Biographisches Lexikon Zionismus/Judentum

Biographical Encyclopedia of Zionism/Jewry


George Lucius Salton 

Holocaust-Survivor, * 1928 in Tyczyn in Poland 

Born in Poland, S. was 11 when the Nazis occupied his hometown of Tyczyn on 10 September, 1939. Within days the synagogues were desecrated, the Torahs and prayer books burned on the streets. Jewish homes were searched, their possessions were confiscated, and Jewish stores and shops were closed. Jews lost their jobs and occupations; Jewish children could not attend school. S.'s father, a lawyer, was forbidden to work, but eleven-year-old George dug potatoes, split wood, and resourcefully helped his family. Jewish men and women were forced to do heavy work. The Polish neighbors just stood by. In the early part of the war the Jewish population of Tyczyn was increased by the hundreds of Jews from the Western Polish town of Kalisz (west of the town of Lodz), who were transferred by the Germans to Tyczyn. 

In the late spring of 1942, the Jews of Tyczyn, including S. and his family, were moved into the Rzeszow ghetto. In July 1942, most of the people in the ghetto were deported. S. was among those kept back in the ghetto, where he was selected to work, even though he was only 14, because his 20-year-old brother slipped S.'s papers in along with his own, and got them stamped as a worker. After that, S. was sent to a 10 different concentration camps in Germany, France and Poland, including Plaszow, Flossenbürg, Colmar, Sachsenhausen, Braunschweig, Ravensbrück, and Wöbbelin. On May 2, 1945, the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division liberated him at the Wöbbelin concentration camp in northern Germany.  

S. immigrated to the U.S. two years later with only five years of education. He served in the U.S. Army and earned his high school equivalency degree. Later, he earned a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in engineering and had a successful career in the U.S. Department of Defense and private industry.  

Anschrift / Address: Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Werke / Works: 

Literatur / Writings: 

Literatur im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek / Writings in the catalogue of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek : George Salton    

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 26.06.2008 

 Zum Register / Back to Registry  

Quelle: Internet

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