Auteur, * 1940 in Corrèze
is a former affected administrator of Telecommunications with France Telecom. In retirement since July
2000, he was regional adviser (the Rhone-Alps) National front of 1998 to 2004.
Th. was condemned in 2001 by the Court of Appeal of Grenoble for dispute of crimes against Humanity
(law “Gayssot”) at three months of suspended sentence and 50.000 francs of
fines. Under the name of Gilbert Dubreuil, he published "Case of
insubordination", a booklet on how one becomes revisionist which denies the use of the gas chambers by the Nazis to exterminate the
Juifs. He concluded that there was “the radical impossibility of a process of extermination of mass in the buildings and to the alleged
places”. On October 7th 2005, Th. was condemned in first authority by the
magistrates' court of Limoges to 6 months of imprisonment and 30.000 euros of fine. The audience of call took place the February 3rd 2006 and the judgment in call confirmed the first
judgment. It decided to be provided in cassation.
To have denied the existence of the gas chambers in front of a journalist of TV8 Mont Blanc on October 14th, 2004
he was condemned the January 3rd 2006 to six months of imprisonment for remarks falling under the
'Loi Gayssot' which represses the Revionism. Th. is the first condemned to imprisonment within the framework of this
von / Address of Th.:
Werke von / Works of Th.:
Literatur über
/ Writings concerning Th.:
im Katalog der Deutschen
Nationalbibliothek von und über /
in the catalogue of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
of and about:
Georges Theil
Letzte Änderung / Last update: 02.07.2008