Freitag, 15. Januar 2009


Kevin Käther re-sentenced to 20 months
Berlin -
In an appeal hearing on 9th June 2009, Tiergarten District Court (Berlin), confirmed the sentence of the lower Court, sending Kevin Käther (photo), a family man with a small daughter, for eight months in prison without probation. Käther's crime consisted of sending compact discs (CDs) of Germar Rudolf’s proscribed book 'Lectures on the HOLOCAUST' to three judges in Berlin and then filing an official complaint against himself for violating Germany’s censorship laws.

His purpose in doing this was to judicially determine, in a court trial, whether Rudolf’s factual conclusions are scientifically valid. In the cover letter that he sent with the CDs, he stated that if empirical evidence proved the contents of Rudolf’s book to be inaccurate, he would accept his punishment without objection or appeal. He wrote: 'Under the censorship laws of the Federal Republic, distribution and dissemination of this book is proscribed as Denial of HOLOCAUST. Germar Rudolf, the author of this book, was sentenced to a prison term for the commendable but criminal act of writing it.  As a self-respecting German I have a patriotic obligation to publicize these lectures in our country...
I realize that I will probably be indicted and convicted in a court of law for my action, and I accept that probability. In the ensuing criminal trial, you will be required to testify as witnesses. For this reason, you should familiarize yourselves with the factual contents of Rudolf’s book, applying old-fashioned German thoroughness.'

In order to either prove or disprove the veracity of Rudolf’s book in a judicial framework, Käther submitted over four thousand pages of empirical evidence during his trial, along with Rudolf’s 'Expert Report on the Alleged Gas Chambers of Auschwitz.'  [Rudolf, a diploma chemist at the Max Planck Institute, had originally prepared this expert report for the Defense in the 1992 trial of Retired Gen. Otto Ernst Remer for Denying HOLOCAUST.] In 1993 Gen. Remer sent the Rudolf Report to more than 300 professors of Inorganic Chemistry. Not a single professor would or could find a single mistake in his numerous analyses. An expert witness in a Swiss court also attested to its accuracy.
The Rudolf Report was Käther’s main piece of evidence, but he pointed out a number of other discrepancies in the official HOLOCAUST tale that need clarification as well. Käther also wanted the judges to indicate which of the official estimates of the number of Auschwitz deaths is correct, since they range from 66,000 to 9,000,000. Käther then asked the Court to clarify which of the judicially valid Maidanek verdicts is correct: Berlin District Court determined that Maidanek Concentration Camp had no homicidal gas chambers, whereas Düsseldorf District Court ruled that mass gassings took place in homicidal gas chambers there. He also asked the judges to clarify through evidentiary findings whether the victims in Treblinka Camp were killed with steam or gas. The Allied Military Tribunal decreed that victims were 'steamed' at Treblinka whereas Federal Republic verdicts claimed they were 'gassed.'

Käther's motions were disallowed by the lower Court and equally by the Court of appeal, for the proceedings of which
he had submitted another 2500 pages of evidentiary motions. As mentioned above, the original verdict of eight months imprisonment was upheld. 


Käther then appealed on points of law to the next higher court. On 16 September 2009, the Fourth Criminal Section (Kammergericht) of Berlin Superior Court of Justice vacated the verdict of the Tiergarten Appellate Court. It ruled that Käther’s sending the book CD to three judges did not involve the public, which was indispensable for the crime of HOLOCAUST Denial.
On 10 December 2009 Käther was charged with a new accusation, this time with repeated 'Incitement of the Masses' (wiederholte 'Volksverhetzung') and sentenced to a prison sentence of one year and eight months with probation.

Here's freedom to him who would speak, 
Here's freedom to him who would write; 
For there's none ever feared that the truth should be heard, 
Save him whom the truth would indict! 

ROBERT BURNS (1759–96)

Quelle: Internet  

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