Biographisches Lexikon Zionismus/Judentum

Biographical Encyclopedia of Zionism/Jewry


Uri Chanoch 

Holocaust-Survivor, * 1928 in Kovno, Lithuania 

Ch. studied at the local Jewish school and was a member of the Betar Youth Movement. In August 1941, Ch.’s family entered the ghetto. Ch., at the age of 13, began to work as a messenger in the German Work Office. He was recruited into the underground movement and risked his life stealing work permits that enabled many people to escape the ghetto and join the Partisans. During the German Actions against the ghetto’s children, Ch. hid his 9-year-old brother in a hiding place, and despite receiving severe beatings he did not divulge his brother’s whereabouts, thus saving his life.

In July 1994, the ghetto was liquidated and the people remaining after the Actions were moved in deportation trains to Germany. On the way, the women and children were removed in Stutthoff, Poland – including Ch.’s mother and sister. This was the last time that Ch. saw them. The men were transported to the Landsberg/Kaufering labor camp near Dachau. Several days later, all the remaining young children were sent to Auschwitz – Ch.’s brother, Dani, among them.

Ch.’s father’s health deteriorated, and in October 1944 he was sent to Auschwitz. Ch. was now left alone and tried to satisfy his hunger by eating salt and drinking water. As a result, his body swelled and he weakened, losing the will to live. At sick call, he stepped forward, knowing full well that this meant almost certain death. Fortunately, the Jewish assistants to the camp commander who recognized him from the Ghetto intervened on his behalf, and the commander ordered Ch. removed from the line and assigned him the job of cleaning the office.
Later on, this allowed Ch. to save the life of his good friend Chaim Konfitz, who had been seriously wounded in a work accident. Ch. struck a deal with the camp physician, Dr. Zachrin, who agreed to save his life in exchange for a supply of tobacco for his pipe. Ch. stole cigarettes and tobacco from the pockets of Germans who worked in the office at great risk to his life, and Chaim recovered.

In April 1945, the remaining camp survivors were placed on a train to Dachau. During the journey, the train was blown up, and Ch. managed to jump off and flee to the forest under fire. He hid in the forest until he was liberated by American soldiers.

In 1946, Ch. and his brother Dani, who had survived Auschwitz, came to Israel illegally on the ship “Wedgwood”. He was recruited into the Palmach and fought in the 4th battalion freeing Jerusalem from the siege. He then became an officer in the IDF. For most of his life, he was an industrialist, and since retiring has been engaged in public service. Uri is married to Yehudit and has 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

Anschrift von / Address of Ch.:

Werke von / Works of Ch.: 

Literatur über / Writings concerning Ch.: 

Literatur im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek von und über / Writings in the catalogue of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek of and about : Uri Chanoch    

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 21.06.2008 

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Quelle: Internet

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