Der AfD-Nachrücker Jan-Ulrich Weiß
(Abb.) hat am Freitag erklärt, er werde sein Landtagsmandat ohne Fraktionszugehörigkeit
antreten. Damit stellt er sich gegen Landeschef Alexander Gauland und die Fraktion der Partei. Gauland teilte dem
"rbb" am Freitagabend mit, die Fraktion werde Weiß nun aus ihren Reihen ausschließen. Zuvor habe er versucht, Weiß von einem freiwilligen Verzicht zu überzeugen.
Weiß sollte als Nachrücker für den zurückgetretenen AfD-Abgeordneten Stefan Hein
ins Parlament einziehen. Weiß hatte im Internet folgenden Facebook-Eintrag veröffentlicht:
Links oben ein Foto des Bankiers Jacob Rothschild [* 29. April
1936], rechts ein Bild der ihm ähnlich sehenden Zeichentrick-Figur Montgomery Burns aus den
"Simpsons". Der Eintrag ist mittlerweile auf
seiner Seite gelöscht.
Jacob Rothschild is the secret ruler of the
world. The Rothschild family secretly governs the Western world, and so no one could hold them responsible for it.
By the nineteenth century, the Rothschild family had already become the richest family in the world. Soon after that began the industrial revolution and the blossoming of colonialism where they became even richer; but then they withdrew from the public arena. Why did they do this? Taking into account that rulers were often unpopular, and for this they could even pay with their heads, the Rothschilds have decided to conquer the world secretly. They left to the families
like Rockefeller, Morgan, Goldberg and others to represent them in the ownerships of the world's biggest companies.
Today, the Rothschilds are nowhere close to the list of the world's richest people, but they still control the largest banks, most profitable companies and influential media.
Jacob Rothschild hides his power so much that he does not hesitate to use any means to present himself as a humble
philanthropist. He suits the role perfectly as a quiet man mostly known for his love of arts and
The Rothschilds do not care what oil company exploits oil in the world as long as it belongs to them. If it does not, then the people who control the oil lose their power or even their lives like Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
The Rothschilds decide for whom people vote in the elections by investing large amounts of money to political parties that are most suitable to them and by promoting them through the media they control. In the end, it does not matter to them who will win because they finance, through their agents, all influential parties that follow their interests around the
The Rothschilds founded the Bilderberg group, a private organization that openly recruits and ideologically directs leaders of the Western world. No wonder that the
leaders of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Turkey have adopted rebels in Syria as legal representatives of
this country. The Rothschilds control the US parliament through the AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee). If any senator or representative of the people opposes the Rothschilds, they will not be politicians any more because AIPAC has the power to dismiss disobedient politicians and they know it. America is a colony of the
One of the most important agents of the Rothschild family is George Soros. By portraying himself as a "great benefactor", he helped the reforms in Eastern Europe and donated to these countries one billion dollars through his organization "Open Society". It was organized crime. Some local people in these countries got rich as well, but they are agents
of Rothschild.
From his headquarters in St James's Place in London, Jacob Rothschild has cultivated an influential set of clients, business associates and friends who have extended his interests far beyond the normal scope of a banker. He
maintains strong personal and business links with Henry
Kissinger. His country estate has been a regular venue for visiting heads of state including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Margaret Thatcher received French President François Mitterrand there at a summit in 1990. He hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002, attended by such figures as James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, Nicky Oppenheimer,
and Warren Buffett.

Nach einem Treffen mit Weiß sagte Gauland
(oben): "Das kann ich überhaupt nicht akzeptieren, das ist Stürmer-Niveau. Und das dulden wir nicht in der Partei, und werden alles tun, dass solche Menschen nicht bei uns in der Partei sind."
Gauland sagte auch:„Plötzlich hat man auch mal Idioten dabei".
hatte auf seiner Webseite einen Bericht über den Prozess gegen die mutmaßliche NSU-Terroristin mit der
Überschrift: "Ex-V-Mann schmäht NSU-Verfahren als
Schauprozess" mit den Worten kommentiert: "Mehr ist es auch nicht."
Die Fraktionschefs der Parteien im Potsdamer Landtag verlangten Weiß' Ausschluss aus der AfD-Fraktion.
Der Vorsitzende der Grünen-Fraktion, Axel Vogel
(links) zeigte Weiß am Freitag wegen des Verdachts auf Volksverhetzung an.