Gr. holds an Associate Arts degree in liberal arts, and a Bachelor of Science degree in physics, with a concentration in chemistry and minor in history, from John Carroll University in Cleveland,
Ohio. He received a scholarship for his work in chemistry, and is a member of the Phi Alpha Theta history honor
wrote: "Many revisionists, such as myself, are intellectual critics of the enormous power and influence that the Jewish community yields throughout the Western World. We critique the traditional view of the Holocaust because we believe it to be an outrage against the truth, and we are sick and tired of seeing it being used as an ideological battering ram against non-Jewish people, such as Christians and Europeans in general. We are sick and tired of seeing it being used to "justify" the oppression and dispossession of Palestinian
Arabs. - Responsible Holocaust revisionists are quick to point out that Nazism did indeed commit atrocities against Jews, but we are also quick to point out that the Holocaust ideology has been greatly exaggerated. By showing people the truth about the Jewish experience in
WWII - that is, by stripping away the false propaganda and mythology - we hope to bring more peace and understanding to the
* Paul Grubach: The Chemical & Toxicological Impossibility Of The Auschwitz Gas Chamber Legend

* Paul Grubach at Press TV (Iran): "Holocaust revisionists and the hypocrisy of the French government"

* Paul Grubach Writes To Amnesty International for Germar Rudolf 
Letzte Änderung / Last update: 04.10.2008