5. März 2013
Georg Friedrich Händel
* 5. März 1685 in Halle a. d. Saale
† 14. April 1759 in
Deutscher Komponist
und Musikunternehmer.


Nie war der Schatten
eines Baumes
teurer und lieblicher
und süßer. |
Ombra mai fu
di vegetabile,
cara ed amabile,
soave più. |
A shade there never was,
of any plant,
dearer and more lovely,
or more sweet. |
Alcina's aria from Alcina
Tornami a vagheggiar,
te solo vuol' amar
quest' anima fedel,
caro, mio bene, caro!
Già ti donai il mio cor :
fido sarà il mio amor;
mai ti sarò crudel,
cara mia spene. |
Return to me to languish,
Only you it wants to love
this faithful heart,
My dear, my good one, my dear!
Already I gave you my heart :
I trust you will be my love;
but you will be too cruel,
my dear hope.. |