Biographisches Lexikon Zionismus/Judentum

Biographical Encyclopedia of Zionism/Jewry


Bialystok Children

On the 21st or 22nd of August 1943, at the Bialystok ghetto, the Gestapo demanded from the chairman of the Judenrat, Barash, that 1,200 children ages 6-12 be gathered in order to transfer them to Palestine. Four hundred children were removed from two ghetto orphanages and the rest were taken from their parents, who hoped thereby to save their children. The Judenrat also arranged for 20 nurses and doctors, headed by Mrs. Haddassa-Helena Levkovitz, Barash’s secretary, to accompany the children. In the Bialystok ghetto, already on October 26, 1942, a woman named Yente Leizerson with her two children received permission to leave for Palestine, and that they did, indeed, reach their destination.

The transport of 1,200 children and 20 adults, escorted by 8-10 SS men, traveled for three days by train - in passenger carriages - and arrived on the 24th or 25th of August at the Theresienstadt camp. At Theresienstadt the children were placed in a special camp called Crete, which had been built outside the citadel. Fifty-three doctors and nurses, inmates of the camp, were assigned to the children, including Dr. Blumenthal, Dr. Kowitsch, Dr. Margulis, Dr. Reich and Dr. Weiss. The children were carefully examined by doctors, and received excellent care, special food and good clothing. The children’s health soon improved and they learnt once again how to smile and be happy.

On October 5, 1943, six weeks after they had been brought to Theresienstadt, 1,196 children and 53 accompanying adults where sent to Auschwitz (transport number Dn/a).

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 06.09.2008 

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