Biographisches Lexikon des Revisionismus

Biographical Encyclopedia of Revisionism


Bradley R. Smith

Free speech activist and director of the 'Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust', * 1930

Sm. was raised in South Central Los Angeles in the 1930s and 40s. He is a combat veteran (Korea, 7th Cavalry, where he was twice wounded), has been a deputy sheriff (Los Angeles County), a bull fighter (Mexico), a merchant seaman, and was in Saigon during the Tet offensive of 1968 as a freelance writer. 

His life changed at the age of 49 on the day he read an article by Robert Faurisson entitled 'The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or The Rumor of Auschwitz.'" Since 1983, Sm. is active in the field of revionism. In 1987, he founded a group called the ' Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust' CODOH. CODOH has repeatedly placed newspaper ads questioning whether the Holocaust happened, especially in college campus newspapers. During the early 1990s, CODOH's ad campaign attracted national controversy. By 1993, Sm. had appeared on more than three hundred radio and television shows, in order to decriminalize 'holocaust history'. 

Later Sm. published a book ' Break His Bones: Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist'. In 1998 Sm. announced a $100,000 (later increased to $250,000) cash award for anyone who could arrange a prime time network broadcast of a video of David Cole on Auschwitz and a debate with a representative of the Anti-Defamation League, without success. 

In June 2007, the film "El Gran Tabu" ("The Great Taboo") by Sm. was presented at the festival "Corto Creativo 07" in Mexico. In February 2008, Sm. asked on the 'History News Network' (HNN), the 'Website for historians by historians' , that someone should give him the name of one person, with proof, who had been killed in a gas chamber at Auschwitz. No one tried to answer it. Then, Sm. asked Professor Deborah Lipstadt, a key spokesperson for the orthodox 'holocaust' history on the American campus. She did not respond. 

In a 6 min ' Flashpoint interview' of 16 March 2007 , Sm. critically examined the Israel lobby and the central role played by 'The Holocaust' in the Zionists' colonizing Palestine and in driving America's militant policies in the Middle East. Critics of Smith argue that the U.S. did the same as Israel, starting a new country and displacing the natives. Sm. is a partisan of free speech.

Sm. has been married to a Mexican woman for 30 years, there are two children, and now two grandchildren. Sm. argues that the German WMD (gas-chamber) question should be examined in the routine manner that all other historical questions are examined. He argues that the 'holocaust' is not a Jewish story, but a story of Jews and Germans together. Those who want to challenge the concept of the unique monstrosity of the Germans should be free to do so. Sm. believes it is morally wrong, and a betrayal of the Western ideal of intellectual freedom, to imprison writers and publishers who question publicly what privately they have come to doubt. 
Anschrift von / Address of Sm.:  Baja Norte : Mexiko

Werke von / Works of Sm.: 
'Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist'
* Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust CODOH
* Bradley Smith's New Blog

Literatur über / Writings concerning Sm.: 
Revisionist portrait
ADL portrait

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 05.08.2009 

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