon Zionismus/Judentum

Biographical Encyclopedia of Zionism/Jewry


Yehuda Bauer 

Historian and Holocaust survivor, * 1926 in Prague

B.'s father had strong Zionist convictions. In March 1939, the family migrated to Palestine. B. was fluent at an early age in the Czech, Slovak and German languages, later learning Hebrew, Yiddish, English, French and Polish. 

Upon completing high school, B. studied history at Hebrew University and received his doctorate in 1960 for a thesis on the British Mandate of Palestine. Lateron, B.was a visiting professor in the U.S. at Brandeis University, Yale University, Richard Stockton College, and Clark University. He was the founding editor of the Journal for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and served on the editorial board of the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust, published by Yad Vashem in 1990. Currently, he serves as academic adviser to Yad Vashem, to the International Task Force for Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research. B. believes that Hitler was the key figure in causing the Holocaust: During the later half of 1941, according to B., Hitler gave a series of orders for the genocide of the entire Jewish people, by exterminating them as partisans, but nobody bothered to write these orders down. Therefore the Jewish holocaust holds a special place in human history,
and people must go to Yad Vashem to learn the right way of understanding the Holocaust. 

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 13.03.2013 

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