Freitag, 1. Februar 2013
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Two people murdered

Damascus - Syria could take a surprise decision to respond to the aggression of the Israeli warplanes, Syrian ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul-Karim Ali said a day after Israel struck against Syria. Already in 2007 Israeli jets bombed a Syrian site, without a military response from Damascus. Syrian state television said two people were killed in the raid on Jamraya, which lies in the 25-km strip between Damascus and the Lebanese border. It described it as a scientific research centre aimed at raising the level of resistance and self-defense.

Israel has remained silent on the attack and there has been little reaction from its Western backers, but Syria's allies in Moscow and Tehran were quick to denounce the strike. Russia said that any Israeli air strike would amount to unacceptable military interference. "If this information is confirmed, then we are dealing with unprovoked attacks on targets on the territory of a sovereign country, which blatantly violates the U.N. Charter and is unacceptable, no matter the motives to justify it," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Iranian deputy foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian said the attack demonstrates the shared goals of terrorists and the Zionist regime. He added: "It is necessary for the sides which take tough stances on Syria to now take serious steps and decisive stances against this aggression by Tel Aviv and uphold criteria for security in the region. Iran would consider any attack on Syria as an attack on itself."

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