Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009


Closer observation of German schoolchildren requested
Berlin - Director Deidre Berger (above) of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in Berlin recommended collecting and reporting data on antisemitism and hate language at schools, given Europe's bloody history, especially the 'Holocaust', in which virtually the whole European continent was complicit, according to Berger. The AJC is one of the world's most active Jewish institutions.

Berger filed a complaint Friday against Amazon-Germany for selling books questioning the 'Holocaust', trivializing the Nazis, promoting 'hate crimes' or labeled as being inappropriate for those under 18. AJC member Benjamin Schoeler (below), reached by telephone, said the goal of the complaint is to get to evaluate the books they sell, and pull ones that promote Holocaust denial or anti-Semitism. Amazon Germany denied it sold any such books and replied: "We think that the best response to questionable literature is not removing them but more discussion". Questioning the 'Holocaust' is a crime in Germany, punishable by up to five years in prison. 

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