Chronologie der Einträge "Naher Osten"
Chronology of entries "Middle Orient"

 Wann/When Wo/Where Was/What
12-11-2014 Khamenei Elimination of Israel 
13-10-2014 Gaza 150 Millonen and More 
25-08-2014 Palestine Jewish killers 
21-08-2014 Palestine Jewish killers 
15-08-2014 Iraq Iraq mission 
11-08-2014 Palestina Gleichgeschaltete Medien 
09-08-2014 Palestine David Duke 
05-08-2014 Palestine Letter of Mads Gilbert  
25-07-2014 Palästina Public Viewing  
25-07-2014 Berlin Merkel verurteilt  
21-07-2014 Berlin Merkel an der Seite Israels  
15-07-2014 Palestine Israelis kill numerous Palestinians  
23-06-2014 Palestine Israeli Troops Kill several Palestinians  
22-06-2014 Palestine Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Teenager
30-09-2013 Syrien Urheber der Gasattacke
09-02-2013 Syrien Israel hat gelogen
05-02-2013 Israel Memorial Red Army
01-02-2013 Israel Two people murdered
29-01-2013 Syria Assad says
16-01-2013 Palästina 11 Gebote für Dulli-Journalisten
09-01-2013 Syrien Assad-Rede
23-10-2012 Turkey Syrian passenger jet
17-10-2012 Israel Venezuela
02-10-2012 Libya French secret serviceman killed Gaddafi
26-09-2012 Turkey Attack on military vehicle in Turkey
24-09-2012 Syrien Viele wären froh, die Proteste hätten ...
21-09-2012 Syria Syrian forces kill Afghan insurgents 
20-09-2012 Syrien Interview Hörstel 
18-09-2012 Syrien Krieg und Frieden 
10-09-2012 Syria Aleppo 
10-09-2012 Kurdistan Kulturfestival 
05-09-2012 Türkei Proteste in Antakya (Antiochia) 
28-08-2012 Iran Tehran NAM Summit 
27-08-2012 Syrien Schlag gegen Syrien - Ziel: Russland 
25-08-2012 Syrien Der Irre von Washington
22-08-2012 London West bribed Syrian officials
18-08-2012 Tehran Quds Day
15-08-2012 Syrien Vor dem Scheitern?
06-08-2012 Syrien Hintergründe
03-08-2012 Syria Obama supports terrorists
03-08-2012 Syria Turkish provided telecomm. system
03-08-2012 Syria Sponsors of terrorism
03-08-2012 Syrien Anti-Terror-Operation
31-07-2012 Syria NATO to blame
30-07-2012 Iran Interview
29-07-2012 Syrien Die Kurden in Syrien
26-07-2012 Syrien Lage am 25. Juli 2012
24-07-2012 Iraq Insurgents kill nearly 100
23-07-2012 Syrien Schlacht um Damaskus
13-07-2012 Syria Moscow objects to a resolution
08-07-2012 Near+Middle East US slave of Likud Zionism
29-06-2012 Syrien Hintergrund
20-06-2012 Syriia Weapons from Israel
27-02-2012 Syrien Most Syrians voted for new constitution
27-02-2012 Syrien Interviews National Zeitung
21-02-2012 Israel BDR-U-Boote für Israel
19-02-2012 Syria End of game in the Middle East
01-02-2012 Syria Russian veto to UN Syria Resolution
12-01-2012 Syrien Erzbischof Jeanbart spricht
20-12-2011 REYKJAVIK Palästina anerkannt 
05-12-2011 Iran US drone downed 
26-11-2011 Syrien Qatar lenkt die arabische Liga 
22-11-2011 Ägypten Proteste 
07-11-2011 Iran Vicious triangle 
23-10-2011 Libyen Zum Tode von Gaddafi 
06-10-2011 Syrien NATO-Krieger scheitern im Sicherheitsrat 
25-09-2011 New York Ahmadinejad's speech 
21-09-2011 Yemen Deadly clashes 
11-09-2011 Cairo Israeli Embassy
03-09-2011 Libya Message from Moammar Gadhafi
01-09-2011 Libya Lüge vom 'Grünen Platz'
31-08-2011 Libya Algeria's refuge
27-08-2011 Egypt Anti-Israel Rally
21-08-2011 Libyen Tripolis an der Schwelle
14-08-2011 Palestina Wann wird diese Mauer abgerissen?
12-08-2011 Libyia NATO reneges on its mission
12-08-2011 Libyen Nachrichtensperre
07-08-2011 Afghanistan Helicopter crash kills 38
04-08-2011 Libya Gaddafi forces lauch offensive
04-08-2011 Russia Against UN sanctions on Syria
02-08-2011 Cairo At least 200 injured
30-07-2011 Egypt Tahrir protesters
27-07-2011 Libya The West rowing back
25-07-2011 Egypt New violence
23-07-2011 Egypt Tahrir protesters
22-07-2011 Libya Brega fights, talks in Tunisia
13-07-2011 Libyen NATO hat den Krieg verloren
11-07-2011 Egypt Thousand of angry protesters
10-07-2011 Egypt Friday protesters
06-07-2011 Tripoli First of July demonstration
01-07-2011 Tripoli Tripoli bombed
30-06-2011 Cairo More than 1000 injured
23-06-2011 Turkey Turkish actions against Syria
22-06-2011 Irak 4 Millionen Waisenkinder
17-06-2011 Tripoli Gaddafi Ilyumzhinov
15-06-2011 Libya Why Is Libya in Crosshairs of West? 
15-06-2011 Egypt 7,000 Civil. Jailed Since Mubarak’s Out 
11-06-2011 UNO Russia, China against ... 
06-06-2011 Israel Rush for second passports 
06-06-2011 Syria 4 Palestinians shot by Israeli forces 
04-06-2011 Libya NATO attacks on Libyan cities 
02-06-2011 Libya Specter of chaos haunts Libya 
30-05-2011 Afghanistan Karzai warns NATO  
27-05-2011 Iran/USA Iran warns of US plots  
18-05-2011 Egypt 1 killed, 352 wounded 
18-05-2011 Lebanon, Syria 16 killed, more than 300 wounded 
17-05-2011 Libyen Informationen aus Libyen 
13-05-2011 Libyen Rauchsäulen über Tripolis 
10-05-2011 Pakistan Bin Laden dead long before US raid 
09-05-2011 Syria Uprisings by Foreign Agitators 
27-04-2011 Libyen Kriegsverbrecher
20-04-2011 Libyen Bodentruppen in Kürze?
13-04-2011 Libya Gadaffi, unabhängig und unzensiert
10-04-2011 Gaza/Egypt Another Guantanamo
09-04-2011 Berlin Mißfelder ist moralisch verpflichtet
09-04-2011 Berlin Nach Libyen Iran
04-04-2011 Dr. Schnitzer Einmischung - Ja oder Nein?
31-03-2011 Frankreich Interview Dieudonné
30-03-2011 Libyen Noch ein Krieg für Israel
26-03-2011 Libya Warum Krieg gegen Libyen?
24-03-2011 Libya A new crusade
22-03-2011 Russia/Libya Russia to strengthen defense capabilities
19-03-2011 Libya No-fly-zone
17-03-2011 Naher Osten Noch vorgestern ...
06-03-2011 Libyen Warmongers
25-02-2011 BDR Neuer CIA-Film
24-02-2011 Egypt Iranian naval vessels major provocation
23-02-2011 Libyen Was geschieht in Nahost?
22-02-2011 Libya Fighter jets to attack protesters
21-02-2011 Libya Death toll close to 300
13-02-2011 Ägypten Mubarak
07-02-2011 Egypt The Protest Movement in Egypt
05-02-2011 Egypt Torturer-in chief new ruler ?
04-02-2011 Egypt Things Remain the Same 
01-02-2011 Egypt Death Throes Of A Dictatorship
09-10-2010 USrael Always the same
02-10-2010 Iran Ahmadinejad warns
14-10-2010 Beirut Ahmadinedschad im Libanon
30-09-2010 Palestine One barking dog sets ...
28-09-2010 Palestine Enttäuscht usw.
04-09-2010 Palestine/Iran International Quds Day
27-08-2010 Palestine "Criticism"
27-08-2010 Pakistan Collateral damage
24-08-2010 Iran Strike on Iran imminent
24-08-2010 Palestine "Peace Talks"
22-08-2010 Iran Home-built combat-drone
17-08-2010 Iran Father of Iran's drones program killed
11-08-2010 Vienna/Tel Aviv High Society
09-08-2010 Iraq Tariq Aziz
01-08-2010 Palästina Israel verhindert Frieden
01-08-2010 Den Haag Den letzten beißen die Hunde ... 
29-07-2010 Iran Iran warns ... 
21-07-2010 Damas Syria, Turkey: Free Gaza 
21-07-2010 Warschau BRD-Pass wegen Verfolgung 
17-07-2010 Iran/USA US/NATO behind Iran bombing  
15-07-2010 Munich News from Egypt  
12-07-2010 Turkey Turkey warns Israel  
12-07-2010 Brussels Ireland to block Israel  
11-07-2010 Libya Aid for Gaza  
06-07-2010 Turkey Turkey threatens to cut ties  
05-07-2010 Iran Iran will hit back  
02-07-2010 Afghanistan Attack on big NATO base in Afghanistan  
02-07-2010 Afghanistan 100 foreign troops die in June 
01-07-2010 Afghanistan Großbritanniens Kapitulation 
30-06-2010 Palestine 7.300 Palestinians in Israeli jails 
30-06-2010 Afghanistan $3 billion in cash 
30-06-2010 Palestine Russia complains to UN 
30-06-2010 Russia Russia complains to UN 
30-06-2010 Turkey Turkey closes skies to Israeli military 
26-06-2010 USA/Iran Petraeus Replacement 
26-06-2010 USA/Iran New Iran sanctions 
25-06-2010 Gaza Enemy vessels halted by Israel 
24-06-2010 Jerusalem Judaization of East Jerusalem 
23-06-2010 Afghanistan Taliban funded by US taxes 
20-06-2010 Afghanistan War against Afghanistan  
14-06-2010 Iran NGO to send aid ship to Gaza  
12-06-2010 Iran Defense Missiles, Nucl. Plants for Iran  
09-06-2010 Iran Iran to send aid cargo to Gaza Strip 
08-06-2010 Turkey Erdogan may sail to Gaza 
05-06-2010 Palestine MV Rachel Corrie steaming towards Gaza
02-06-2010 Iran Zionist state closer to precipice
01-06-2010 Palestine At least 19 killed and over 60 injured
29-05-2010 Iran Ahmadinejad: 'Deal is Last Chance'
29-05-2010 Washington Iran soll destabilisiert werden
05-05-2010 New York Ahmadinejad speech met by walkout
21-04-2010 Jerusalem Israel not to stop building in Jerusalem
18-04-2010 Tehran US to be ousted from IAEA
10-04-2010 USrael Bomb Iran
06-04-2010 Afghanistan Liberating action
04-04-2010 Washington Obama and Sarkozy unite to punish Iran
13-03-2010 Jerusalem Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, March 13, 
28-02-2010 Damascus We stand united
22-02-2010 London Thousands of sayanim around the world
21-02-2010 USrael USrael will start WW3 by attacking Iran
20-02-2010 Dubai Arrest head of Mossad
08-02-2010 Iran News from Iran
03-02-2010 Dubai Zionist regime a profoundly evil faction
31-01-2010 Tehran German diplomats involved in Iran riots
30-01-2010 Palestine News from Palestine
30-01-2010 Gaza News from Gaza
28-01-2010 Afghanistan Merkel's 'New Approach'
16-01-2010 Tehran Diplomacy à la Lieberman
13-01-2010 Tehran IRI nuclear professor assassinated
12-01-2010 Israel/USA News from Usrael
09-01-2010 Palestine Freedom for Palestine
05-01-2010 Qatar News from Qatar
04-01-2010 Cairo/Gaza News from Cairo and Gaza
30-12-2009 Jemen Neues aus dem Jemen
30-12-2009 Afghanistan NATO Forces Kill 10 Afghan Civilians
15-12-2009 Palästina Neues aus Palästina
01-12-2009 Iran News from Iran
15-11-2009 Iran Obamas Entspannungspolitik
11-11-2009 Palestine The wall will fall in Bilin 
06-11-2009 Afghanistan UN to relocate staff after Afghan attack 
06-11-2009 Afghanistan Afghan Police penetrated by Taliban 
02-11-2009 Palestine US drops demand for Isr. settlem. freeze
02-11-2009 Turkey/Iran Erdogan denunciates hypocrites 
25-10-2009 Israel Geld von der Bundesregierung
21-10-2009 Iran America, Britain behind terrorist act
10-10-2009 BRD Israelisches U-Boot vor Irans Küste
07-10-2009 France News from the war mongers
19-09-2009 Iran They cling like ticks
19-09-2009 Israel Efficient sanctions are overdue
17-09-2009 Israel Obama is pushing Israel toward war
09-09-2009 Israel Demographic war against Palestinians
07-09-2009 Israel Who rules Israel, to now
04-09-2009 Iran Israel threatens with strike on Iran
22-08-2009 Palestine News from Gaza
21-08-2009 Palestine News from Gaza
19-08-2009 New York News from Amnesty International
16-08-2009 Afghanistan Neues vom Hindukusch
14-08-2009 Washington News from America
11-08-2009 Palestine 3 800 year old claims
04-07-2009 Jerusalem YES YOU CAN
17-07-2009 Gaza News from George Galloway
10-07-2009 Pakistan News from Pakistan
09-07-2009 Palästina Neues von Benita Ferrero-Waldner
30-06-2009 Irak Neues aus Irak
26-06-2009 Iran News from Iran
23-06-2009 Iran SPIEGEL ONLINE
22-06-2009 Palestine News from Palestine
21-06-2009 Iran News from Iran
18-06-2009 Iran Operation AJAX
15-06-2009 Iran Never forgive
14-06-2009 Iran Congratulation messages
04-06-2009 Iran A great swindle
01-06-2009 Iran Terroristen Bush und Co.
22-04-2009 Tehran Discreet support for democratic ideals
24-04-2009 Ramallah UN Veto power to be abolished
22-04-2009 Tehran UN Veto power to be abolished
22-04-2009 Tehran Tribunal for Israeli crimes proposed
25-03-2009 Palestine War crime of the greatest magnitude
24-03-2009 Iran Iran versus USA
31-01-2009 Afghanistan Grüß' Gott, Herr Minister
12-01-2009 Palästina Lawsuit against Israel and its backers
12-01-2009 Palästina Taeter,...
10-01-2009 Palestine Breach of international conventions
09-01-2009 Palästina Neues aus Palästina
09-01-2009 Palestine Effects of phosphorus shells
09-01-2009 Palestine Gaza: What is to be done?
06-01-2009 Palestine News from Gaza
20-12-2008 Palestine Crime Against Humanity
07-12-2008 Afghanistan Supplies through Khyber Pass threatened
04-12-2008 Palestine Massacres in Hebron
03-12-2008 Indien-Pakistan CIA am Anschlag in Bombay beteiligt ?
26-11-2008 Afghanistan Das Trauerspiel von Afghanistan
21-11-2008 Palestine Israel to boycott "Durban II" conference
17-11-2008 Iran We may witness a second Holocaust
17-11-2008 Munich Dr. Seyed Rasoul Mousavi disinvited
30-10-2008 Iran You are tuned to Mohammad Ali Ramin
30-10-2008 Iran Karla Hansen meets Ahmadinejad
26-09-2008 Syrien Der Elefant im Raum
24-09-2008 Iran-Israel Ahmadinejad talks Holocaust
06-09-2008 Syria-Iran Risk of Israeli attack on Iran
30-08-2008 Kaukasus ARD- Interview mit Wladimir Putin
29-08-2008 Israel Joe Biden is a Zionist
26-08-2008 Afghanistan 90 civilians killed in Afghanistan
19-08-2008 Russia Strong answer to Russia
13-08-2008 Caucasus News from the Caucasus
09-08-2008 Afghanistan Neues aus Afghanistan
09-08-2008 Afghanistan News from Afghanistan
01-07-2008 USA $162 billion war spending plan
30-06-2008 USA Clandestine operations against Iran
12-06-2008 Iran Bush droht Iran mit Militärschlag
07-06-2008 Israel Obama addressing 7 000 AIPAC persons
04-06-2008 Afghanistan Israel's black box to be opened
30-05-2008 Afghanistan Mehr Truppen nach Afghanistan
14-05-2008 Gorgan in Iran Ahmadinejad: Israel's days numbered
29-04-2008 Pakistan / India Iranian president in Pakistan and India
29-04-2008 Gaza Mother, 4 children killed by missile attack
28-04-2008 Gaza Food assistance in Gaza stopped
18-04-2008 Hebron Heartily welcome Germ. parliamentarians
16-04-2008 Gaza Seventeen Palestinians killed
11-04-2008 Gaza Israel cuts off fuel supplies to Gaza
11-04-2008 Jerusalem Polish PM Donald Tusk in Israel
10-04-2008 Jerusalem Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust
04-04-2008 Iran Freedom of information in EU great lie
23-03-2008 Jerusalem With friends like these
21-03-2008 Jerusalem A strong biblical warning
12-03-2008 Moskau Geschichte des Zionismus
26-02-2008  Dura-Palestine  Reparations Germany to Palestinians
22-02-2008  Hamburg  Luftangriffe auf den Iran nützlich
30-01-2008  Afghanistan  Combat troops to Afghanistan
12-01-2008  Hormuz Strait US report on Iran faked
11-01-2008  Jerusalem "Maly Trostinez" extermination camp
09-01-2008  Strait of Hormuz Provocative actions
17-12-2007  Palestine Palestinian conference in Paris
16-12-2007  Greece Mikis Theodorakis in a 2004 interview
24-11-2007  Wien  Rabbi Friedman back to Austria
01-11-2007  Syrien  Strike against Syria
23-10-2007  USA $800 billion for wars Iraq + Afghanistan
16-10-2007  Tehran Putin warns against military action
14-10-2007  Tehran Plot to assassinate President Putin
10-10-2007  Moscow No proof for Tehran's building A-weapons
06-10-2007  Iran Qods Day
06-10-2007  USA  Another disastrous war
13-06-2007  USA  The Case for Bombing Iran
04-06-2007 Tehran  World Holocaust Foundation at work
30-05-2007 München  Transrapid für Iran
28-05-2007 Irak  Meeting Iran-USA
28-05-2007 Iran  Israel must be wiped off the map

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