Revisionist, * 1913 in Poland, †
January 14,
1988 in USA
A passionate Zionist and
an idealistic young man in Poland, Sch. immigrated in 1932 to the British Mandate of Palestine. The Palestinian revolt from 1936 to 1939 against Britain's
objective of turning Palestine over to European Jews, however, soured him on the whole idea of a Jewish state. Perceiving from the reality of actually living in Palestine that the ideals of Judaism would be perverted by forcing such a state on the Muslim and Christian Palestinians, Schieber in 1936 returned in disillusionment to Poland.
Back in Poland, Sch. suffered an even more devastating psychological blow, which rendered him as relentlessly antagonistic to Communism/Marxism as he was disillusioned with Zionism. A supporter of Vladimir Jabotinsky's right wing Zionist youth
movement, Sch. saw mainstream Zionism selecting socialist/Marxist youth for emigration to Palestine as those best suited to build the envisaged Jewish
state. He returned to Palestine in 1939. Back in the Middle East, he married and raised a family. When he started a contracting business, it was with some Palestinians with whom he had become personally friendly. Eventually he became the first Jewish Mayor of
Sch.'s disillusionment deepened as the Arab Israel War of 1948/49 engulfed Palestine. Wherever he
looked, Sch. saw once idealistic Jews made arrogant by the guns they carried. He watched them rip stones from the walls of ancient Palestinian owned houses to make roads to the new Jewish
He became an Israeli Revisionist, wanting to revise Israel's attitudes, institutions and
borders. He fled Israel in 1959 to find safety in the USA, was denied political asylum at
first, and tried to take his life by slashing his wrists at Washington, D.C. airport on the day of his
deportation as an illegal alien. He was finally allowed refuge from Israeli persecution in the US in the early 1970s.
There he acted as the head of the ' Holy Land State Committee', proposing to resolve the Israeli Palestinian dispute by giving equal rights in Palestine to
Jews, Muslims and Christians.
At the end of his life, Sch. said to his Christian
friend Dale Crowley: "My Jewish brethren love to hate. They cannot forgive. They are sick and need the doctor, Jesus, and the medicine, the
Bible". After his death in January 1988, Schmuel Kaplan, a rabbi from Rockville, Maryland, startet a lawsuit against
Crowley who had promised to him a Christian funeral according to his wishes. The rabbi argued that since Sch. was born of a Jewish mother he had to be buried in a Jewish cemetery with a Jewish service, or he would suffer in hell
Since 1979, veteran Christian evangelist Dale
Crowley, Jr. has been bringing a message over the region's oldest and most influential Christian radio station, WFAX, that has infuriated the Israeli
lobby. He told of how the Israelis have oppressed Christian Palestinians, uprooting them from their
homes, vandalized Christian churches in the Holy Land, and otherwise made life difficult for Christian Palestinians and other Christian Arabs in the Middle East.
For daring to speak truths such as this, Crowley's "Focus on Israel" program has been banned from the airwaves by the management of WFAX
radio, although it's quite clear, according to observers who have been investigating the matter, that there was heavy-handed pressure brought
to bear on WFAX. In
addition, WFAX management has advised Crowley, that he is likewise not permitted to talk about "Israel" in future broadcasts of "The King's Business," his daily program which is broadcast Monday through Friday.
über / Writings concerning Sch.:
* United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, June 23, 1970 
* On the Wrong Side of Just About Everything, But Right About It All,
by Dale Crowley Jr, 2005, 232 pages, CHAPTER 13: The Wisdom and Courage of Haviv Schieber

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 10.09.2008