Biographisches Lexikon Zionismus/Judentum

Biographical Encyclopedia of Zionism/Jewry


Tzipora Malka (Tzipi) Livni

Zionist, *
5 July 1958 in Tel Aviv

L. is the daughter of Eitan Livni (born in Poland) and Sara Rosenberg, both prominent former Irgun members. Her father served as the as chief operations officer of the Irgun and later, 1974-1984, as a member of the knesset from the Likud. L. served as a lieutenant in the Israel Defense Forces and worked for the Mossad for two years during the early 1980s, resigning in August 1983 to marry and finish her law studies. A graduate of Bar Ilan University's Faculty of Law, she has practiced public and commercial law for 10 years. She resides in Tel Aviv, is married to advertising executive Naftali Spitzer and has two children.  

L. was first elected to the Knesset as a member of the Likud party in 1999. When Likud leader Ariel Sharon became prime minister in July 2001, she was appointed Minister of Regional Cooperation, and thereafter held various Cabinet positions including Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister of Immigrant Absorption and Minister of Housing and Construction. In 2005, she was appointed Minister of Justice. In November 2005, L. followed Sharon and Ehud Olmert into the new Kadima Party, and was appointed Foreign Minister. In May 2006, L. became Deputy Prime Minister and retained the position of Foreign Minister. 

In September 2008, Prime Minister Olmert decided not to stand for re-election as Kadima party leader and to resign as Prime Minister following the election.  L. won the Kadima leadership election and asked President Shimon Peres for early elections, which were scheduled for 10 February 2009. Accordingly, Olmert will preside over a transitional government until a new Prime Minister forms the next government.

Literatur über / Writings concerning L.: 

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 07.01.2009 

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