Biographisches Lexikon des Revisionismus

Biographical Encyclopedia of Revisionism


Jan Bernhoff 

Swedish 'Holocaust' non-believer, * 1971 in Umeå/Sweden  

B. grew up in Haparanda in northern Sweden by the Finnish border. He studied history and languages at the university of Lund, Sweden, and finished his studies at Teachers' University College in Stockholm in 1999. Hith Masters thesis on the ' Holocaust' was met with suspicion and hostility by his examiners at the University of Lund. He therefore decided to teach computers at the
adult education Åsö Community College in Stockholm. In the summer of 2006, he entered a cartoon into Iran's ' Holocaust' cartoon contest. On Monday, December 11, 2006, B. gave a lecture at the two-day ' Holocaust' conference in Theran/Iran, where he alleged that 300,000 Jews died in the 'Holocaust' during World War II as opposed to the number of six million commonly used by academics. 

Although B. did not teach history as a subject at the Åsö college, and gave this Tehran speech on his spare time, local politicians and the school management immediately questioned if he could continue as a teacher and branded him as a 'Holocaust' teacher'. College principle Britt-Marie Johansson told Swedish radio: "I think he will have a hard time at school since so many students and colleagues have contacted me about his participation at the conference". Therefore  Johansson launched a probe and suspended B. on behalf of the city of Stockholm, his employer. However, that was hard since Swedish Minister for Schools Jan Bjorklund, who was in charge of education issues in the cabinet, said B.'s participation in the Iranian conference was unacceptable, but that he had no constitutional right to intervene in the case.

The primary complaint against B.’s lecture  entitled 'The Holocaust Demography' was the fact that he said that, based upon his research and that of others, the allegation that 6,000,000 Jews died during World War II cannot be backed up by factual data and that the figure is considerably less than that. In January, 2007, under pressure from Jewish groups, Jan was definively bribed to resign from his job in return for compensation from the City of Stockholm, obtained with the help of his trade union representatives.  
B.'s 55-page document
'The Holocaust Demography':
Letzte Änderung / Last update: 21.04.2009 

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