20. Juni 2010
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20. Juni 2010
against Afghanistan
Violence in Afghanistan increased dramatically in the first four months of this
year: roadside bomb attacks rose by 94%, compared with the same period in 2009.
On average there were three suicide bombings a week. Assassinations haved risen 45%, with the Taliban and others increasingly successful at killing Afghan
officials. As of June 7, 2010, there have been 1,725 coalition deaths in Afghanistan since the invasion in
2001 .
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19. Juni 2010
Murder or suicide:
revisionist found dead
Oppeln/Opole - The body of a former Polish history professor, Dariusz
Ratajczak (photo), has been found dead in a shopping center parking lot in the
city of Opole . Ratajczak was born November 28, 1962 in Opole, Upper Silesia
. His father, Cyryl, moved from Wielkopolska to Opole. His mother, Alina Czuchryj arrived from Khodoriv. Ratajczak finished Opole high school and enrolled to Adam Mickiewicz University in
Poznan. From 1988 Ratajczak was working in Opole as a history lecturer at the University of Opole until 1999, when he was dismissed following controversy about his book
'Tematy Niebezpieczne' (Dangerous Themes) in which he asserted that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were used merely to delouse
Ratajczak, in his book, agreed with revisionists who claim that for technical reasons it was not possible to kill millions of people in the Nazi gas chambers, that Zyklon B gas was used only for disinfecting, that there was no Nazi plan for the systematic murder of Jews and that most
HOLOCAUST scholars are adherents of a religion of the HOLOCAUST. Rajtaczaked
defended himself claiming that he only reproduced the revisionist claims to illustrate their point of view but did not endorse
them. Ratajczak's book triggered widespread public criticism and drew protests from numerous sources, including the director of the museum at the
Auschwitz camp, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
The University of Opole suspended Ratajczak from his teachings in 1999. In the same year he was brought to local court, as denying the existence of the
HOLOCAUST is a criminal offence in Poland. In December 1999 a court in Opole found Ratajczak guilty of breaching the Institute of National Remembrance law that outlawed the denial of crimes against humanity committed by Nazi or by communist regimes in
Poland, but that his crime had caused negligible harm to society
. The reason for the low sentence was that Ratajczak's self-published book had only 230 copies.
Two Polish newspapers, Gazeta Wyborcza and Rzeczpospolita, criticized the verdict in support of Ratajczaks' freedom of
speech. For Ratajczak support spoke the leader of the League of Polish Families party Ryszard
, who during Radio Maria broadcast, denied the fact that Auschwitz was a death camp, which caused another scandal in
At the end Ratajczak was fired from University of Opole in 2000 and banned from teaching at universities for three
years. During this time he worked as storeman. Ratajczak remained defiant and denied all charges, appealing for an outright acquittal; his critics also appealed demanded a harsher sentence, including a prison term. Eventually after a series of appeals the verdict was upheld and the case dismissed in
2002. Ratajczak revised the book in 2005, attributing the claims regarding Zyklon B to historical
Ratajczak was found dead in a car parked near the Karolinka shopping centre in Opole
on June 11, 2010.
The body, which was severely decomposed, has been identified by Ratajczak's
family. In the car police found documents which belonged to Ratajczak. Judging by the state of the body and recent high
Ratajczak has been dead for up to two weeks. Security guards at the shopping centre claim, however, that the historian's Renault Kangoo was left at the car park on the same day, June 11, that it was
The cause of Ratajczak's death remains uncertain. Police established that the historian, who had problems finding employment in Poland, planned to go to Holland or Belgium to work in a company to do
manual labor. For that purpose he acquired a Renault Kangoo automobile, in which his body was found stuffed between the front and rear
seats. He worked at odd jobs for food. Ratajczak is survived by a son and a daughter.
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18. Juni 2010
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18. Juni 2010
14.000 Demonstranten
am Mittwoch in Kiel
- 14.000 Studenten protestierten gegen die Sparpläne der
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18. Juni 2010
18. Juni 2010
17. Juni 2010
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17. Juni 2010
muss sparen
Dresden - Der Freistaat Sachsen plant drastische Einsparungen beim Personal sowie Ausgabenkürzungen von bis zu 1,38 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr.
In den nächsten zwei Jahren sollen 1300 Stellen im öffentlichen Dienst wegfallen.
Weitere 1800 Arbeitsplätze bei Polizei und Justiz sollen gestrichen werden. Bis 2019 will Sachsen die Zahl der heute noch 82000 Beschäftigten im Landesdienst auf 70000 reduzieren.
Neben dem Personalbau wird Sachsen in den nächsten beiden Jahren auch jeweils bis zu 380 Millionen Euro bei den laufenden Ausgaben sparen. Betroffen sind besonders der
Sozialbereich (Bild), die Arbeitsmarktförderung, die Kultur sowie Verkehr und Straßenbau.
Die staatlichen Investitionen sollen nächstes Jahr um 880 Millionen Euro und 2012 um eine Milliarde Euro sinken.
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17. Juni 2010
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16. Juni 2010
16. Juni 2010
15. Juni 2010
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14. Juni 2010
NGO to send aid ship to Gaza
Tehran - An Iranian non-governmental organization
(NGO) has announced plans to send an aid ship to the blockaded Gaza Strip, calling on activists around the world to
join. In a Sunday statement, the Iranian Elite Research Center (IREC)
announced plans to send a humanitarian ship carrying relief supplies to the Gaza
Strip: "We invite all human rights activists around the world to join the aid
convoy." The statement adds that those willing to join the convoy may register online at At least 100,000 people have so far registered.
The Iranian government has also announced that it will send aid convoys to the coastal
sliver, which has been under a crippling Israeli siege since 2007.
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14. Juni 2010
13. Juni 2010
Dirk Zimmermann: Der Selbstanzeiger-Prozeß
Heilbronn - Es ist mal wieder soweit. Der Zeitpunkt der zweiten Runde in der Auseinandersetzung um Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit ist festgelegt. An keinem geringeren Tag als am 21. Juni 2010, der Tag der Sonnenwende, werde ich nun ein weiteres Mal im Interesse unserer Ahnen und
unserer Nachkommen, vor einem BRD-Gericht das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung einklagen. Selbstbestimmung deshalb, weil die Entwicklung und das Bewußtwerden meiner Identität – ich fühle mich als Deutscher – von einem eklatant widersprüchlichen Geschichtsdiktat massiv gestört wird. Soweit gehend sogar, daß jedes Ausscheren und auch nur das Hinterfragen des Geschichtsbildes, das uns so maßgeblich beeinflußt, mit harten Strafen sanktioniert wird. Außerdem sollte auch erwähnt werden, daß es nicht nur darum geht, die Hoheit über die Entwicklungslinie des deutschen Volkes („wer waren wir, wer sind wir, was sollen wir werden“), das zu Gunsten Weniger konditioniert wird, wieder dem Souverän zu übergeben. Sondern es soll aufgezeigt werden, daß auch der einzelne Mensch einen satanischen und heimtückischen Angriff auf seine kognitiven Fähigkeiten erfährt. Das Recht auf Glauben, Wissen und Gewißheit, die Erinnerung am Vergangenen und die Planung des Zukünftigen wird ihm entrissen und durch den Zwang des mechanischen Kopfnickens ersetzt. Der Mensch wird zum Vieh degradiert, gemolken, geschert, geschlachtet.
Gegen diese Einschüchterungskampagne trete ich nun am 21. Juni ´10 (Montags) ab 9.00 Uhr vor dem Landgericht Heilbronn (Saal noch unbekannt) an.
Die Leute die sich dazu bewegen können, mir am besagten Tag Beistand zu leisten, bitte ich um gesittetes Auftreten und um ein ordentliches Erscheinungsbild, so daß wir uns von dem antideutschen und dekadenten Menschentum eindeutig Abgrenzen können.
Mit der Bitte um Kenntnisnahme und Weiterleitung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk Zimmermann
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13. Juni 2010
12. Juni 2010
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12. Juni 2010
Missiles, Nuclear Plants for Iran 
- Construction of civilian nuclear plants in Iran as well as supplies of defensive armaments to that country will not be affected by the new round of sanctions against it by UN Security Council, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov here
Plans to launch the Bushehr plant in August 2010 remain unchanged, said Lavrov, and the two sides were continuing discussions about new projects of nuclear
plants. Iran handed over the Bushehr project, started by German firm Siemens in the 1970s, to Russia in 1995.
"As for cooperation in defense-related technologies, the resolution imposes restrictions on the sales of offensive armaments to Iran, while defensive armaments
like the S-300 air defense systems (photo) stand away from its realm," he
added. Iran struck a deal with Russia to buy S-300 systems in 2007, but Russia has delayed the delivery of the anti-aircraft
missiles. The S-300 air defense system is an advanced mobile system that can shoot down aircraft and cruise missiles from up to 150 km away. The United States and Israel oppose the sale of the missiles to Iran.
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12. Juni 2010
12. Juni 2010