Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014

The second edition of Iran’s 'International New Horizon Independent Conference' came on the heels of the 13th annual 'International Resistance Film Festival' that ran in Tehran from September 22–29. The Conference was aimed at providing a platform where independent thinkers could gather, feature their films and engage in debate and deliberation on various aspects of world and the reality of Hollywood. The event started its programs in the capital city of Tehran. The participants flocked to the three-day event from the UK, the United States, and several countries of Europe. A number of senior investigative journalists, authors, filmmakers and renowned political activists took part: Maria Poumier, Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, Gilles Munier, Joe le Corbeau, Claudio Moffa, Claudio Mutti, Roberto Quaglia, Maurizio Blondet, Olivier Lemoine, Caleb Maupin, Kevin Barrett, Garth Porter, Thomas Werlet, Pepe Escobar, Art Olivier, Alison Weir, Ken O’Keefe, Wayne Madsen, Raphael Berland, Cyrus McGoldrick, Mark Siljander, Juan Antonio Aguilar, and others .

The conference was opened with remarks by the personal advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Mohsen Ghomi, who said that the conference itself was the biggest threat to Zionists, and that American officials are puppets of the Zionist lobby who are taking advantage of American ignorance.
Several experts focused on the influence of the Zionist lobby on the West in the process of nuclear talks with Iran.

Jewish influence on America   : In America, no politician can be elected into office without AIPAC’s [The American Israel Public Affairs Committee] support. No president can take the White House without affirming unbreakable allegiance to Israel, and attendance at the annual AIPAC meeting is mandatory. Once in office every member of Congress is expected to act, vote and defend the state of Israel on almost every issue, or face the consequences. AIPAC watches every political race in every election. Whether local or national, AIPAC had dossiers on every candidate, grading each according to their loyalty to the Israeli state. Thanks to the multi-million dollar multi-generational policy of organisation coupled with implied blackmail, every US Senator and Representative will at the very least look the other way when Israel continues to violate international laws, occupy and steal Palestinian territory, illegally blockade Palestinians, and bomb innocent civilians. The alternative is the end to a political career. If politicians are not 100% in support of Israel or the position outlined by AIPAC, they are targeted and vilified through a dirty smear campaign often.  

It is therefore not surprising that Zionist politicians publicly boast that they control the US Congress as well as the American political system. A political commentator has dubbed the US Congress “Zionist occupied territory.” It has been reduced to a circus where members of Congress act like trained animals responding to the crack of the ringmaster’s whip. They jump, roll or run as demanded by the Jewish Lobby.

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