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Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

Am 17. August 1987 beging Heß Suizid, indem er sich mit einem an einem Fenstergriff befestigten Verlängerungskabel erhängte. 

Gutachten des Rechtsmediziners Professor Wolfgang Spann August 1987: "Abschließend sind wir der Meinung, dass die in der Sterbeurkunde niedergelegte Todesdiagnose (Ersticken durch Erhängen) keinesfalls gesichert ist. Unsere Befunde sprechen vielmehr dafür, dass der Tod infolge Erdrosselns eingetreten ist."

Scotland Yard was given the names of British agents who murdered Rudolf Hess in the infamous Spandau Prison, but was advised by prosecutors not to pursue its investigations, according to a newly-released police report. Written two years after Hess’s death in 1987, the classified document outlines a highly-sensitive inquiry into the claims of the British surgeon Hugh Thomas who had once treated Hess that, rather than taking his own life, Hess was killed on British orders to preserve wartime secrets. The murder was carried out by two British assassins disguised as American servicemen. Thomas had supplied the names of two suspects provided by a government employee responsible for training secret agents. Withheld for nearly 25 years, the report has now been released.  

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