of Revisionism as of 1993
Yoshua Shalev
Harwood and Butz
This state of affairs changed dramatically in early 1974 with the publication and wide distribution of
Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last [152], a 28
page, magazine-format booklet written by an Englishman under the name of Richard
Harwood. According to a slender biographical note on the last page, the author was:
a writer and specialist in political and diplomatic aspects of the Second World War. At present he is with the University of London. Mr. Harwood turned to the vexed subject of war crimes under the influence of Professor Paul
Rassinier, to whose monumental work this little volume is greatly
indebted. The author is now working on a sequel in this series on the main Nuremberg Trial. 1945-1946.
Indeed, the influence of Rassinier on this "specialist" is
apparent; this thin Revisionist booklet is essentially a condensation of the Frenchman's main writings
(almost to the point of plagiarism), combined with some commentary on Christophersen's experiences at Auschwitz and on Walendy's workon photographic
fraud. Because almost, nothing within the book is original, a discussion of the contents
would he superfluous, suffice to say that Harwood
152 / Richmond, Surrey: Historical Review Press, 1974.
combined the weightiest arguments of the abovenamed Revisionists to form a well-written but journalistic introduction to the
(early-1970s) Revisionist position on the Holocaust, touching on most important topics and lines of
In November 1974 British public reaction to Did Six Million Really Die? changed in a flash
from smouldering displeasure into a blistering inferno of anger and
opposition: the 'accelerant' [71] being an article by Colin Wilson, a popular British author and well known
personality, in that month's issue of Books and Bookmen. After reviewing two books on Adolf
Hitler, Wilson, unaware of the reaction it would cause, provided a brief critique of
Harwood's booklet, which he described in quite laudatory terms. [153]
Wilson wrote that whilst he expected "a piece of violent antisemitic
propaganda" the
booklet actually contained no overtly anti-Semitic or racist
statements. Rather, it was
written in a "reasonable and logical" tone. He also stated that he considered it correct of
Harwood to demand evidence for the horrific events that allegedly occurred
("Is there, then, any reason why we should be afraid to dig down until we get to the
truth?") and to submit all such evidence to a systematic and impartial
investigation. Whilst he did not deny that many Jewish people perished, Wilson then
intimated that the Nazis may not have murdered "six million"
Jews, and asked whether
perhaps the claim that they did is "another sign of the emotional historical distortions
that makes nearly all the books on Hitler so far almost worthless?" [154]
The reaction to Wilson 's review of Harwood's booklet was phenomenal. The editors of Books
and Bookmen were deluged with letters from outraged readers and were still publishing them
six months later. Undiluted vitriol flowed from the pens of almost all of these letter
For example, in the April 1975 issue appeared a letter by Dr. R. Wistrich which
I was appalled to see Mr. Colin Wilson lending respectability to Richard Harwood's hideous
whitewash of Nazism – Did Six Million Really Die? ... The grotesque inaccuracy of Mr.
Harwood's pamphlet is only matched by the mind-boggling spectacle of a well-known author
praising its reasonable and logical tone ... Why does Colin Wilson go to the lunatic fringe
for his information, especially on a matter like this? ... What Mr. Wilson has done is to
turn the Nazis into innocent victims of a devilish Jewish conspiracy, which invented a
fictional holocaust. Is there any assertion which could be more patently
sick, perverted
and evil, yet Colin Wilson finds it all reasonable and logical. [155]
A similar letter from the next issue reads in part:
To our knowledge, no intellectual of any standing in Germany, France, Britain or the United
States has publicly associated himself with this Goebbelsian lie until Colin Wilson's
defence of it in the columns of Books and Bookmen. Nor are we aware of any periodical or
newspaper that is not openly propagating Neo-Nazi ideas or ever providing a forum for
Neo-Nazi propaganda. It is therefore with a feeling of disbelief and horror that we findbooks and
bookmen, a publication that would be the first to suffer in a Hitlerian
provide a forum for brazen and cynical propaganda aimed at whitewashing Hitler and the
Third Reich. [156]
It was possibly hypocritical of the writers of that letter to intimate that fascist
censorship of literature and literary appreciation is very wrong whilst they themselves
condemned the editors of Books & Bookmen – an apolitical,
areligious, and unationalistic
literary guidance magazine – for publishing a review of a book that they personally felt to
be objectionable.
However that letter, like many others, debated several points made by Harwood and provided
evidence that his booklet contained a myriad of errors, such as attributing to the founder
of political Zionism, Theodore Herzl (in his 1896 The Jewish State), the conception of
Madagascar as a national homeland for the Jewish people. [157] Harwood had continued by
insisting that Herzl's plans for that already inhabited island "had been a main plank of
the National Socialist party platform before 1933. [158] It was correctly pointed out in
several letters that Herzl had not mentioned Madagascar as a possible
Jewish homeland in The
153 / C. Wilson, "The Fuehrer in Perspective",
Books and Bookmen, November 1974, pp.
154 / Ibid., p. 31.
155 / Books and Bookmen, April 1975, pp. 7-8. Wilson had not mentioned a Jewish conspiracy.
156 / Letter signed by R. Ainsztein, T. Allen, Philip Jacobson, Sydney Jacobson, Phillip
Knightley, Alan Sillitoe, in Books and Bookmen, May 1975, p. 5.
157 / Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 3.
158 / Ibid., p. 3.
Jewish State or any other publication. [159] Finally, the possibility of expelling Jews to Madagascar was not seriously investigated by the Nazi
government until 1940, and was certainly not considered "a main plank" of the party
platform even in that year. [160]
Another of the many errors pointed out was Harwood's misquoting of Benedikt
Kautsky, an
Austrian Socialist Jew who, according to Harwood, is supposed to have written on pages
272-3 of his book Teufel und Verdammte (Devil and Damned, Zurich 1946) that "I was in the
big concentration camps [including Auschwitz]. However. I must establish the truth that in
no camp at any time did I come across such an installation as a gas
chamber" [161]. In
actual fact, what Kautsky wrote on those pages was: "I should like to include here a brief
mention of the gas chambers. Although I did not see them myself, they were described to me
by so many different people in a credible fashion that I have no hesitation in rendering
the description herein." The difference [73] between Harwood's quote and the original text
are obvious. This inexcusable error exemplifies the Englishman's overall low standard of
Despite the seriousness of the error it would appear, nonetheless, that Harwood did not
intend to deceive his readers by misquoting Kautsky. In fact, he had probably never seen a
copy of Teufel und Verdammte, and copied the incorrect Kautsky quote from the
aforementioned book by Thies Christophersen, who had himself copied it from the books of
earlier Revisionists who were responsible for the original misquoting. [162] On several
other occasions Harwood made similar errors – copying quotations from secondary sources
without actually seeing the originals. For example, he repeated the error Rassinier made in
stating that Raphael Lemkin, in his 1943 book Axis Rule in Occupied
Europe, made "the first
accusation against the Germans of the mass murder of Jews in war-time Europe". [163]
Although the, errors (which do not in all cases affect his central
thesis) indicate that
the scholarship of Harwood and several previous Revisionist pioneers was very poor in
places, they do not necessarily indicate malice or deliberate falsification of
After the first attacks on Wilson's intellectual freedom and integrity appeared in
and Bookmen, Wilson felt a need to defend himself against the charges of neo-Nazism and
anti-Semitism, and he accordingly published a letter of defence in the February 1975
Insisting again that the Holocaust was not a sacrosanct subject, but an alleged historical
event that should be studied without bias or fear of persecution, he countered the
defamatory allegations that he was anti-Semitic or neo-fascist by writing
"Now although I
am certainly anti-Nazi, and in no sense anti-Jewish, I am, with all my
instincts, deeply
pro 'objectivity'. [164]
His claims of "objectivity", however, did not appease the offended letter
writers. Even
Simon Wiesenthal entered the war of words with a letter that appeared in the April 1975
issue of Books and Bookmen. It was in that short letter that he made his widely-quoted
concession that "there were no extermination camps on German soil". [165]
One fact pointed out in most letters to the magazine was that Historical Review Press, the
publishers of Harwood's booklet, had direct links to the National Front, a very right-wing
British political party with pronounced pro-white, anti-immigration
views. That 'discovery' was actually made (many months before Wilson chose to review Harwood's
booklet) by Andrew
Fyall of The Daily Express in a highly critical expose of Harwood that appeared in that
newspaper on June 17, 1974. Fyall had visited the publisher's address, only to find that it
was just a forwarding address. Its absentee landlord was Robin
Beauclair, an associate of
159 / An English translation of
The Jewish State can be found in A. Hertzberg, (ed.), The
Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis and Reader (New York: A Temple Book, Atheneum, 1951), pp. 204-226. Madagascar is not mentioned.
160 / Cf. C. R. Browning, "Nazi Resettlement Policy and the Search for a Solution to the
Jewish Question, 1939- 1941". German Studies Review, Volume 9 (1986), pp. 497-519 (esp. pp. 511-12).
161 / Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 14.
162 / The incorrect quotation appeared in T. Christophersen, Die Auschwitz
Lüge, p. 5.
Christophersen probably copied it from Heinz Roth, who quoted this alleged statement by Kautsky repeatedly in his books and booklets, or
from Franz Scheidl, who made the same
error in Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands, Volume IV, p. 53.
163 / Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 7. Also see above, p. 39. Previous to
Lemkin's book there was, for example, the Joint Allied Declaration of December 17, 1942, which accused the "German authorities" of
conducting a "bestial policy of coldblooded
extermination" of Europe's Jews. The Declaration, signed by eleven nations, was read in the
British House of Commons and published worldwide in newspapers. Cf. The New York
Times, December 18, 1942, pp. 1 and 10.
164 / Letter from Wilson in Books and Bookmen, February 1975, p. 6.
165 / Letter from Wiesenthal, Books and Bookmen, April 1975, p. 5.
the National Front, who allegedly stated (according to Fyall)
that "The story of six million Jews being slaughtered is a total
myth. Our purpose is to
sweep aside all the Jewish propaganda of the past". The Daily Express
article also noted
that whilst Harwood claimed to be "at present with the University of London", that
University had never heard of him. [166]
Indeed, as was later brought to light and widely publicised in an attempt to discredit him
[167], "Richard Harwood" was a pseudonym used by Richard Verrall, a British journalist with
connections to far right political organizations, who became – in February 1976 – the
editor of the National Front's newspaper, Spearhead. Whereas Mark Weber
(one of the most
outstanding Revisionist Historians in the United States) testified at the 1988 trial of
Ernst Zündel [168] that Verrall had graduated from the University of London with high
honours [169], the university informed the present writer that they had no record of him
either teaching or studying there. [170]
Notwithstanding, Harwood's theses should not be automatically disregarded because
his political views are offensive to many. His theses should be studied and judged
according to their merits or demerits, and refuted, if possible, in a thoughtful and
scholarly manner. Few of Harwood's opponents [171], however, have shared these
views. Instead, since the publisher's connections tothe National Front were revealed in 1974
(even before Harwood's identity became known) his opponents have maligned him repeatedly
for his alleged "Nazism", pointing out many of his minor
errors, but not attempting
seriously to disprove his principal theses. [172]
The furor over his booklet was not limited to magazines, journals and academic
Almost as soon as it was published it became an underground 'best
seller', causing Jewish
organizations and disturbed and angry individuals – even some former concentration camp
internees – to express their disgust publicly, such as by writing letters to Members of
Parliament (who had each, incidentally, been sent a free copy by the
author) and to the
editors of local newspapers. [173] Regardless – or perhaps because – of the public
controversy, the distribution of the booklet could not be stopped. By November
1979 hundreds of thousands of copies had reportedly been distributed in forty countries [174], and in languages including
Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, Swedish, Finnish, French, German
and Polish.
In Britain, after copies of Did Six Million Really Die? were posted to the heads of historydepartments and
libraries, the Jewish Board of Deputies sent out a warning to every
educational authority in the nation about the booklet's contents. Even the Under-Secretary
for Education considered it necessary to involve himself in the
controversy, condemning
the booklet in Parliament. owever, despite pressure from Jewish
organizations, no legal
action was taken in England to prevent the further publication and distribution of the
booklet, because of the limitations of the now replaced Race Relations Act 1965, and
because Sam Silkin, the Attorney General, insisted that a legal prosecution would only
provide "undesirable publicity for the author's unsavoury views". [175]
166 / The University of London similarly told the present writer that "Richard Harwood is
not, and never has been, associated with the University of London in any capacity." Letter
from H. Kneeshaw, University Information Officer, dated December 5. 1989.
167 / Cf. Searchlight, Issue 31, p. 4: Patterns of Prejudice, September/October 1977, p.
19; C. C. Aronsfeld, "Debauchers of the Truth: How the Facts of the Holocaust Are
Distorted", Jewish Frontier, June/July, 1978, pp. 9-13; New
Statesman, September 7, 1979,
October 5, 1979. November 2, 1979, July 17, 1981; L. Dawidowicz, "Lies About the
Holocaust", Commentary, p. 34; et al.
168 / Zündel is a German-Canadian Revisionist who was charged with violating Canada's
'false news' laws by publishing his own edition of Harwood's booklet. He was tried and
convicted in 1985, but in 1987 Ontario's Court of Appeal ordered a re-trial. He was retried
in 1988 and was again convicted. In 1990 the Court of Appeal rejected his petition. He took
his case to the Supreme Court of Canada, which in August 1992, much to the horror of
Canadian Jewry which had been seeking Zündel's imprisonment or deportation back to
Germany, struck down as unconstitutional the 'false news' law. Zündel's legal battles, which he finally won after more than a decade, attracted international media
attention. Rather than Zündel being on trial, it was almost as if the Holocaust itself was on
trial. Revisionist historians, including Robert Faurisson, David Irving and Mark Weber, appeared for the defence and challenged the accuracy of accepted opinion on the Holocaust. Orthodox historians, notably Raul Hilberg and Christopher Browning, appeared for the prosecution
and defended accepted opinion.
169 / Cf. SZTR, 23-5725.
170 / "... there is no trace in the records of the university of an individual with the
surname Verrall being, or having been, associated with the University of London in any
capacity." Letter from H. Kneeshaw, dated January 8, 1990.
171 / The present writer recognises the author's right to use a pseudonym, regardless of
the reason, and when discussing his booklet and reactions to it, will refer to him by the
name Harwood.
172 / One of the first such articles was "Harwood's Distortion of Holocaust Facts",
Patterns of Prejudice, May/June 1975, pp. 25-27. Cf. also the publications listed in
footnote 167.
173 / To list just a few from one newspaper, cf. The Daily
Telegraph, December 17, 1974,
December 30, 1974, January 30, 1975, February 26, 1975.
174 / Gitta Sereny quoted Robin Beauclair giving the figure of "almost a million" copies
distributed before November 1979, in her article "The Men Who Whitewash Hitler",
Statesman, November 2, 1979, p. 670.
175 / Quoted in the Jewish Chronicle (London), October 2, 1974.
In South Africa the popularity of the booklet prompted the very worried South African
Jewish Board of Deputies to seek to have it prohibited in that nation. In late 1976 the
South African government agreed that the booklet was "harmful", and placed a total ban on
it. The Board of Jewish Deputies was not propped to rest at that, and a year later
published a book that purported to refute Harwood's theses: Six Million Did Die: The Truth
Shall Prevail, by Arthur Suzman and Denis Diamond. [176] Another year later a second
edition of this work was published.
This 139-page, illustrated book is to date the most detailed critique of Harwood's
and superficially appears to be well researched and written. Almost all of the Englishman's
errors were correctly pointed out, as they were by his previous
detractors. However, when
the book is carefully analysed it becomes obvious that the level of the
authors' own
scholarship is low. Many of their arguments in defence of accepted opinion on the Holocaust
are weak and unsustainable. To provide just a few examples: they repeated the
now-discredited testimony of Rudolf Vrba, a former Auschwitz internee who stated that he
personally counted the number of Jews gassed at that camp to he 1.750,000 – of
which 150,000 were French Jews. It is now accepted, however, that only 75,781 Jews were deported from France to
all camps, very many of whom survived the war. They also quoted at
length Nuremberg Document 3311-PS which states that the Germans murdered Jews en masse at
Treblinka not in gas chambers, as is now stated by historians, but by steaming them to
death in thirteen "steam chambers". For many years no reputable historian has believed this
strange tale, yet Suzman and Diamond presented it as factual. They also insisted – and presented as evidence testimonies that have long been discredited – that mass gassings
occurred at camps where it is agreed by more cautious historians that no people were
killed in gas chambers, such as Dachau. One must concede that, all in all, the
well-intended book has almost no value as historical evidence and does not warrant a more
detailed analysis.
In 1978 another Revisionist booklet – Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials [177] –
appeared under Harwood's name. which caused further controversy in
Britain. This 70-page booklet, however, whilst briefly touching on the subject of the alleged genocide of
deals primarily [with] the cases of the main defendants at the International Military
Tribunal and subsequent war crimes trials, including that of Eichmann in 1961. As large
sections of this booklet appear to have been copied from The Hoax of the Twentieth
a critique at this point is unnecessary.
Before our analysis moves from Harwood, another relevant point could be
made. AlthoughRichard Verrall was the first to use the pseudonym 'Richard
Harwood', several
Revisionists in the late 1970s – Udo Walendy in particular also adopted that pseudonym to
publish their books under. They knew that the large circulation of Did Six Million Really
Die? guaranteed them a more receptive marketfor their publications. For
instance, under
that pseudonym Walendy published in 1977 his Der Nürnberger Prozess – Methoden und Bedeutung ("The Nuremberg Trials: Methods and
Significance") [178], a critical study of the
International Military Tribunal and of the text of Herman Göring's purported letter to
Winston Churchill written shortly before the former's suicide. This booklet by Walendy had
the additional subtitle of Historische Tatsache Nr. 3 (Historical Fact No. 3), obviously
intended to make it appear as if it is part of the same series as Harwood's
Did Six Million
Really Die?, which carried the subtitle "Historical Fact No. 1".
Indeed, Walendy has
written approximately three dozen books in the Historische Tatsache
series, under his own name, many of them dealing with aspects of accepted opinion on the Holocaust. [179]
Walendy's booklets were, and continue to be, widely circulated in German
speaking nations. There
176 / A. Suzman and D. Diamond,
Six Million Did Die: The Truth Shall Prevail (Johannesburg:
Committee of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 1977).
177 / Southam, Warks: Historical Review Press, 1978. Mark Weber told the present writer
(letter and notes, dated 2 August 1992) that, as he recalled, "the real author of this 2nd
"Harwood" booklet was really David McCalden." For
McCalden, see below, pp. 147-149.
178 / R. Harwood, Der Nürnberger Prozess – Methoden und Bedeutung (Vlotho/Weser: Verlag für
Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, 1977).
179 / Some of the early works in the "series" that are directly relevant to this study
U. Walendy, Die Methoden der Umerziehung (Richmond, Surrey: Historical Review Press, 1976),
1979, English translation: The Methods of Reeducation (Vlotho/Weser: Verlag für
Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, 1979) The following were all published by Verlag für
Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho/ Weser: – Der Verrat an Osteuropa (Nr. 3),
published 1977, U. Walendy, and W. Stäglich, NS-Bewältigung – Deutsche Schreibtischtäter
(Nr. 5), published 1979, U .Walendy, Der moderne Index (Nr. 7), published 1980 – ,
Holocaust nun unterirdisch? ("Holocaust Now Underground?") (Nr. 9), published 1981. This
book analyses some of the aerial photographs of Auschwitz released by the CIA in 1979. See
above, p. 60 n. 124. Udo Walendy has also published at least one book that is not in the
series, namely Auschwitz im IG Farben Prozess –
Holocaust-"Dokumente"? ("Auschwitz in the
I.G. Farben Trial") (Vlotho/ Weser: Verlag für Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, 1979),
a central point of which is that none of the engineers who worked at the immense Farben
plant at Auschwitz heard of Jewish exterminations before May 1945.
Holocaust Revisionism is growing in acceptance, partly due to the
efforts of Walendy, Stäglich, Christophersen and other Revisionists, but also to the
efforts of several nationalistic newspapers and journals, including Deutsche National
Zeitung and Nation Europa, which have chosen to champion Revisionism despite the risks of
The cost of this growth in popularity, however, was the increased effort of the West German
government to curtail it. More and more Revisionists were routinely slandered as Nazis and,
even worse, anti-Semites. Increasingly more Revisionist works were placed – as had been
Stäglich's – on the 'index' of the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende
thereby essentially robbing citizens of their right to form intellectually independent
views on a period of their recent history. These books included the German translations of
Harwood's Did Six Million Really Die? ("Starben Wirklich Sechs
Millionen?") and Professor Arthur Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century [180]
('indexed' in late 1978), and Udo
Walendy's 1964 Wahrheit für Deutschland ('indexed' in 1979).
The publication in 1976 of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century created a controversy in the
United States rivaling that caused by Harwood's in England over two years
earlier, raising
Butz to national notoriety. The author was and is still Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. His book
is without doubt the most carefully researched and argued single work of Holocaust
Revisionism and, as noted above, forms one 'testament' of the Revisionist bible
(the other
being Stäglich's The Auschwitz Myth). Due to the weight of the arguments contained within
these two publications, they will be discussed in a separate chapter
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century was initially published in Britain in May 1976, more than
a year before its first American publication. The publisher was the aforementioned
Historical Review Press (the nationalistic publishing house connected to the National
Front), which had its printing done by the Brighton-based firm of Tony Hancock. Not only
did the "Hancock family" – as detractors described this business – print Harwood's
booklets, but they alsoprinted Spearhead, the magazine then edited by Richard Verrall
[181], and numerous other right-wing publications. John Kingsley Reed, an ex-chairman of the National Front who personally designed the original cover of Butz's book
(showing a
swastika bisecting a star of David) and was involved in at least some of its initial
distribution, later stated that a copy of the book was sent to every member of the British
House of Commons, the money for the printing and posting– "roughly about £2-3,000" –
coming from "an Arab source". [182]
This does not necessarily mean, of course, that Butz himself possessed a fascist or
anti-Semitic ideology, shared the political views of his book's
publishers, or endorsed the
activities of Reed and his associates (such as sending copies to MPs). The far-right
publisher was not, it would seem, his first choice. The New York Times quoted him as
stating: "I had trouble finding a publisher for it, and finally went to Britain to the
Historical Review Press in Richmond after I found out they had published a pamphlet
entitled 'Did Six Million Really Die?' "[183] Yet even if Butz was a fascist and
anti-Semite, his sophisticated, seriously presented and meticulously documented arguments
would still have to be investigated in a dispassionate, scholarly manner before his work
could be discounted.
In Britain The Hoax of the Twentieth Century was treated by the public with the same
disgust as had been Harwood's booklet, with angry letters being written and Jewish groups
protesting at the publication of this latest example of "anti-Semitism" and
"hate literature". The London-based Institute ofJewish Affairs (an agency of the World Jewish
Congress) published a disparaging article on the book in
the November-December 1976 issue of Patterns of Prejudice, its journal
180 / A. Butz,
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (Ladbroke, Warwickshire: Historical Review
Press, 1976). Published in German as Der Jahrhundert-Betrug (Vlotho/Weser: Verlag für
Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, 1977). First United States edition by
Noontide Press, Torrance, 1978. All references herein to Butz's book will
be, unless
otherwise indicated, from the seventh U.S. printing (Costa Mesa: Institute for Historical
Review, 1985).
181 / Spearhead, although not the most widely read of the National Front
publications, had
substantial ideological significance within the ranks of the party. It expounded a
Revisionist position on most modern events and epochs, especially the Second World War, and
– particularly in the late 1970s and early 1980s – endorsed a Revisionist position on the
Holocaust. To give just a few examples: Spearhead 80 referred to the
"six million Jew myth"
which "the propaganda machines have seemingly embedded into the world
conscience" (p. 15).
Butz's book was reviewed in very laudatory terms in Spearhead 95, and in issue 108 Butz was
interviewed at length.
182 / Interviewed on The Other Face of Terror (Belboa Film
Productions, 1984). See below,
p. 285 ff.
183 / S. S. King, "Professor Causes Furor by Saying Nazi Slaying of Jews Is a Myth",
York Times, January 28, 1977, p. A10.
devoted to the
themes of multiculturalism, racism and anti-Semitism. Butz's book was also discussed in the
aforementioned South African publication, Six Million Did Die, although the Jewish authors
were clearly unable to refute his arguments as easily as they had
Butz traveled extensively to promote The Hoax, including a European tour in 1977 which was
partly sponsored by the nationalistic German organization, Deutsche Volksunion (DVU) [184,
which arranged several speaking engagements for him. Early in the same year the
National Zeitung, the DVU's widely circulated weekly newspaper, serialized portions of
Butz's book over several successiveissues. [185]
However, it was in the United States that the 'Butz affair' was most prominent,
particularly after the Daily Northwestern, the campus paper of Northwestern University
(where Butz taught), published in January 1977 an expose of Butz's
book, which had not yet
even been published in that country. The campus newspaper article was based on an article
that had appeared in the Jerusalem Post. Its appearance caused a flood of letters from
students and faculty members, almost all of them sharply critical of the beleaguered
professor and accusing him of anti-Semitism. Many even demanded his
resignation. Petitions
were circulated and signed by many students, faculty members and
others, demanding that the
university administration – which was highly embarrassed to discover that its professor of
electrical engineering had written such a book – take disciplinary action against Butz. The
furor was reported nationwide, and featured in an article in the influential
New York Times, which inaccurately referred to the book as
"The Fabrication of a Hoax."[186] Raymond
W. Mack, the university provost, was quoted in that article as stating that he agreed
with students and colleagues who believed that Butz's book had constituted a
insult to the dead and the bereaved." Further, he stated that under the First Amendment
Butz had the right to publish his book, but lamented that "its a shame when that right is
used to insult survivors of concentration camps."
It is clear, however, that at least in the early days of this controversy very few of the
outraged people, including university administrators (to their
discredit), had even seen a
copy of Butz's book, instead relying entirely on hearsay evidence. This suggests that they
considered any challenge to accepted opinion on the Holocaust to be anti-Semitic and
unacceptable. One example of this is a letter in the New York Times by a Professor Wolfe of
New York University, who, displaying a total disregard for intellectual
freedom, declared
that Northwestern University should bring Butz up on charges of "moral
turpitude" and "academic incompetence" for daring to write such a horrendous book as
"Fabrication of a Hoax". [187] If Wolfe had ever seen a copy of Butz's
book, he would have known
that the title was The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. Obviously he had read the
New York
Times article of January 28, which had erroneously referred to the book as
"Fabrication of
a Hoax", and had not seen the book itself. Thus, his own "academic
incompetence" sadly
became apparent.
The result of the controversy, which continued for several months, was a decision by the
academic authorities at Northwestern University not to initiate proceedings against Butz.
However, they did issue public statements denouncing his book and distancing themselves
from any anti-Semitism. They also decided – partly to appease "Jewish contributors
threatened to withhold their financial support" [188] – to sponsor a series of lectures
entitled "Dimensions of the Holocaust", which presented accepted opinion on that
Those lectures, "delivered by three Jews and a philo-Semite" [189], were organized by the
history department of the university and the (Jewish) Hillel
Foundation. The latter
organization also sponsored a full page statement condemning Butz and his
book, which was
published in the Daily Northwestern. [190] This statement was signed by approximately half
the university faculty, which can only be considered a disgrace in the light of the fact
that almost none of them had seen a copyof the book or even read
184 / See below, pp. 284-285.
185 / For example, see "Der Schwindel des 20. Jahrhunderts: Das Ende der 6-Millionen-Lüge,
von Prof. Dr. Arthur R. Butz" ("The Hoax of the 20th century; the end of the six million
lie"), National Zeitung February 18, 1977, et al.
186 / S. S. King, S. S., "Professor Causes Furor".
187 / New York Times, February 4, 1977, p.A22.
188 / The quote is from Lucy S. Dawidowicz, "Lies About the Holocaust",
Commentary, p. 34.
189 / Ibid., p. 34. Dawidowicz was one of the three Jewish lecturers. Elie Wiesel, the
'heavyweight champion' of Holocaust orthodoxy, was another.
190 / Daily Northwestern, March 30, 1977, p. 5.
The controversy gradually died down, although the Revisionist professor has continued to
exercise his right to express his views on the Holocaust, both at Northwestern university
and elsewhere. An interesting offshoot of the 'Butz affair' was the furor that erupted in
Australia in February 1979. It was discovered that John Bennett, a civil rights lawyer and
secretary of the reputable Victorian Council for Civil Liberties, had sent to several
academics in Melbourne a complimentary copy of Butz's The Hoax. An accompanying letter
(not intended for a public readership) summarized what Bennett considered to be the book's
thirteen principal arguments, and included an invitation for critical comment. After the
letter was 'leaked', Bennett suddenly found himself accused of anti-Semitism by Rabbi
John Levi, the honorary secretary of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry. [191] This
charge was echoed by numerous media commentators, who were further offended by Bennett's decision to champion the civil liberties of 3CR, a far-left Melbourne radio station. 3CR
had broadcast anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian statements on several occasions, causing theVictorian Jewish Board of Deputies to request the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal to
investigate what they considered to be "anti-Semitism". In response Bennett had written an
article in the December 1978 issue of Civil Liberty, the newsletter of his civil liberties
organization, and had a letter published in the January 22, 1979 issue of
The Age. In both
publications he argued that the Palestinian viewpoint was being suppressed, and noted that Australian Jews, by attempting to stifle all criticism of Zionism, Israel or Jewish interests, had imposed a form of "political censorship". That censorship, he continued,
"effectively banned" works revising accepted opinion on the Holocaust.
Bennett published in 1979 a small booklet on the Holocaust, and began distributing a
pamphlet by Robert Faurisson, a French Revisionist. He also attended, in September of that
year, the First International Revisionist Convention in Los Angeles. These activities, his
defence of Butz, and his letter writing to newspapers caused an angry, at times almost
hysterical, response. Publications across Australia [192] (and some in Europe and the
United States [193]), when describing his activities, referred to him as a"Holocaust
denier", "neo-Nazi", "anti-Semite" and other even worse titles. He was also featured on
several television programmes, where he was generally criticized and condemned for his
views. He thus became a liability to his civil rights organization. Although Dr. Alan
Hughes, the President of the Victorian Council for Civil Liberties, initially defended his
freedom of speech, in 1980 Bennett was suspended and removed from his position as Secretary
of that organization, a position he had held since 1966, when the organization was formed.
The irony is noteworthy: a defender of civil liberties and free expression was
[83] expelled from a civil liberties union precisely because he exercised his right to free
In 1980 Bennett established the Australian Civil Liberties Union, of which he has been the
president every year since its formation. He has continued to defend with zeal and
sincerity the civil liberties of all Australians, and to publish annually
Your Rights, a
small and very widely read handbook on civil and legal rights, first published in 1970. He
is also still reproached and insulted for his continued promotion of Holocaust Revisionism
[194], and is considered (by both detractors and supporters) to be the foremost Revisionist
in Australia. Further, by including since 1983 a small amount of Revisionism in each issue
of Your Rights, he is the only author in the world to publish a book containing Holocaust
Revisionism which is available throughout the year from most newsstands in the country.
To sum up briefly, it has been shown that Holocaust Revisionism had its origins in the
postwar writings of Paul Rassinier, a left-wing libertarian who aided Jews during the war
and suffered alongside them at the hands of the Nazis in two of their concentration camps.
His writings contain a number of errors of fact and judgement, most of them minor but some
major. He also produced several weighty arguments and sound conclusions, and these have
served as the foundation upon which most subsequent
Revisionists have built. Working
191 / Cf. J. Jost, " 'No Holocaust' Theory Starts Major Storm",
The National Times, Week
ending February 10,1979.
192 / Cf. The Age, February 16, March 3, 15, 17, 22, 24, April 14 (all 1979);
Review, May 31, 1979, June 28, 1979 (a 2,000 word letter by Bennett);
Quadrant, September
1979; Quadrant, October 1981 (which described Bennett as possibly being more evil
than Himmler and Pol Pot); Farrago 2/7 (1982); et al.
193 / For example, see New Statesman, September 7, 1979 (The article, entitled "Nazis",
referred to Bennett's Revisionism as "pathological ravings") (p. 332);
New Statesman,
October 5, 1979; P. Vidal-Naquet, Les Juifs, la mémoire et le présent
(Paris: Petite
Collection Maspero, 1980), p. 268; L. S. Dawidowicz, "Lies About the Holocaust"; et al.
194 / Cf. Sydney Morning Herald, July 25, 1985; "Harvest of Hate",
The Bulletin, April 4,
1989, pp. 42-49; The Australian Jewish News, July 27, 1990; Sunday Sun, August 12, 1990; W.
Rubinstein, "Profile: John Bennett"; Without Prejudice, No. 2, February
1991, pp. 47-51; et al.
ignorantly of each other, Revisionists in several countries began in the 1960s to challenge accepted opinion on the Holocaust with a few
tenable arguments, which were, nonetheless, considerably weaker and less sophisticated than
the Revisionist theses of today. Their works were mostly journalistic in style and lacked
highly-developed analysis.
By the middle of the 1970s Holocaust Revisionism was beginning to flourish. As a result of
the gradual refinement of the arguments of predecessors the standard of Revisionists'
scholarship had improved slightly. Their publications, replete with appendices and
footnotes to primary sources, at least appeared to contain impartial and thoughtful
investigations of evidence. Many Revisionists were still overly reliant on Rassinier, and,
by not submitting his sources and arguments to close scrutiny, some of them carelessly
repeated the Frenchman's inaccuracies or misinterpretations (as well as making a number of
their own). But they also investigated new sources [84] and arrived at fresh – and often
more plausible – interpretations, and thus managed to take the debate farther. In the next
chapter, which focuses on the writings of Butz and Stäglich – who represent Holocaust
Revisionism's 'coming of age' – we shall see just how far the debate has been
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