Biographisches Lexikon des Revisionismus

Biographical Encyclopedia of Revisionism


Austin Joseph App 

US Professor of medieval English literature , 1902-1984

Austin Joseph App was born on May 24, 1902, in Wisconsin. His father had immigrated to the United States from Wuerttemberg, and his mother had come from Bavaria. Until he began attending first grade at his home town’s bi-lingual Catholic elementary school, he spoke German at home. He spent most of his youth on the family farm near Milwaukee. As a boy he was a voracious reader.

A. gained in 1929 his Ph.D in English literature from Catholic university, Washington, D.C., before commencing an outstanding academic career in which he published more than one thousand articles, columns and reviews as well as several books which received critical acclaim. A. taught at the University of Scranton and LaSalle University. Born the son of German immigrants, he was upset by the flood of anti-German propaganda following both world wars. 

His first Revisionist booklet was published in 1946, followed by very many more in the following decades. Additionally, he served from 1960 to 1966 as National Chairman of the Federation of American Citizens of German Descent, after which he was honoured by being made the federation's permanent National Honorary Chairman. A. brought to public attention suppressed facts about the brutal oppression, dispossession and expulsion of millions of ethnic Germans from their ancient homelands in central and eastern Europe.

In late 1973, A. published a 38-page booklet entitled 'The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses", published and very widely distributed by Boniface Press, the author's own publishing company. The booklet's basic theses are that the Nazis did not murder even one million Jews, let alone the accepted number of six million, and that the allegation they did is nothing more than anti-German atrocity propaganda exploited by Talmudic Jews to gain indemnities and support for Israel. These are A.'s principal arguments:

First, the Third Reich wanted to get Jews to emigrate, not to liquidate them physically. Had they intended extermination, 500,000 concentration camp survivors would not now be in Israel to collect fancy indemnities from West Germany.

Second, absolutely no Jews were gassed in any concentration camps in Germany, and evidence is piling up that none were gassed in Auschwitz. There were crematoria for cremating corpses who had died from whatever cause, including especially also the victims of the genocide Anglo-American air raids.

Third, the majority of Jews who died in pogroms and those who disappeared and are still unaccounted for fell afoul in territories controlled by the Soviet Russians, not in territories while under German control.

Fourth, most of the Jews alleged to have met their death at the hands of Germans were subversives, partisans, spies, and criminals, and also often victims of unfortunate but internationally legal reprisals. One reason for his denouncing the Nuremberg prosecutors as lynchers is that they hanged Germans on ex post facto rules of their own!

Fifth, if there were the slightest likelihood that the Nazis had in fact executed six million Jews, World Jewry would scream for subsidies with which to do research on the question, and Israel would throw its archives and files open to historians. They have not done so. On the contrary they have persecuted anyone who tries to investigate impartially and even call him an anti-Semite. This is really devastating evidence that the figure is a swindle.

Sixth, the Jews and the media who exploit this figure have never offered a shred of valid evidence for its truth. At most they misquote Hoettl, Hoess, and Eichmann who spoke only occasionally of what they were in no position to know or to speak on reliably. Nor do the Jews themselves credit these witnesses as reliable even when they comment on what they could know, e.g., that the concentration camps were essentially work camps, not death camps!

Seventh, the burden of proof for the six million figure rests on the accusers, not the accused. This is the principle of all civilized law. Proving true guilt is easier than proving true innocence. It is hardly possible for a man accused of cheating on his wife to prove that he did not cheat on her. Therefore the accuser must prove his charge. This responsibility the Talmudists and Bolsheviks have not accepted, and the brow-beaten Germans have rather paid billions than to dare to demand proof!

Eighth, obvious evidence that the figure of six million has no scientific foundation is that Jewish scholars themselves present ridiculous discrepancies in their calculations. And honest ones, whom we recognize by the fact that their co-racialists smear-terrorize them, and even beat them up, invariably lower the six million estimate by at least fifty per cent, to three million casualties from all causes, not those limited to Nazi executions.

A. referred to A. Hitler who had written: "... in the big lie, [in der Größe der Lüge] there is invariably a certain factor of credibility; because it is always more easy to corrupt the great masses of a people in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or intentionally, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they fall victim more readily to the big lie than the small lie.... It would never enter their heads to fabricate such untruths, and they would believe it impossible that others could have the great cheek [Frechheit] to twist the truth so infamously.... From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can he exploited.... But one of the greatest minds that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for ever with a statement which is a fundamental truth. He [Schopenhauer] called the Jew 'The Great Master of Lies' [die großen Meister der Lüge]. Those who do not recognise the truth of that, or will not believe it, will never he capable of helping Truth to triumph in the world." A. continued with regard to Jews: "They now control the media and the money – and sex education and pornography... In short, they subvert our international standards and our Christian culture." 

Literatur im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek von und über / Writings in the catalogue of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek of and about: Austin J. App
* Der erschreckendste Friede der Geschichte - Salzburg : Hellbrunn, 1950 Vorhanden in Leipzig und Frankfurt
* Friedensgrundlagen, Hungerpolitik und Frauenschändung - Philadelphia : Boniface Press, 1949 
Letzte Änderung / Last update: 24.05.2011 

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