Biographisches Lexikon des Revisionismus

Biographical Encyclopedia of Revisionism


Richard Harwood (Richard Verrall) 

Editor,  * 1948

V. studied History at Westfield College, now part of Queen Mary, University of London, obtaining a first class honours degree. Initially a member of the Conservative Party, he left in the early 1970s, along with a number of members on the right who supported Enoch Powell, to join the National Front (NF). Initially a close supporter of John Tyndall, he was appointed Spearhead editor by Tyndall and used the magazine to discuss the veracity of the Holocaust.  Despite his initial support for Tyndall, V. did not follow him into the New National Front and was appointed deputy Chairman of the NF to Andrew Brons in 1980. Although appointed to this role V. played little further role in the NF. He concentrated on writing about the Holocaust.

Under the assumed name of Richard Harwood he wrote a booklet 'Did Six Million Really Die?' which was originally published by the 'Historical Review Press' HRP in England in 1974. It was an immediate success and even though no bookshop would stock it, word spread fast. In Canada, the booklet was published by Ernst Zündel who - because of that - was the subject of a criminal action. Zündel was ultimately acquitted by the Supreme Court of Canada. In the booklet, V. claimed that the so called Nazi Holocaust was a fabrication. The booklet targeted various war crime trials, the best-known of these being the Nuremberg Trials and the Adolf Eichmann trial, criticizing their legal integrity and the standards of evidence presented, as well as the impartiality and objectivity of the judges. V. also claimed that censuses and population charts showed that the world's Jewish population did not significantly change between 1938 and 1948, and that the total Jewish population in Nazi-controlled Europe never exceeded 2.5 million. He further argued that, first, the scale of the Holocaust had been fabricated by the Allies

1. to hide their own guilt over such things as the atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities, the air raids of predominantly civilian towns such as Dresden, and the Allies' own human-rights abuses (particularly Stalin's mass killings in the gulag concentration camps), and that,

2. it was used as a pretext for the establishment of the state of Israel, which he predicates on the commission of atrocities against the Palestinian population.
A German edition was published in collaboration with Udo Walendy. A French edition was distributed by Francois Duprat who was murdered by a car bomb. The booklet, despite some errors, had a catalytic effect. Dr Arthur Butz of Northwestern University in Chicago contracted with HRP to publish an entire scholarly book on the subject, 'The Hoax of the Twentieth Century'. Dr. Robert Faurisson of the University of Lyons-2 in France also began to publish his own findings on the 'Holocaust'. All around the world - in the U.S., in Canada, Australia, South Africa, Sweden - 'Holocaust' Revisionists were popping out, many of them initially influenced by this booklet. In 1976 the South African Jewish Board of Deputies applied to the Publications Control Board to have the booklet banned from South Africa. 

V. is now a legal executive with the London firm 'solicitors Sempik & Co'. Solicitor Tessa Sempik is the wife of V.  

von / Address of V.:  

Werke von / Works of V.: 

Literatur über / Writings concerning V.: 

Literatur im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek von und über / Writings in the catalogue of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek of and about: Richard Harwood
* Der Nürnberger Prozess - Vlotho/Weser : Verlag für Volkstum u. Zeitgeschichtsforschung [in Komm.], 1977 
* Starben wirklich sechs Millionen? - Vlotho (Weser) : Verlag für Volkstum u. Zeitgeschichtsforschung [in Komm.], 1975 
* Did six million really die? - Richmond : Historical Review Press, [circa 1974]  

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 11.07.2008 

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