Biographisches Lexikon des Revisionismus

Biographical Encyclopedia of Revisionism


History of Revisionism as of 1993

Yoshua Shalev

After Rassinier

Rassinier's ground-breaking publications were followed by three books written in the 1960s by Josef Ginsburg, a Jewish-Rumanian author who chose to publish them under the [41] pseudonym "J. G. Burg". He and his family had been deported during the war from their home in Czernowitz, Rumania to occupied eastern territory, where Jews were 'concentrated' but not forced into camps. He claimed that in the autumn of 1945, after hearing the horrific stories of gas chamber exterminations, he visited several concentration and labour camps – including Auschwitz and Majdanek – and was able not only to inspect the sites at length but also to interview over one hundred ex-internees. Of these, he was unable to find even one with first-hand knowledge of the gas chambers, nor, to his surprise, was he able to find physical proof that such chambers ever existed.

In 1962 Ginsburg published Schuld und Schicksal ("Guilt and Fate") [82], which was followed in 1967 by Sündenböcke ("Scapegoats") [83] and a year later by NS-Verbrechen – Prozesse des schlechten Gewissens ("National Socialist Crimes") [84], all three books denying the verity of accepted opinion on the Holocaust and the postwar trials of German war criminals. Ginsburg presented many arguments in keeping with present Revisionist theses, such as his claim (also made by Rassinier) that die Endlösung –'the final solution' – was not a Nazi euphemism for 'extermination' but meant, when written in German documents about the Jews, their forced deportation to occupied territories in the east. [85] It was only after the war, he argued, that the phrase was intentionally perverted by the Allies to mean something far more evil than it originally did. He also correctly pointed out – quoting Israel's former Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol – that "tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands" of ex-Auschwitz inmates were then alive in Israel alone [86], proving allegations that almost no Jews survived the Auschwitz extermination process to be incorrect.

He did not rule out the possibility that gas chambers existed in some camps, although he found the evidence insufficient to conclude without reservation that they did exist. He insisted, however, that the Nazis did not have a policy of extermination, and that most Jewish deaths resulted from individual pogroms, the execution of subversives and partisans, overwork in bad conditions, epidemics and Allied air raids. A great many perished, he lamented, but the total number of "Jews in the control of the Hitler regime that were killed, lost their lives, or died could be no more than 3,323,000". [87]

Despite a few sound arguments and judicious conclusions, Ginsburg, a Munich bookbinder by profession, wrote the books in a highly journalistic style, with his own opinions and value judgements – often supported by no other evidence than his own experiences – being present on almost every page. Further, he relied heavily on newspaper articles and other secondary sources, many of which were clearly unreliable. As a result, many of his arguments appear simply as unsustained assertions, seriously detracting from the books' overall impact and ability to persuade.

For example, he wrote at length on the subject of West German reparations to Israel, pointing out (albeit without merit) that that state was not even in existence when the alleged crimes were conducted. Further, it was primarily because the reparation payments for the estimated "six million" deaths were so beneficial to the struggling new state that international Jewry did not organize a thorough research programme to determine exactly how many Jews had died. If it did, he concluded, the resultant much-reduced figure would deprive Israel of a great deal of money. [88] He also insisted that many Jews involved in its formation were amongst the six million considered to have been murdered by the Nazis. [89 ] Little or no reliable evidence was provided to enable the reader to judge the veracity of these assertions.

Lacking the relative scholarship of Rassinier's far more detailed studies, Ginsburg's volumes have not been anywhere near as influential as the Frenchman's, which are still obtainable (and being frequently reprinted) in several nations. 

82 / Munich: Damm-Verlag, 1962.
83 / Munich: Verlag G. Fischer, 1967.
84 / Munich: Verlag G. Fischer, 1968.
85 / J. G. Burg, Sündenböcke, p. 74 ff.
86 / Ibid., p. 231. The lower figure is certainly closer to the truth.
87 / Ibid., p. 237. That figure was a maximum; he believed the true figure to be somewhat lower.
88 / bid., p. 223.
89 ƒ bid., p. 223.


Nonetheless,  Ginsburg was an early pioneer in a very unpopular field of study, and was the first noteworthy German Holocaust Revisionist. Revisionists also believe that his Jewishness is important, because it helps, they say, to dispel the notion that Holocaust Revisionism was invented by neo-Nazis and is necessarily synonymous with anti-Semitism. A Semitic anti-Semite, theylogically argue, is a contradiction in terms.

Unfortunately, anti-Semite or not, for challenging Holocaust orthodoxy the elderly Jewish bookbinder was expelled from the Jewish Community of Munich, and (like Rassinier) was repeatedly abused and harassed. On one occasion, when he was laying flowers on his wife's grave in the Munich Jewish cemetery, he was set upon by several Jewish men and severely beaten.

Aside from the works of Rassinier and Ginsburg, the only other substantial attempted refutation of accepted opinion on the Holocaust in the 1950s and early 1960s was a single chapter of Louis Marschalko's The World Conquerors [90], first published in English in 1958, approximately one year after it appeared in Hungarian. This book of 296 pages was clearly intended by the author to be an expose of what he considered to be the heinous secret plans of international Jewry – "the world conquerors" – to gain domination over all peoples of the earth. It is unlikely that its central theses would be acceptable to persons whose Weltanschauung did not already contain a conspiracy theory of some description. The book is clearly not as sophisticated as some of the other early Revisionist publications, and was nowhere near as influential (it had almost no circulation in the United States, for example). Nevertheless, because of its treatment of several important issues, it does deserve to be discussed at this point.

David Irving, in his carefully documented but sensationalistic analysis of the 1956 Hungarian uprising [91], provided reasonable evidence that the freedom fighters perceived the government they were trying to topple as being Jewish, and that their anti-Semitism was as much a driving force as their anti-Communism. That is, they correctly recognized that almost all of the Communist leaders were Jewish, including Revai (propaganda chief during the Rakosi administration), Parkas (Minister of Defence in the same administration), Gero (succeeded Rakosi in July 1956 as general secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party) and Rakosi himself (general secretary from 1944 to 1956). Further, they correctly recognized that the Allamvedelmi Hatosag (AVH, the State Security Authority) was controlled almost entirely by Jews. The awareness of these facts, argued Irving. transformed the revolt into something of a pogrom, partly because of the popular belief in a covert Jewish conspiracy.

Marschalko, a Hungarian nationalist, wrote The World Conquerors only a year after that nation's dreams of freedom were pulverized into nothing by the clattering tracks of Soviet tanks, and his own feelings of disappointment and pique are evident throughout the book, as is his belief in the anti-Jewish arguments of his compatriots. [92] In his discussion of the uprising he made the same assertions: international Jewry, operating behind the grotesque mask of Communism, was trying to "reduce the Hungarian people to an intimidated mass of slaves in accordance with the Formula of the Protocols [of the Learned Elders of Zion], and so to establish Jewry's dominion over them." [93] However, he did not limit himself to a discussion of that brutal and bloody conflict, and expressed his views at some length on a variety of historical events and epochs, including the Bolshevik revolution, the two world wars, the Holocaust, the Nuremberg trials and the growth and spread of Communism in the 1940s and 1950s. One theme runs throughout his unscholarly discussion of these events: international Jewry had been conspiring to subject the Christian nations -indeed, the world – to aform of slavery.

Marschalko's chapter on the Holocaust, entitled "What has become of six million Jews?", also contains the same anti-Jewish conspiracy theory: six million Jews were certainly not murdered by the Nazi regime, but this "propaganda figure was needed to secure the sympathy of the world. By raising the number of martyrs world conquest was rendered easier and the Gentile peoples could be terrorised more."[94] Interestingly, whilst he provided nothing more than very weak racist arguments to support this claim that Jews are using the "Fiction of the exterminations" as an integral part of their international conspiracy to enslave,

90 / L. Marschalko, The World Conquerors: the Real War Criminals, translated from the Hungarian by A. Suranyi (London: Joseph Sueli Publications, 1958).
91 / Uprising! One Nation's Nightmare: Hungary 1956, Second edition, 1986 (Bullsbrook, Western Australia: Veritas Publishing Co. First published by Hodder and Stoughton, 1981).
92 / Marschalko, The World Conquerors, particularly pp. 285 to 295.
93 / Ibid., p. 287-288.
94 / Ibid., p.165.


the world, the arguments he employed in challenging the view that the Nazis murdered six million Jews – the majority in gas chambers - are considerably more thoughtful and ubstantial. They cannot, therefore, be dismissed as easily as his other unpalatable views. Hence the inclusion of his book in this summary on Holocaust Revisionism.

His principal arguments against Holocaust orthodoxy can be summarized as follows: The figure, of 'six million' for Jewish fatalities originated in the torture-obtained confessions at the International Military Tribunal of several Nazis, and is entirely spurious. There is absolutely no reliable evidence that Adolf Hitler ever planned to exterminate Europe's Jews, despite some seemingly incriminating passages in his speeches. Rather, the intention of Hitler and the National Socialist leadership was, before the outbreak of war in 1939, to encourage (or force) Jewish emigration from Germany. This is proven by the fact that "had he [Hitler] cherished the intention to exterminate the Jews, these emigrants would never have been allowed to leave Germany." [95] After the war commenced, this policy of Jewish emigration became impractical, and when Germany occupied other nations with enormous Jewish populations, such as Poland, France and thc USSR, it became impossible. As a result, the Jews – primarily for reasons of security – were forced to live separately from the non-Jews under German control, and were made to dwell in ghettos and concentration camps. The ghetto was "perhaps a humiliating social establishment", butwas "not an organisation for the destruction of a race." [96]  Additionally, the Germans putting Jews in concentration camps was really no different from the British forty years earlier forcing tens of thousands of Boers – including women, children, elderly and the sick – into concentration camps (in which thousands died), or the Americans 'concentrating' their Japanese, Italian and German citizens into 'internment camps'. This situation with the Jews, of course, was not intended to be permanent, but until the war was won and they could he 'expatriated' from Europe – the Nazis' real aim – they would have to live under these conditions.

Unfortunately, continued Marschalko, many Jews did not like them and chose to fight on the side of the partisans, especially in the Ukraine, and when caught by the Germans they were killed. Additionally, Jewish hostages were taken to prevent, or as reprisals for, partisan attacks. Whilst that type of warfare was especially unpleasant, the Germans were not the only military power to conduct war in that fashion. For example, during the Korean war the Americans did the same thing, and razed entire villages to the ground because they suspected that they were hiding or even assisting partisans. That many Jews were killed in this war against partisans does not mean that there was any intention to exterminate
European Jewry. On the contrary, until the Allied saturation bombing destroyed the transportation and communication system of the Reich, concentration camps were orderly, sanitary and well-kept places where internees were treated humanely and fed and clothed adequately. Because of the bombing, however, extreme difficulties in gaining food, sanitary necessities and medical supplies allowed epidemics to wage their own war on the internees, many tens of thousands of whom died.

After the German defeat, concluded Marschalko, the concentration camps were filled with new inmates, "but they were no longer Jews but some of the defeated German people, the "war criminals".[97] They were forced to rebuild shower rooms and dressing rooms so that they looked like the gas chambers of Allied propaganda, to create gallows and to dig mass burial pits. Not only were photographs of the very many cadavers of internees (of all races and ethnic groups) killed by epidemics falsely presented as concrete evidence of the Nazis' efforts to exterminate Jewry, but photographs of German cadavers, killed in the Allied saturation bombing of Hamburg, Dresden and other cities and placed in enormous piles ready for cremation, were used for exactly the same purpose.

It is not possible to analyse herein all of Marschalko's arguments, suffice to say that in general they were based on secondary source material of varying reliability, and contain very many errors of fact and judgement. It is also clear that in several places he formed conclusions to suit his own preconceived opinions on history and marshalled his evidence accordingly. For example, when describing conditions in concentration camps in east Germany, he cited an article from a 1944 issue of Shem (the underground newspaper of Jewish nationalists in France), which appears to support his opinion that life in most camps was hard, but not excessively so. He stated that the reports in that source must be
considered reliable because "they were given by Jews to Jews and they were based on direct experience."[98] This trust of Jewish sources is remarkable in light of his statement two pages later that "this gigantic lie-propaganda was

95 / Ibid., p.149.
96 / Ibid., p.150.
97 / Ibid., p. 155.
98 / Ibid., p. 155.


assisted by all Jewish official organisations, all Jewish world papers like the New York Times, etc., and all Jews, whether leading statesmen or small black-marketeers in the shady side streets." [99]

Nonetheless, despite this nonsense, some of Marschalko's arguments are entirely tenable, such as his claim that Hitler did not plan, prior to the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, to exterminate Europe's Jews. There is still, in fact, insufficient evidence for an historian to prove conclusively that Hitler himself planned or sanctioned mass exterminations after that point, although there can be no doubt that many Jews were killed. Twenty years later, David Irving – a major British historian – advanced a similar thesis, for which he provided a reasonable amount of reliable supporting evidence. [100] 

Also supported by evidence is Marschalko's claim that concentration camps were not amongst the evil inventions of the Nazis, but were in fact used both before and during World War II, for a similar purpose – the concentration of people who posed a security threat into prison-like areas that could he guarded – by a variety of nations, including the United States and Britain. In the Boer War (1899-1902) almost 120.000 non-combatant Boers and approximately 75,000 black Africans wore brutally forced by the British (under Lord Kitchener) into concentration camps. Close to 20,000 Boers, mostly women and children, died in those unhygienic camps from starvation, maltreatment and epidemics (including measles, the main killer of the infants). [101] During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the North, in addition to camps for captured soldiers, established numerous concentration camps for civilian populations considered 'threats' by the Federal government. [102]

Very many of the internees died from the diseases which spread through these camps and the barbaric Confederate POW camps, such as Andersonville (Georgia). Those camps were not, unfortunately, the only concentration camps to be constructed on American soil. When the United States entered the Second World War after Pearl Harbor in December 1941 it began to intern Japanese, German and Italian immigrants. The War Relocation Agency, created in March 1942, erected ten large internment camps in seven western states and by September of that year the army had placed in those camps over 110,000 Japanese-Americans. One must now concede that those camps, circled with barbed wire and guarded by armed soldiers, were nothing less than humanely-run concentration camps, as the U.S. President of that period incautiously admitted in a slip of the tongue. [103] Hence, it is clear that these concentration camps, similar in several ways to the infamous Nazi-run camps, were not established as places where genocide would be conducted. Therefore, the fact that the Nazis forced European Jews into them, and that a great many died therein, must not be seen as proof in itself of a genocidal Nazi intent.

Another of Marschalko's arguments supported by evidence was his insistence that in the immediate post-war period Dachau was intentionally misrepresented as having been an extermination complex which utilized homicidal gas chambers. Indeed, for over twenty years almost all scholars agreed that Jews and others were gassed in that camp, and ascribed to it a fatality total (from all causes) of 238,000, a figure which Marschalko totally rejected, and for a good reason:

... a memorial plaque was unveiled, the inscription on which says 238,000 persons were cremated here. But the crematorium had only two furnaces. In order to cremate the alleged 238,000 bodies, these furnaces would have to have been kept going for three years without ever stopping, and in this case about 530 tons of human ashes would have been recovered. [104] 

Actually, because of the techniques available in the 1940s, it took a minimum of almost two hours to cremate a corpse. Thus, it would have taken 9916 days, or twenty-seven years, for the two cremation ovens to dispose of 238,000 bodies. Moreover, the present writer carefully calculated this on the basis that the ovens were operating twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – something no cremation oven, even today, can do. [105]

99 / Ibid., p. l59.
100 / See below, pp. 263 ff.
101 / L. Amery (ed.), The Times History of the War in South Africa (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1907); Volume V (1907), pp. 252-253, 601f.; Volume VI (1909), pp. 24-25; Cf. also T. Pakenham, The Boer War (London: Cardinal, 1991. First published 1979), pp. 493-5, 501-502, 507-510, 554, 572, et al.
102 / M. Weber, "The Civil War Concentration Camps", The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1981, p. 137-153.
103 / For Roosevelt's statement (21 November 1944) about American "concentration camps", see R. Daniels, Concentration Camps USA: Japanese Americans and World War II (New York/ Chicago/San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972), p. 154.
104 / Marschalko, The World Conquerors, p. 156.
105 / See below, p. 217.


As Fred Leuchter, an American gas chamber engineer, pointed out when he inspected the Dachau'gas chamber' in April 1989, the Americans (and subjugated Germans) at first insisted that two or more gas chambers functioned in that camp. This claim was incautiously accepted by many historians, but within a few years they had revised their thinking and stated that there was only one. The problem was, Leuchter explained, that it would have been physically impossible for the one room still shown to tourists as having been a gas chamber to have functioned in that capacity. [106] In his informed opinion, the 'gas chamber' was constructed after the camp was liberated by the Americans on April 29, 1945, and it was, prior to then, nothing more than a harmless shower room. Additionally, it is now almost universally accepted by scholars that no homicidal gassings took place in that camp, and that the fatality total was no more than 30,000, mostly caused by the raging epidemics – including typhoid, typhus, diarrhea and dysentery – which resulted from the chaos in Germany created by the Allied saturation bombing. [107]

Marschalko's claims regarding Dachau have thus been proven to be essentially correct. Nonetheless, he made the major mistake of intimating that because the "gas chamber" in that camp was a post-war fabrication, all the alleged gas chambers in the many Nazi-run concentration and labour camps across Europe – including Auschwitz – must also have been fakes. As a result of that error of judgement he dismissed the possibility that those other camps had genuine homicidal gas chambers, and provided no analysis of the evidence for or against their existence. Hence, the principal physical evidence he provided against the allegation that millions of humans were gassed to death in chambers constructed for that task was the existence of a fabricated gas chamber in Dachau. This is one of the weakest points in his entire chapter on the Holocaust, and detracts from several of his other arguments particularly his insistence that the infamous phrase die Endlösung meant forced emigration, and was not, as commonly believed, a euphemism for 'extermination'. That view, forcefully argued by many Revisionists in the following decades, is only possible if it can be shown that the Nazis did not plan and attempt to exterminate Europe's Jews in gas chambers (or by a similarly effective method of mass execution), something Marschalko did not do.

As noted, although Marschalko's book was read in rightist and nationalist circles when it was first published, it did not have anything near the influence of Rassinier's far more thoughtful writings, probably because it appeared too polemical and biased against Jews, something the Frenchman's writings were not.

Surprisingly, considering that Revisionism had long existed in the United States as an important and ultimately influential school of historical thought (despite its inconsiderable following or acceptance in academia), American Revisionists were slower than their European counterparts to challenge received opinion on the Holocaust. Rassinier had been active in that field of study since the early 1950s, and had published several major Holocaust Revisionist works before the end of that decade (all of a scholarly nature) and Marschalko's considerably less scholarly work was published in 1958. Yet the only American works published before the mid-1960s which seriously challenged the verity of the Holocaust as it was then presented were combative and unscholarly propaganda tracts, containing no evidence upon which a sound argument could be based. Rather, these tracts, many written or published by American Nazis, contained overt attacks on Jews, who had – it was argued – invented all stories of Nazi atrocities. [108] Because many anti-Revisionists now insist that these senseless neo-Nazi works were early Revisionist publications, thereby 'proving' that Revisionism was indeed Nazi-inspired, a brief analysis of them will be undertaken.

One example of these early publications is The Diary of Ann Fink (published in 1961), a small booklet distributed by American Nazi groups, which began with the following dedication:

This booklet is dedicated to the hours of planning, the days of designing, the months of writing, and the grueling years of staging, acting and promoting, expended by the Jewish Hollywood script writers, actors and promoters, whose propaganda genius lies created for the world the colossal myth of the six million gassed Jews. To each individually staged atrocity photo, to each tear-jerking line of testimonial, to each tattoo kit, to each rubber body, stage prop, plastic tooth and catsup bottle – to International Latex and Meyer Levin – and to each Jewish

106 / See below, p. 239 ff.
107 / Cf. the "Dachau" entry in I. Gutman, (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (New York: Macmillan, 1990); F. Leuchter and R. Faurisson, "The Second Leuchter Report", The Journal of Historical Review, Volume Ten, Number Three, Fall 1990, pp. 261-322.
108 / Cf. The Big Lie: Who Told It? (Arlington, VA.: National Socialist White People's Party. 1961?) Meyer Levin was the Jewish author and playwrite who wrote the stageplay for the stage production of The Diary of Anne Frank.


costume designer, director, writer and actor- without whose combined talents the myth would have been utterly impossible we respectfully dedicate this booklet. [109]

The Holocaust was nothing more than well-orchestrated atrocity propaganda, if we are to believe the booklet. The piles of corpses shown in photographs were really carefully-photographed rubber dummies: the emaciated bodies of living camp inmates were really stage makeup and latex; the testimonies of survivors just contrived scripts. Of course, the contents of the booklet contain absolutely no evidence to support these allegations, and clearly it is not the author's intention [50] to persuade the unconverted – just to amuse the converted. The booklet consists only of a series of photographs showing scenes from concentration camps, with a 'humorous' caption under each written by George Lincoln Rockwell, the Commander of the American Nazi Party. For example, underneath a photograph (p. 13) of a very emaciated corpse protruding from the narrow mouth of a cremation oven, next to which are standing two prisoners, the caption states: "I asked for a cheap pad... but this is ridiculous." Underneath another photograph (p. 14), showing eight almost skeletal Jewish males lying on their crowded barrack bunks of bare wooden slats, and staring out with a look of despair in their eyes, is the caption: "Close the door you schmuck, you're letting out the gas!"

In 1965 a tract entitled The Six Myths was published and very widely distributed on the east coast of the United States. Written by Elisabeth Shepherd, this 8-page tract attempted to expose six "myths": 1) the myth that white people have oppressed the colored people of the world: 2) the myth that environment can make people progressive according to the opportunities it provides; 3) the myth that nationalism is the cause of wars: 4) the myth of anti-Semitism, and that the Jews are only a religious group; 5) the myth that Jesus was a Jew and that Christianity's roots are in Judaism: and 6) the myth that six million Jews were destroyed by Nazi Germany. Shepherd, in arguing that six million Jews were not murdered by the Nazi regime, provided no evidence but merely stated (in toto):

This is the greatest myth of all time. There is no authentic record of gas chambers built for the extermination of Jews. It is reported that between 14 and 16 million Jews have entered the U.S. illegally since the beginning of World War II. Most of those "6.000.000" Jews are in this country, many of them prospering in cheap, unstable construction in New York City. And while television, owned by Jews, shows films about "Nazi criminals", not one word is said about the Jews' part in the Soviet Revolution and the murder of the Christian Czar and millions of White Russians. [110]

That Shepherd's arguments contain nonsense is obvious. Firstly, her figures for how many Jews illegally entered the United States in the twenty years since World War II are inflated by over twelve million. Secondly, and more importantly, there was in 1965 ample evidence for the existence, in the Nazi concentration camps, of crematoriums for burning human bodies, including those of Jews. Also, whilst the evidence for the existence of gas chambers was not as plentiful or reliable as that for the crematoriums (or as it is today), in 1965 one could still argue with [51] sufficient evidence to build a sound case – which possibly would not stand in the light of recent Revisionist research – that homicidal gas chambers existed in several Nazi concentration camps to kill Jews and others.

Shepherd's tract was distributed by the National Renaissance Party, a National Socialist group based in Beacon, New York, and headed by James H. Madole, a Hitler devotee who had himself denied, since the early-1950s, that the Nazis attempted to exterminate Europe's Jews. For example, in the May 1953 issue of National Renaissance Bulletin he had written, in an article entitled "Adolf Hitler, the George Washington of Europe" that the Jews were to blame for Germany's pre-war woes and for her being thrust into a totally unwanted war. Additionally,

In a final burst of savagery and hatred the Jews manipulated the legalized torture and murder of Germany's top military, political and economic leadership at the infamous Nuremberg Trials ... Although the World Almanac attests to the fact that fewer than 600,000 Jews ever lived in Germany, the Jews persisted in their monstrous lie that Nazi Germany had cremated six-million of their co-racials.

No evidence was provided by Madole to support any of his abhorrent anti-Jewish allegations.

109 / The Diary of Ann Fink (Arlington, VA. : Hoax Busters Press. 1961?), p. 2. The present writer's copy contains the (rubber stamped) name and address of the distributor: the American Nazi Party, 928 North Randolph Street, Arlington, Virginia.
110 / E. Shepherd, The Six Myths (Printed by the National Citizens Union, New York, 1965. Distributed by the National Renaissance Party), pp. 7-8.


The National Renaissance Party featured prominently in a House of Representatives report on neo-fascist and -Nazi groups [111], which wrote of the party that its "program and propaganda... is virtually borrowed wholesale from the Fascist and Nazi dictators" [112] Whilst these anti-Nazi government reports on "un-American activities" should be regarded with a degree of skepticism and caution, for the same reasons that one would treat the similar 'reds-under-the-beds' reports from the McCarthy era with caution, the reliable and plentiful evidence provided in the report's appendices (pp. 20-29) allows one to conclude with certainty that the National Renaissance Party was indeed a Nazi party with pro-white and anti-Jewish sentiments.

In the same report on "un-American activities" is an expose of Common Sense, the semimonthly newspaper published in Union, New Jersey from June 1947 (until April 1972) by Conde McGinley, Sr. and his son of the same name. It was in the May 1, 1959 issue of this anti-Communist newspaper that Benjamin Freedman's article "Christians Duped by Unholiest Hoax in All History! "Big Lie" Technique Pushing U.S.A. to the Brink of World War III" appeared. In this article Freedman, a Jewish convert to Christianity and in that period one of the most outspoken critics of Zionism and Judaism, attempted to expose three major hoaxes: 1) the Jews are God's 'Chosen People'; 2) Jesus was a Jew; and 3) six million Jews were exterminated by the Nazi regime. However, Freedman provided nothing in the form of evidence to buttress his tendentious claims, particularly those regarding the non-existence of the alleged genocide. Whilst Common Sense was not a neo-Nazi newspaper, despite the conclusion to the contrary of the House of Representatives report, it did frequently publish articles of an anti-Judaic and anti-Zionistic (and even some of an anti-Jewish) nature.

Thus, despite the works mentioned only being a small percentage of those published, it is clear that Holocaust denial – the outright denial of almost all anti-Jewish atrocities by the Nazis, regardless of the weight of contradictory evidence – was the modus operandi of the authors. Some of these authors were neo-Nazis with the same hatred for Jews as many of the original Nazis. These worthless publications, however (and this is an important point), are entirely different in purpose, nature and style from the Holocaust Revisionist works of following years, which at least attempt to analyse rigorously and systematically all evidence for and against accepted opinion on the Holocaust. The latter works are revision on the basis of evidence, not denial on the basis of ideology.

In 1967 Holocaust Revisionism in the United States took a small step forward with the publication of The Myth of the Six Million [113] by an American history professor who chose to remain anonymous for fear of losing his teaching position. According to Willis Carto [114], who wrote the introduction to this work using the pseudonym "E. L. Anderson", the 119-page book's author was Professor David L. Hoggan (1923-1988). Hoggan was the author of Der erzwungene Krieg (The Forced War) [115], the 1961 Revisionist classic on the origins of the Second World War which has to date undergone thirteen reprints. He gained his Ph.D in history from Harvard University in 1948, held several important academic teaching positions and wrote numerous successful [53] historical works, most of them in German. Whilst he was politically conservative, there can be no suggestion that Hoggan was a Nazi, fascist or political extremist.

In The Myth of the Six Million Hoggan relied heavily on the writings of Rassinier and, aside from a rather detailed analysis of the position of Jews in Nazi Germany up to and during the Second World War, the book contains little that is original. As such, even a brief critique of it would be unnecessary, suffice to say that other Holocaust Revisionists have generally avoided quoting from it or citing it, whereas they frequently quote from or cite the works of Rassinier, several of which predate it by a decade. Further, whilst The Myth was reprinted in 1974, it has not been distributed for several years now by Noontide Press or, to the present writer's knowledge, any other publishers or book distributors.

111 / Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups, December 17, 1954. Prepared and released by the Committee on Un- American Activities, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington. D.C.
112 / Ibid., p. 5.
113 / Noontide Press, Los Angeles, 1969.
114 / Letter from Carto to the present writer, dated January 26, 1992, also SZTR, 23-5732.
115 / Der erzwungene Krieg (Tübingen: Verlag der Deutschen Hochschullehrer Zeitung, 1961). The book's main thesis that Germany was not solely responsible for the outbreak of hostilities in 1939 sparked off a rather heated and long-running debate in the letters
section of The American Historical Review, with several scholars, unfamiliar with some of the source material cited by Hoggan, even accusing him of fabricating or falsifying his evidence. See the book's review by Gerhard L. Weinberg in AHR, Volume LXVIII (October 1962 to July 1963) and the reaction to it in the five subsequent issues.


In late 1973 a small, 38-page booklet entitled The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses, by Professor Austin J. App, was published and very widely distributed by Boniface Press, the author's own publishing company. App (1902-1984) gained in 1929 his Ph.D in English literature from Catholic university, Washington, D.C., before commencing an outstanding academic career in which he published more than one thousand articles, columns and reviews as well as several books which received critical acclaim. Born the son of German immigrants, throughout his life he felt a sense of love for the 'mother" country, and was particularly upset by what he believed was a flood of anti-German propaganda following both world wars. His first Revisionist (but not Holocaust Revisionist) booklet was published in 1946, followed by very many more in the following decades. Additionally, he served from 1960 to 1966 as National Chairman of the much respected Federation of American Citizens of German Descent, after which he was honoured by being made the federation's permanent National Honorary Chairman.

His booklet The Six Million Swindle was the first work arguing against accepted opinion on the Holocaust to be published in the United States in the name of its author, who clearly was not afraid of being labeled an anti-Semite or racist. The booklet's basic theses are that the Nazis did not murder even one million Jews, let alone the accepted number of six million, and that the allegation they did is nothing more than anti-German atrocity propaganda exploited by Talmudic Jews to gain indemnities and support for Israel. For example, App stated on page three:

The Talmudists have from the beginning used the six million swindle to blackmail West Germany into "atoning" with the twenty billion dollars of indemnities to a bastard state that had not even existed during the era of the Third Reich. But not only has Israel blackmailed West Germany into subsidizing it, Israel and World Jewry have also blackmailed it with the figure of six million into paying pensions and indemnities to every Jew who survived Nazi-occupied Europe and millions who [54] after the war sneaked into West Germany from behind the Iron Curtain and then [p. 4] claimed to have suffered under the Nazis. Claiming such indemnities has probably produced the greatest heyday in history for Jews to commit perjury for one another, and for fraud and lying and cheating on a horrendous scale.... One can assume that every one of the 500,000 Jews in Israel who claim to have been in German concentration camps is bleeding Germany for indemnities.

As evidence of this Jewish exploitation of their alleged suffering, App quoted reliable newspaper reports of several cases where Jews had acted dishonestly to obtain indemnities from West Germany. However, whilst there have been numerous unrelated cases of Jewish reparation fraud, to state that these frauds have occurred on a "horrendous scale" and as the result of a Jewish conspiracy to defraud the German government, is preposterous and totally unsupportable.

App's booklet was written in an emotive and journalistic style, and certainly could not be considered dispassionate scholarship, despite the author's academic background. His own biases and prejudices are visible on almost every page, and these and his unguarded language in several places greatly diminish the force of his arguments. For example, after insisting that the Nazis did not rape thousands of Jewish women before murdering them, as has been claimed, App stated that the allegation is "such a shamefaced lie that anyone pronouncing it ought to choke on a wish-bone and die like a rat!". [116] In another place he stated that "Jews who spread such vindictive lies [about the extermination of Jews] ought to strangle themselves in their own guts – and save the world their venom!". [117]
Additionally, the evidence provided by App to support his arguments against accepted opinion on the Holocaust is weak and almost entirely of a secondary nature, being mainly quotes from various newspapers. It is quite inappropriate for the defence of such bold claims about recent historical events.

The most accurate and judicious way of summarizing his principal arguments is to quote his own succinct summary in toto:

First, the Third Reich wanted to get Jews to emigrate, not to liquidate them physically. Had they intended extermination, 500,000 concentration camp survivors would not now be in Israel to collect fancy indemnities from West Germany.

Second, absolutely no Jews were "gassed" in any concentration camps in Germany, and evidence is piling up that none were gassed in Auschwitz. There were crematoria for cremating corpses who had died from whatever cause, including especially also the victims of the genocide Anglo-American air raids.

Third, the majority of Jews who died in pogroms and those who disappeared and are still unaccounted for fell afoul in territories controlled by the Soviet Russians, not in territories while under German control.

116 / A. J. App, The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses (Takoma Park, Maryland: Boniface Press, 1973), p. 29.
117 / Ibid., p. 12.


Fourth, most of the Jews alleged to have met their death at the hands of Germans were subversives, partisans, spies, and criminals, and also often victims of unfortunate but internationally legal reprisals. One reason for my denouncing the Nuremberg prosecutors as lynchers is that they hanged Germans on ex post facto rules of their own!

Fifth, if there were the slightest likelihood that the Nazis had in fact executed six million Jews, World Jewry would scream for subsidies with which to do research on the question, and Israel would throw its archives and files open to historians. They have not done so. On the contrary they have persecuted anyone who tries to investigate impartially and even call him an anti-Semite. This is really devastating evidence that the figure is a swindle.

Sixth, the Jews and the media who exploit this figure have never offered a shred of valid evidence for its truth. At most they misquote Hoettl, Hoess, and Eichmann who spoke only occasionally of what they were in no position to know or to speak on reliably. Nor do the Jews themselves credit these witnesses as reliable even when they comment on what they could know, e.g., that the concentration camps were essentially work camps, not death

Seventh, the burden of proof for the six million figure rests on the accusers, not the accused. This is the principle of all civilized law. Proving true guilt is easier than proving true innocence. It is hardly possible for a man accused of cheating on his wife to prove that he did not cheat on her. Therefore the accuser must prove his charge. This responsibility the Talmudists and Bolsheviks have not accepted, and the brow-beaten Germans have rather paid billions than to dare to demand proof!

Eighth, obvious evidence that the figure of six million has no scientific foundation is that Jewish scholars themselves present ridiculous discrepancies in their calculations. And honest ones, whom we recognize by the fact that their co-racialists smear-terrorize them, and even beat them up, invariably lower the six million estimate by at least fifty per cent, to three million casualties from all causes, not those limited to Nazi executions.

Clearly, many of these arguments are totally unsustainable; the most irrational being the claim that the majority of Jews murdered were partisans, spies, subversives or criminals. Regardless of whether one believes in the wartime existence of gas chambers, one is forced by the overwhelming weight of evidence to recognize that the National Socialist government planned and implemented the brutal policy of deporting Jews from all over occupied Europe to labour camps and ghettoes in "the east" and that a very large number, including women, children and the elderly, died in the process. Additionally, as the Einsatzgruppen moved into Soviet territory behind the advancing front line troops, they killed – in their efforts to establish a "rough and ready" form of order and security – thousands of men, women and children, a sizeable percentage of whom were innocent Jews. The evidence for this is, again, both plentiful and reliable.

Whilst it is true that many Jewish organizations and individuals have attacked those who have attempted to revise received opinion on the Holocaust, this is not "really devastating evidence" [56] that they are trying to prevent those persons from uncovering a great and well-guarded secret – that six million Jews were not killed by the Nazis. The often-vicious and violent response of these Jewish groups to Revisionists (further evidence of which will be given below), whilst totally inappropriate and injurious to their case, is at least understandable. A very large majority of Jews sincerely believe accepted opinion on the Holocaust and have seen no reason to doubt it. That six million of their people were
murdered by the Nazis because of anti-Semitism appears to be an indisputable fact, having been documented very well by historians and survivors. Hence, those who deny or wish to revise the magnitude of this crime against their relatives, for whatever reasons, tire seen by Jews to be insisting that they have invented a monstrous lie from which to gain benefit.  Not only do they feel distressed and outraged that enormous crimes against their deceased relatives are being denied, but they also believe that the charge leveled against them by Revisionists is essentially the same as the "big lie" accusation leveled at them by Adolf Hitler (and repeated to the present day by many opponents of the Jews) in Volume I, Chapter X of his autobiographical, historical and philosophical treatise, Mein Kampf.

... in the big lie, ["in der Größe der Lüge"] there is invariably a certain factor of credibility; because it is always more easy to corrupt the great masses of a people in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or intentionally, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they fall victim more readily to the big lie than the small lie.... It would never enter their heads to fabricate such untruths, and they would believe it impossible that others could have the great cheek ["Frechheit "] to twist the truth so infamously.... From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can he exploited.... But one of the greatest minds that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for ever with a statement which is a fundamental truth. He [Schopenhauer] called the Jew The Great Master of Lies' ["die großen Meister der Lüge."]. Those who do not recognise the truth of that, or will not believe it, will never he capable of helping Truth to triumph in the world. [118]

118 / A. Hitler, Mein Kampf: Zwei Bände in einem Band, Ungekürzte Ausgabe (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Frz. Eher Nachf., GmbH, 1943), p. 252. Translated by [the] present writer.

Indeed, several Holocaust denial tracts – as opposed to Revisionist works – of the 1950s and 1960s did quote from or cite Mein Kampf in order to argue that the Holocaust was the Jews' "big lie", as can be seen in the titles of two already-mentioned discourses: The Big Lie: Who Told It? and Christians Duped by unholiest Hoax in All History! "Big Lie" Technique Pushing U.S.A. to the Brink of World War III. Curiously, several Jewish groups, realizing this, have turned the tables on Holocaust Revisionists by accusing them of using the propaganda technique of the "big lie".[119]

A reading of App's booklet makes two things apparent: 1) he clearly desired historical truth and an end to anti-German atrocity propaganda; and 2) he very much disliked the majority of Jews, and this frequently rendered him incapable of forming sound and impartial judgements on what constituted historical truths. Although he did laud the efforts of two or three "honourable" Jews who had challenged Holocaust orthodoxy, throughout the booklet he described Jews in extremely disparaging terms. On page five, whilst explaining why "Bolsheviks Support [the] Six Million Swindle" he casually noted that "most of the most vindictive Communists are also Jews". Whilst it is true that a large number of Jews were amongst those who inspired and undertook the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and that very many rose to high positions in the Soviet Union in the decades after, to state that the Jewish Bolsheviks were the "most vindictive" of all Bolsheviks, without providing evidence, is indicative of a prejudicial and malevolent attitude towards Jews.

This prejudice manifests itself again on page ten where he declared, in an explanation of the situation of European Jews immediately after the war, "When I visited Germany and Austria in 1949 I found them deluged with uncouth-looking Eastern Jews. They were arrogant to all Germans, they all seemed to engage in blackmarketing, and the German police seemed forbidden to touch them. They lied, cheated, and stole from Germans almost at will". Here it would appear that App was accusing Jews of an inherent dishonesty, an accusation he repeated two pages later, when he insisted "This [the allegation that the Nazis wanted to murder all Jews] is the kind of monstrous, barefaced lying of which only Communists and Jews are capable! Vindictive Jews seem intent on proving Christ right when he denounced Jews in language far harsher than Hitler ever applied to them, "You are of your father the devil...for he is a liar, and the father thereof (St. John, Ch. 8, V. 44)". Nonetheless, lying and cheating are not the only Jewish vices, if we are to believe App: "They now control the media and the money – and sex education and pornography... In short, they subvert our international standards and our Christian culture." (p. 13) Echoing this theme, he also published in the same year a small tract entitled Can Christianity Survive When the Jews Control the Media and The Money?

App's obvious biases do not, however, allow us to automatically discount his more rational theses on the Holocaust without at least submitting them to scholarly criticism. One could argue that doing so would be an act of academic prejudice, no better than App's religious/racial one.

App repeated his arguments against accepted opinion on the Holocaust in many other articles, booklets and books in the years before his death in 1984 [120]. Additionally, from 1979 until his death he served as a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Journal of Historical Review, published quarterly by the Institute for Historical Review. In fact, his last major public speech in the United States was presented at the first International Revisionist Conference, sponsored by this institute. That he became an editorial advisor for its journal is surprising in the light of the fact that almost all of App's Revisionist writings have been of a journalistic – as opposed to scholarly – nature, containing mainly specious arguments based on secondary source of vary-in" reliability. Whatever expertise he had in his own academic field, he was no historian.

119 / As can be seen, by way of illustration, in the title of Holocaust "Revisionism", Reinventing the Big Lie (New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1989).
120 / Cf. A Straight Look at the Third Reich: Hitler and National Socialism. How Right? How Wrong? (Takoma Park, Maryland: Boniface Press, 1974); Footnote on President Ford's Visit to Auschwitz (Takoma Park, Maryland: Boniface Press, 1975): Hitler-Himmler Order on Jews Uncovered (Reedy, WVa.: Liberty Bell, 1978); ""Holocaust": Sneak Attack on Christianity", The Liberty Bell, March 1978, pp. 9-17. et al.

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