of Revisionism as of 1993
Yoshua Shalev
Major Works
Augstein, R., Bracher, K. D., Broszat, M. et. al. (articles by), »Historikerstreit« Die
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App, A. J., No Time For Silence; Pleas for a Just Peace over Four Decades. A Collection of
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Barraclough, G., An Introduction to Contemporary History (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968)
Bauer, Y., A History of the Holocaust, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University
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Id., (ed.), Present Day Antisemitism (Jerusalem: Vidal Sassoon International
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Bennett, J., Your Rights 1991, Eighteenth Edition (A Publication of the Australian Civil
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Benz., W., Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteile: Ein Lexikon zur Zeitgeschichte (Verlag Moos &
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Billing, M., Fascists: A Social Psychological View of UK National Front (London/New
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York/London: Holmes and Meier, 1985)
Bullock, A., Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Revised Edition (London: Pelican Books, 1962.
First published 1952)
Burg, J. G. (pseudonym for Josef Ginsburg), Schuld und Schicksal (Munich: Damm-Verlag,
Id., NS-Verbrechen - Prozesse des schlechten Gewissens (Munich: Verlag G.
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Id., Sündenböcke (Munich: Verlag G. Fischer, 1967)
Butler, R., Legions of Death (London: Hamlyn, 1983)
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Christie, D., The Zündel Trial and Free Speech (Toronto: Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform
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Id., Auschwitz. (English translation of Die Auschwitz Lüge, 1973; original
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Hoggan, D. L., Der Unnötige Krieg, Second edition, 1977 (Tübingen: Grabert-Verlag, 1976)
Id., The Myth Of The 'New History': Techniques and Tactics or the
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Id., Hitler's War (1988 Papermac edition, London. First published 1977)
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Id., Nürnberg: die letzte Schlacht (Munich: Wilhelm Heyne, 1979)
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Kvam, R., "Among Two Hundred Survivors from Auschwitz", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal, Issue
no. III, Volume 28, Number 3, Summer 1979, pp. 283-292
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Review, Volume Ten, Number Three, Fall 1990, pp. 261-322
Leuchter, F. A., "Witch Hunt in Boston", The Journal of Historical Review, Volume Ten,
Number Four, Winter 1990-1991
Id., The Third Leuchter Report: A Technical Report on the Execution Gas
Chamber at Mississippi State Penitentiary, Parchman, Mississippi (Toronto:
Samisdat Publishers, 1989)
Id., The Fourth Leuchter Report: An Engineering Evaluation of Jean-Claude
Pressac's Book "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers"
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Lipstadt, D. E., "Deniers, Relativists, and Pseudo-Scholarship", Dimensions: A Journal of
Holocaust Studies, Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 4-9
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Prutschi, M., "Holocaust Denial Today" in Lipsitz, E. Y. (ed.), Canadian Jewry Today: Who's
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Stäglich, W., "'Der Auschwitz Mythos': A Book and Its Fate in the German Federal Republic",
The Journal of Historical Review, Volume Five, Number One, Spring 1984, p. 49
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Vidal-Naquet, P., "Un Eichmann de papier", Esprit, September 1980, pp. 8-52
Weber, M., "An Open Letter to the Rev. Mark Herbener", Journal of Historical Review, Volume
Eight, Number Two, Summer 1988, pp. 173-184
Id., "Buchenwald: Legend and Reality", The Journal of Historical Review,
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Id., "Jewish Soap", The Journal of Historical Review, Volume Eleven, Number
Two, Summer 1991, pp. 217-227
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Juif, No. 134, April-June 1989, pp. 45-53
Wilson, C., "The Fuehrer in Perspective", Books and Bookmen, November 1974, pp. 28-31
Pamphlets and leaflets
App, A. J., The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with
Fabricated Corpses (Takoma Park, Maryland: Boniface Press, 1973)
Auschwitz: A Crime Against Mankind (a booklet available to tourists at Auschwitz, Poland)
(Oswiecim: Auschwitz State Museum, 1985)
For The Dead And The Living We Must Bear Witness (Washington, D.C.: Information booklet
published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 1990)
Memorial Site Concentration Camp Dachau (a pamphlet handed out to Dachau visitors) (Dachau:
The International Dachau Committee, n.d.)
Shepherd, E., The Six Myths (New York: National Citizens Union, 1965? )
The Big Lie: Who Told It? (Arlington, Va.: National Socialist White Peoples Party, 1961? )
The Diary of Ann Fink (Arlington, Va.: Hoax Busters Press, 1961? )
The Record: The Holocaust in History, 1933-1945, Reprint 1985 (Published by the
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in Cooperation with the National Council for the
Social Studies, 1978)
The following pamphlets were issued as a series in 1989 and 1990 by the Institute for
Faurisson. R., A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel
Id., The Problem of the Gas Chambers
Leuchter, F. A., Inside the Auschwitz "Gas Chambers"
Marcellus, T., The Tradition of Historical Revisionism
O'Keefe, T., The "Liberation or the Camps" FACTS vs. LIES
Weber, M., Auschwitz: Myths and Facts
Id., Simon Wiesenthal: "Bogus Nazi Hunter"
Id., The Holocaust: Let's hear both sides, 66 questions on the Holocaust
Newspapers, Magazines and Newsletters
Adelaide Advertiser, April 21, 1983
Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung, July 13, 1973
Australian Jewish News, July 27, 1990; March 15, 1991; April 26, 1991
B'nai B'rith Messenger, April 12, 1985; October 26, 1990
Books and Bookmen, November 1974; January 1975; February 1975; April 1975; May 1975
Boston Sunday Herald, February 24, 1991
CatUa (University of Canterbury student newspaper), Nos. 8 (June 1977); 11 (July 1977)
Canadian Jewish News, April 14, 1988; August 30, 1990; November 1, 1990; October 22, 1992
Canadian Jewish Outlook, Nos. 23, 4 (April 1985); 23, 6 (June 1985)
Carnival Times (Imperial College, London), May 1959
Chicago Tribune, April 25, 1990; January 12, 1992
Christian News (Washington, Missouri), May 7, 1991; February 25, 1991
Daily Northwestern, March 30, 1977
Daily Telegraph, December 17, 1974; December 30, 1974; January 30, 1975; February 26, 1975; May 5, 1992
Défense de l 'Occident, June 1967
Der Neue Weg, Number 17/18, 1946
Der Quell, Issue 9, 1961
Der Spiegel, December 4, 1978; April 9, 1979; January 13, 1992
Deutsche Nachrichten, February 17, 1967
[Deutsche] National Zeitung, February 18, 1977; April 27, 1984; November 15, 1985
Die Aula, Number 3, 1980
Die Zeit, August 19, 1960; October 6, 1989
Editor & Publisher, December 21, 1991
Edmonton Sunday Sun, July 21, 1986
Evening Stafford, November 28, 1963; July 3, 1992
Farrago (Monash University student newspaper) July 14, 1982
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 25, 1977
Free Speech Monitor (Rexdale, Ontario), January-February, 1991
Friends of Freedom, October/November 1992
GANPAC Brief, No. 52, April 1987
Gresham outlook (Gresham, Oregon), April 4, 1990
Ha arch, May 25, 1990
Harpers, August 1948
Herald Examiner (Los Angeles), February 15, 1981
IHR Newsletter, every issue from October 1981 onwards
Instauration, October 1984
International Express, July 9-15, 1992
Intelligence Survey, Vol. 28, No. 12, December 1990
Jewish Chronicle (London), April 9, 1943; October 2, 1974; July 7, 1978; June 23, 1989; June 30, 1989, October, 4, 1991; July 12, 1991; January 17, 1992
Jewish Frontier, June/July 1978; April 1979
Jerusalem Post (International Edition), Weeks ending: August 17, 1980; June 28, 1986;
August 17, 1986; September 30, 1989; May 5, 1990; June 2, 1990; June 9, 1990; June 23,
1990; June 30, 1990; November 26, 1991; January 25, 1992
Junge Freiheit, April 1990
La Montagne, September 17, 1989
Le Matin de Paris, November 16, 1978
Le Monde, March 19-20, 1978; March 23, 1978; April 26, 1978; May 7-8, 1978; February 21, 1979; September 19,1989
Long Beach Independent Press Telegram, July 29, 1980
Los Angeles Times, May 16, 1981; May 16, 1985; February 26, 1989; December 16, 1990;
December 23,1991
Les Temps Modernes, March 1951; April 1951
MacleatV!, March 11, 1985 [aaargh: ?]
Maiden Observer, October 20, 1990, February 23, 1991
Michigan Daily, November 22, 1991
Monday Magazine, November 19-20, 1992
Montreal Gazette, April 24, 1988
Newsday, February 23, 1983
New Statesman, September 7, 1979
New Statesman and Society, August 18, 1989
National Review, May 31, 1979; June 28, 1979
National Revue, August 19, 1977
National Vanguard, Issues 58, 59, 60 (1978)
Neue Insenburger Anzeigeblatt, February 24, 1976
New Zealand Herald, October 14, 1987; July 14, 1992
New Zealand Jewish Chronicle, February 1991; November 1991
New York City Tribune, November 29, 1989
New York Post, January 13, 1992
New York Review of Books, July 21,1983
New York Times, December 18, 1942; May 8, 1945; September 24, 1948; October 7, 1948;
January 7, 1949; March 2, 1949: September 3, 1967; January 28, 1977; February 4,
1977; April 3, 1977; October 8, 1977; February 24, 1979; March 6, 1979; March 11, 1981;
December 28, 1984; January 6, 1985; June 20, 1988; November 12, 1989; December 18,
1989; October 13, 1990; October 18, 1990; November 10,1991; December 23, 1991
New York Times Book Review, May 26, 1977
Northern California Jewish Bulletin, April 27, 1990
On Target, June 13, 1988; October 30, 1989; December 11, 1990
Orange County Renter, January 18, 1986; February 10, 1986
Pattern of Prejudice, May/June 1975
Power Special Report (published by Ernst Zündel), June 11, 1987; December 30, 1990; August 23,1991
Oregonian, April 14, 1990
Quadrant, September 1979, April, 1980; October 1981
Race and Nation, Vol. X, Fall-Summer 1985 (nos. 66 & 67); Vol. XIX, Summer 1987 (No. 70); Vol. XV, Spring 1989 (No. 72); Vol. XVII, Summer 1990 (No. 74)
REMARKS: Commentary on Current Events and History, Issue 1 (August 1990); Issue 2
(September-October 1990); Issue 3 (November-December 1990); Issue 4 (January-February
Reveille (Refolds High School, Troutdale, Oregon), April 20, 1990
San Francisco Examiner, July 6, 1992
Searchlight, April 1977; January 1978; March 1982; September 1983; October 1983; December 1983; August 1991
SICSA Report: the Newsletter of the Vidal Sassoon International Centre for the Study of Antisemitism, Number 1, Fall 1988; Number 2, Summer 1989
Smith's Report 12, November/December 1992
St Louis Post-Dispatch, August 18, 1990
Sunday Sun, August 12, 1990
Sunday Telegraph, January 12, 1992
Sunday Times Weekly Review, June 12, 1977
Sydney Morning Herald, July 25, 1989
The Australian, May 15, 1990; August 14, 1990
The Age, February 16, March 3, 15, 17, 22, 24, April 14 (all 1979); June 7, 1988
The American Sunbeam, August 16, 1982
The Balance, Volume 3, No. 3 (November 1992)
The Bookseller, June 18, 1977
The Boston Globe, October 1, 1990; December 12, 1990
The Boston Herald, December 12, 1990
The Bulletin, April 4, 1989
The CDL Report, Issue Nos. 127 (April 1990); 129 (June 1990); 134 (November 1990)
The Daily Mail, June 11, 1977
The Daily Breeze, March 20, 1981; July 5, 1984; September 21, 1984; July 31, 1985
The Guardian, June 8, 1977: January 31, 1985; January 3, 1993
The Herald (Glasgow), July 28, 1992
The Jerusalem Report, July 30, 1992
The Jewish Press (Brooklyn, New York), November 24, 1989
The National Times, Week ending February 10, 1979
The New Times, Vol. 54, No. 8 (August 1990); Vol. 54, No. 11, (November 1990)
The Observer, January 12, 1992
The Press, October 12, 1987; October 17, 1987; September 5, 1990; October 5, 1991; January 14, 1992; July 6, 1992; August 17, 1992
The Progressive, February 1949
The Spectator, October 31, 1992
The Spotlight, Reprint, December 24, 1979 ("The Great Holocaust Debate"); March 3, 1980; August 10, 1982; February 21, 1983
The Sunday Times, January 20, 1985; July 5, 1992; July 12, 1992
The Sydney Morning Herald, July 25, 1989
The Toronto Sun, October 24, 1990; October 28, 1990
The Times, March 14, 1971; August 8, 1985; May 14, 1990; January 13, 1992; July 4, 1992
The Truth At Last, Issue Nos. 343 (n.d., 1990); 345 (n.d., 1990)
The Washington Post, February 23, 1979; July 22, 1991; December 21, 1991, July 11, 1992
The Washington Times, June 7, 1990; July 17, 1990; January 10, 1991; January 14, 1992
Tikkun 4, May/June 1989
Time, March 18, 1985
Time Out, July 31, 1991
Toledo Blade, April 1, 1990
Toronto Star, March 25, 1981; September 4, 1983; February 16, 1988; February 17, 1988:
February 18, 1988; April 21, 1988; April 22, 1988; April 26, 1988; April 27, 1988
Tulsa Tribune, April 12, 1985
Wrexham Leader, October 17, 1986
Yiddish Culture, June-July 1956
Audio-tapes and Video-tapes
Butz, A., Context and Perspective in the Holocaust Controversy, Speech given at the Fourth International
Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, 1982 (IHR Audio-tape #A028)
Irving, D., Churchill and U.S. Entry into World War II, Speech given at the Ninth
International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, February 21, 1989 (IHR Audio-tape
id., Battleship Auschwitz. Speech given at the Tenth International Revisionist
Conference, Wellington D. C., October 13, 1990. (IHR Audio-tape #A101)
id., Dresden 1945. Churchills Schuld am Bombenterror, Offizielle Ansprache des
englischen Historikers David Irving anläßlich des 45. Jahrestages des
anglo-amerikanischen Bombenangriffs auf Dresden (Essen: Heitz & Höffkes,
Faurisson, R., Holocaust Revisionism in Europe 1983-1987, Speech given at the Eighth
International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, February 22, 1988 (IHR Audio-tape
Lee, J., A Christian Perspective of the Six Million Hoax (Adelaide: League of Rights, 1983)
Leuchter, F. A., Were Six Million People Gassed?, Radio interview by Tom Valentine on Radio Free America, March 7, 1989.
Id., F. A., The Second Leuchter Report, Speech given at the Tenth
international Revisionist Conference, Washington D. C., October 13, 1990.
(IHR Audio-tape #A100)
Stimely, K., Elements of Revisionism: A Historiographical Survey, Speech given at the
Second International Revisionist Conference, Pomona College CA, 1980 (IHR Audio-tape
Martin J., Survey of Revisionism, Speech given at the First International Revisionist
Conference, Northrup University, California, September 1, 1979 (IHR Audio-tape #A001)
Anti-Semitism in France (Newsweek, BBC, 1990)
Leuchter in Poland (Hamilton, Ontario: History Buff Videos, n.d.)
Never Forget, Produced by Robert B. Radnitz. Directed by Joseph Sargent (Turner Pictures, Inc., A. Nimoy/Radnitz Production, 1991)
Smith and Leuchter on Boston TV (IHR Videotape #V049)
The Other Face of Terror, Produced and Directed by Ludi Boeken (Belboa Films in association with Searchlight Magazine, 1984)
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