Chronologie der Einträge "USA"
Chronology of entries "USA"

 Wann/When Wo/Where Was/What
07-03-2015 USA Das Ende des 'weißen' Amerikas 
04-03-2015 USA Jewish influence on USA 
10-12-2014 USA Academic Freedom Conference 
20-10-2014 USA Millionenschwere Aufträge 
07-10-2014 Teheran New Horizon Conference 
05-10-2014 USA IS 
02-08-2014 USA Jewish influence on USA 
01-04-2013 USA Monument Men 
02-02-2013 USA Lauschangriff 
08-01-2013 USA Schreibtischmörder 
27-09-2012 USA The Zio Election from Hell!  
25-09-2012 New York Iran's ten proposals  
13-09-2012 Bengasi Einsatz Elitetruppe  
28-08-2012 USA Der Irre von Washington  
13-07-2012 USA Hillary Clinton Queen of Hearts  
10-12-2011 USA Act of War  
13-10-2011 USA Schwindel, Schwindel, Schwindel  
14-09-2011 USA 9/11 attacks rigged with dynamite  
02-06-2011 USA The Congress is sold out to AIPAC  
30-05-2011 USA Speech buzzer  
27-05-2011 Iran/USA Iran warns of US plots  
26-05-2011 USA Netanyahu enthusiastic response  
23-05-2011 USA The Establishment Eliminates A Threat  
04-04-2011 USA-Libya Glory  
01-04-2011 USA-Libya Obama's hypocrisy  
16-12-2010 USA At war's end  
18-11-2010 USA Israel lobby wild: AIPAC's dirty laundry  
23-10-2010 USA Obamas Absetzung gefordert 
20-10-2010 USA Einwanderung und Weltarmut 
24-09-2010 New York Like master like man 
09-09-2010 USA Die wirklichen großen Herren in der Welt 
31-08-2010 USA Zweites vorgetäuschtes Kriegsende im Irak 
27-08-2010 USA Four reasons for opposing zionism 
18-08-2010 USA Global Strike 
17-08-2010 USA Point of no return 
30-07-2010 USA Support for Israel's action against Iran 
23-07-2010 USA Cost of war against terrorism 
19-07-2010 USA Learning from Iran 
14-07-2010 USA News from USrael 
04-07-2010 USA Obama und der Nobelpreis 
02-07-2010 New York Iranian professor beaten 
28-06-2010 USA Estate mogul dies at 95 
26-06-2010 USA/Iran Petraeus Replacement 
26-06-2010 USA/Iran New Iran sanctions 
24-06-2010 USA Judge Feldman
18-06-2010 USA No US President can stand up to Israel
10-06-2010 USA Senate hearing postponed
31-05-2010 USA/Israel Israel to open nuclear facilities
17-03-2010 USA/Iran Final destination Iran
14-02-2010 Worldwide List of countries occupied by U.S. troops
09-02-2010 Weltweit Die europäische Kultur
07-02-2010 USA News from Munich
05-02-2010 USA The crisis is not over
04-02-2010 USA Bomb Iran!
02-02-2010 USA Obama's $3.8 trillion budget
22-01-2010 USA The wages of fear
20-01-2010 USA You are tuned to US Senator Ron Paul
12-01-2010 Israel/USA News from Usrael
10-01-2010 USA $1.2 billion Ponzi saga
30-12-2009 USA News from America
15-12-2009 USA Drohungen gegen Südamerika und den Iran
10-12-2009 USA AIPAC the most powerful lobby in the world
05-12-2009 USA Bailout Mechanism Established by Obama
03-12-2009 USA Obama—Israel’s Puppet
15-11-2009 USA Israel uber alles
10-11-2009 USA Obama prepared to attack Iran
09-11-2009 USA Goldman Sachs does God's work'
09-11-2009 USA Obama’s credibility is shot
06-11-2009 USA War crimes
26-10-2009 USA US tradition of buying elections
04-10-2009 USA The cost of Israel to taxpayers
15-09-2009 Washington Arrest our Lying President
24-08-2009 USA News from America
20-08-2009 USA Potential collapse of US Bank
14-08-2009 USA News from America
10-08-2009 USA News from AIPAC
31-07-2009 USA Obama's approval down
25-07-2009 USA News from Barack Obama
24-07-2009 USA Network laundered millions of dollars
22-07-2009 USA Happy California
25-06-2009 USA US drone attack kills 80 in Pakistan
07-06-2009 USA Obama's interference in Israeli politics
10-05-2009 USA He who pays the piper, calls the tune
08-05-2009 USA Widening political morass
23-04-2009 USA US Freddie Mac chief found dead
05-04-2009 USA Utter disregard for the truth
26-03-2009 USA Jews made him
23-03-2009 Weltweit Yes we can
20-02-2009 USA New US war
20-02-2009 USA Nationalizing Citigroup + Bank of America?
10-02-2009 USA Dow  plunged more than 4 %
28-01-2009 USA New multimillion-dollar frauds
24-01-2009 USA The Naked Emperor
22-01-2009 USA US banking system insolvent
11-01-2009 USA You are tuned to Tom Paine
01-01-2009 USA List of Madoff assets kept secret
19-12-2008 USA Mary Schapiro succeeds to Chr. Cox
17-12-2008 USA Kinsfolk
11-12-2008 USA US Billionaires as of May 2008
06-12-2008 USA Obama is embedded in the Jewish world
02-12-2008 USA Schwarzenegger declares fiscal emergency
18-11-2008 USA Total US debt end of 2007
11-11-2008 USA $150bn government money to AIG
08-11-2008 USA White House chief of staff
26-10-2008 USA US insurance companies subsidized
20-10-2008 USA US credit card debt
27-09-2008 USA Total Value of World's Derivatives Markets
24-09-2008 USA Old friends
23-09-2008 USA Volatility of financial markets
22-09-2008 USA US Treasury Secretary's old friends
15-09-2008 USA Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy
10-09-2008 USA Too big to fail
07-09-2008 USA Fannie Mae + Freddie Mac nationalized
06-09-2008 Worldwide Churchill, Hitler, "The Unnecessary War"
03-09-2008 Israel Sarah Palin meets with AIPAC leaders
29-08-2008 Israel Joe Biden is a Zionist
26-07-2008 USA Unlimited amounts rescue Fannie+Freddie
19-07-2008 New York Columbia's president, Lee Bollinger
15-07-2008 New York 'Watershed moment' for American banking
15-07-2008 New York Abschlussbericht WTC 7
12-07-2008 Pasadena/Cal. Second-largest bank failure in US history
11-07-2008 Washington Taking over of mortgages companies
09-07-2008 Washington US housing crisis more severe
05-07-2008 USA GM, Ford and Chrysler running into crises
03-07-2008 USA The US on the edge of recession
01-07-2008 USA $162 billion war spending plan
30-06-2008 USA Clandestine operations against Iran
22-06-2008 USA Implosion of hedge funds
19-06-2008 Worldwide Credit crisis to cost about $1 trillion
17-06-2008 Worldwide US Military spending
13-06-2008 Washington US torturers
12-06-2008 Iran Bush droht Iran mit Militärschlag
11-06-2008 Iran Impeachment against President Bush
07-06-2008 Israel Obama addressing 7 000 AIPAC persons
04-06-2008 Afghanistan Israel's black box to be opened
28-05-2008 Washington DC Sexually assaults in the US military
29-04-2008 Pakistan-India Iranian president in Pakistan and India
19-05-2008 Washington DC US Court rejects Demjanjuk case
10-04-2008 New York Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust
01-04-2008 Washington DC The “org chart” strategy
27-03-2008 Washington DC U.S. Emergency Group on Foreclosures
25-03-2008 USA  U.S. government intervention
24-03-2008 USA  Bear Stearns deal in question
14-03-2008 Worldwide  People are fleeing into hard assets
13-03-2008 USA  A Memoir of the Holocaust Years
12-03-2008 Weltweit   Flucht in die Rohstoffe
11-03-2008 Weltweit   Anstieg der Inflation
27-02-2008 Weltweit   US internment camps
12-01-2008  Hormuz Strait US report on Iran faked
11-01-2008  Jerusalem "Maly Trostinez" extermination camp
09-01-2008  Strait of Hormuz Provocative actions
16-12-2007  Greece Mikis Theodorakis in a 2004 interview
23-10-2007  USA $800 billion for wars Iraq and Afghanistan
20-10-2007  New York  Nobel laureate James Watson fired
06-10-2007  USA  Another disastrous war
22-08-2007  USA  Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
13-06-2007  USA  The Case for Bombing Iran
28-05-2007 Irak  Meeting Iran-USA
27-05-2007 Washington  Bush Authorizes New Action Against Iran
12-05-2007 Washington  Countdown to war on Iran
11-05-2007 Washington  First strike on Iran
28-04-2007 Washington  US-Arroganz und EU-Dilemma
25-04-2007 Washington  Who Rules America?
07-04-2007 Washington  AIPAC 2007 Conference
22-03-2007 Irak  Dreiviertelmillion Iraker getötet
15-03-2007 Iran  American-Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran
06-03-2007 USA  Barack Obama's Presidential Campaign
27-02-2007  Iran  Verschwörung gegen den Iran
26-02-2007  USA  Jews rule US
21-02-2007  Iran  US Iran attack plans revealed
20-02-2007  USA  US-Porno-Industrie
14-02-2007  USA  $100 million for US presidency
13-02-2007  Iran  From Iraq to Iran
12-02-2007  USA  How to Deal with The Lobby
08-02-2007  USA  AIPAC Policy Conference 2007
04-02-2007  USA  Bush seeks Billions more for Iraq
01-02-2007  USA  Hillary Clinton: No nukes for Iran
31-01-2007  USA  Vorhersagen
26-01-2007  USA  Bush authorises troops to kill Iranians
21-01-2007  Iran  Major strike against Iran
18-01-2007  USA  Why Dafka?
11-01-2007  Iraq  U.S. forces raid Iranian office in Iraq
11-01-2007  USA  Bush will raise U.S. troops in Iraq by 21,500
13-12-2006  USA  David Duke spricht
06-10-2006  Iran  It's geopolitics, stupid
22-09-2006  Irak  Folter im Irak schlimmer als unter Saddam
21-09-2006  USA  Verhörgesetz gegen Genfer Konventionen
10-08-2006  USA  Who are we fighting for ?
29-06-2006  USA  Nordamerikas Drachensaat
22-05-2006  USA  Juden erhalten spezielle Stoffstücke
22-05-2006  USA  Rassistische Ideologie von Ahmadinedschad
16-05-2006  USA  US spells out plan to bomb Iran
14-05-2006  USA  Brief des Iran an US-Präsident Bush
26-04-2006  USA  The Israel Lobby
19-04-2006  USA  US-Armee wird globale Ölschutztruppe
17-04-2006  USA  Stop Tehran from getting the bomb
12-04-2006  USA  The Israel Lobby
11-02-2006  USA  US-Pläne für Angriff auf Iran
07-02-2006  USA  Auseinandersetzung USA und Iran/Irak

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