20. Januar 2010
are tuned to US Congressman
Ron Paul
Washington - “Could it all be a bad dream, or a nightmare? Is it my imagination, or have we lost our minds?
It's surreal; it's just not believable. A grand absurdity; a great deception, a delusion of momentous proportions; based on preposterous notions; and on ideas whose time should never have come; simplicity grossly distorted and complicated; insanity passed off as logic; grandiose schemes built on falsehoods with the morality of Ponzi and Madoff; evil described as virtue;
ignorance pawned off as wisdom; destruction and impoverishment in the name of humanitarianism; violence, the tool of change; preventive wars used as the road to peace; tolerance delivered by government guns; reactionary views in the guise of progress; an empire replacing the Republic;
slavery sold as liberty; excellence and virtue traded for mediocracy; socialism to save capitalism; a government out of control, unrestrained by the Constitution, the rule of law, or morality; bickering over petty politics as we collapse into chaos; the philosophy that destroys us is not even defined.
We have broken from reality--a psychotic Nation. Ignorance with a pretense of knowledge replacing wisdom. Money does not grow on trees, nor does prosperity come from a government printing press or escalating deficits.
We're now in the midst of unlimited spending of the people's money, exorbitant taxation, deficits of trillions of dollars--spent on a failed welfare/warfare state; an epidemic of cronyism; unlimited supplies of paper money equated with wealth.
A central bank that deliberately destroys the value of the currency in secrecy, without restraint, without nary a whimper. Yet, cheered on by the pseudo-capitalists of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and Detroit. We police our world empire with troops on 700 bases and in 130 countries around the world. A dangerous war now spreads throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Thousands of innocent people being killed, as we become known as the torturers of the 21st century.
We assume that by keeping the already-known torture pictures from the public's eye, we will be remembered only as a generous and good people. If our enemies want to attack us only because we are free and rich, proof of torture would be irrelevant.
The sad part of all this is that we have forgotten what made America great, good, and prosperous. We need to quickly refresh our memories and once again reinvigorate our love, understanding, and confidence in liberty. The status quo cannot be maintained, considering the current conditions.
Violence and lost liberty will result without some revolutionary thinking. We must escape from the madness of crowds now gathering. The good news is the reversal is achievable through peaceful and intellectual means and, fortunately, the number of those who care are growing exponentially.
Of course, it could all be a bad dream, a nightmare, and that I'm seriously mistaken, overreacting, and that my worries are unfounded. I hope so. But just in case, we ought to prepare ourselves for revolutionary changes in the not-too-distant future.”
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20. Januar 2010

Wien - Der
Kristallphysiker Peter Skalicky (oben) ,
Rektor der Technischen Universität TU Wien, hat die kürzlich
ausgesprochene Verleihung des 'Goldenen Ingenieursdiploms'
des Absolventen der TU Walter Lüftl, bautechnischer
Gerichtsgutachter mit 35-jähriger Erfahrung und ehemaliger Präsident der
österreichischen Ingenieurskammer, widerrufen.
Lüftl hatte 1991 ein Gerichtsgutachten erstellt, in
dem die technische Unmöglichkeit des Massenmordes
durch Giftgas an den Juden im Zweiten Weltkrieg
festgestellt wurde .
Die übrigen selbsternannten bautechnischen Experten: Raimund Fastenbauer
(unten), Generalsekretär der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, Kulturstadtrat Andreas Mailath-Pokorny
und Wolfgang Moitzi , Vorsitzender der Sozialistischen
Jugend, hatten nach der Verleihung des Ehrendiploms
an Lüftl deren Widerruf verlangt. ABCD Skalicky
sagte jetzt zu seinem Widerruf, Lüftl habe durch
sein Gutachten seiner Alma Mater, der TU Wien, massiv
geschadet. Er, Salicky, bedaure seinen eigenen Fehler
zutiefst. Skalicky will jetzt alle Auszeichnungen
der TU Wien einer eingehenden Prüfung unterziehen.
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19. Januar 2010
19. Januar 2010
I see no good in having several
lords; Let one alone be master, let one alone be
Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
- Discours sur la servitude volontaire
On Monday noon, the Israeli cabinet held a joint meeting with its German counterpart in Berlin, at Angela Merkel's offices, in
the framework of Germany's commitment to Israel's
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was accompanied on his visit to Berlin by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau and Science and Technology Minister Daniel
Hershkowitz. Prior to the meeting, the participants visited the
HOLOCAUST Museum. Netanyahu, Barak, Merkel and her defense minister, Karl-Theodor zu
Guttenberg, spoke about Iran and made it clear that
they will prepare wide-ranging sanctions against
that country
ABCD The Israeli delegation flew back to Israel
on Monday afternoon.
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18. Januar 2010
17. Januar 2009
Hong Kong and The Sassoon Opium Wars
The 99 year British lease on Hong Kong expired in July
1997, allowing the Red Chinese to take over. Hundreds of newspaper stories and TV reports have covered this event but not one revealed how England first gained control of Hong Kong! The truth lies buried in the family line of David Sassoon
(above), 'The Rothschilds of The Far East'
and their monopoly over the opium trade. Britain won Hong Kong by launching the opium Wars to give the Sassoons exclusive rights to drug an entire
David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iran in 1792. His father, Saleh Sassoon, was a wealthy banker and the treasurer to Ahmet Pasha, the governor of Baghdad. (Thus making him the
'court Jew' - a highly influential position.) In 1829 Ahmet was overthrown due to corruption and the Sassoon family fled to Bombay, India. This was the strategic trade route to interior India and the gateway to the Far East. In a brief time the British government granted Sassoon
'monopoly rights' to all manufacture of cotton goods, silk and most important of all - Opium - then the most addictive drug in the
The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905, states that Sassoon expanded his opium trade into China and Japan. He placed his eight sons in charge of the various major opium exchanges in China. According to the 1944 Jewish Encyclopedia:
He employed only Jews in his business, and wherever he sent them he built synagogues and schools for them. He imported whole families of fellow Jews. . . and put them to work."
Sassoon's sons were busy pushing this mind-destroying drug in Canton, China. Between 1830 - 1831 they trafficked 18,956 chests of opium earning millions of dollars. Part of the profits went to Queen Victoria and the British government. In the year 1836 the trade increased to over 30,000 chests and drug addiction in coastal cities became
In 1839, the Manchu Emperor ordered that it be stopped. He named the Commissioner of Canton, Lin Tse-hsu, to lead a campaign against opium. Lin seized 2,000 chests of Sassoon opium and threw it into the river. An outraged David Sassoon demanded that Great Britain retaliate. Thus, the Opium Wars began with the British Army fighting as mercenaries of the Sassoons. They attacked cities and blockaded ports. The Chinese Army, decimated by 10 years of rampant opium addiction, proved no match for the British Army. The war ended in 1839 with the signing of
'The Treaty of Nanking'. This included provisions especially designed to guarantee the Sassoons the right to enslave an entire population with opium. The
'peace treaty' included these provisions: 1) Full legalization of the opium trade in China, 2) compensation from the opium stockpiles confiscated by Lin of 2 million pounds, 3) territorial sovereignty for the British Crown over several designated offshore
British Prime Minister Palmerston wrote Crown Commissiner Captain Charles Elliot that the treaty didn't go far enough. He said it should have been rejected out of hand
because: 'After all, our naval power is so strong that we can tell the Emperor what we mean to hold rather than what he would cede. We must demand the admission of opium into interior China as an article of lawful commerce and increase the indemnity payments and British access to several additional Chinese
ports'. Thus, China not only had to pay Sassoon the cost of his dumped opium but reimburse England an unheard sum of 21 million pounds for the cost of the war!
This gave the Sassoon's monopoly rights to distribute opium in port cities. However, even this was not good enough and Sassoon demanded the right to sell opium throughout the nation. The Manchus resisted and the British Army again attacked in the
'Second Opium War' fought 1858 - 1860. Palmerston declared that all of interior China must be open for uninterrupted opium traffic. The British suffered a defeat at the Taku Forts in June 1859 when sailors, ordered to seize the forts, were run aground in the mud-choked harbor. Several hundred were killed or captured. An enraged Palmerston said:
'We shall teach such a lesson to these perfidious hordes that the name of Europe will hereeafter be a passport of
In October, the British besieged Peking. When the city fell, British commander Lord Elgin, ordered the temples and other sacred shrines in the city sacked and burned to the ground as a show of Britain's absolute comtempt for the Chinese. In the new
'Peace Treaty' of Oct.25, 1860, the British were assigned rights to vastly expanded opium trade covering seven-eights of China, which brought in over 20 million pounds in 1864 alone. In that year, the Sassoons imported 58,681 chests of opium and by 1880 it had skyrocketed to 105,508 chests making the Sassoons the richest Jews in the world. England was given the Hong Kong peninsula as a colony and large sections of Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai. The Sassoons were now licensing opium dens in each British occupied area with large fees being collected by their Jewish agents. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in
'the Jews' business'. However, the British government would not allow any opium to be imported into Europe!
Sir Albert Sassoon (middle), the eldest of David Sassoon's sons took over the family
business empire. He constructed huge textile mills in Bombay to pay slave labor wages. This expansion continued after World War One and ended up putting mills in Lancashire, England out of business with thousands losing their jobs. This did not stop Queen Victoria from having Albert knighted in 1872. Solomon Sassoon moved to Hong Kong and ran the family business there until his death in 1894. Later, the entire family moved to England because with modern communications they could operate their financial empire from their luxurious estates in London. They socialized with royalty and Edward
Albert Sassoon married Aline Caroline de Rothschild in 1887 which linked their fortune with that of the Rothschilds. The Queen also had Edward knighted. All 14 of the grandsons of David Sassoon were made officers during World War One and
most were able to avoid combat.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's (below) fortune was inherited from his maternal grandfather Warren Delano. In 1830 he was a senior partner of Russell & Company. It was their merchant fleet which carried Sassoon's opium to China and returned with tea. Warren Delano moved to Newburgh, N.Y. In 1851 his daughter Sara Married a well-born neighbor, James Roosevelt - the father of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He always knew the origin of the family fortune but refused to discuss it.
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16. Januar 2009
à la Lieberman
Ankara -
Turkish President Abdullah Gul threatened Wednesday that should Israel not issue a formal apology over the publicized reprimand of the Turkish
ambassador, he would be recalled to Ankara.
The incident started when
Israeli Deputy FM Danny Ayalon (left) summoned Turkish envoy Oğuz Çelikkol
(right) to the Knesset on Monday afternoon to express outrage over an episode of
a popular Turkish television series. Ayalon refused to shake hands and was seen telling the cameramen to film him sitting on a tall chair while Çelikkol
(right) sat on a lower chair, with the Israeli flag in the
middle, a scene designed by Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor
Lieberman. Ambassador Çelikkol was also filmed waiting in a corridor for the meeting to begin, and when it did, he was offered nothing to drink or
eat. During the photo-op at the start of the meeting, Ayalon told the photographers in
Hebrew: "Pay attention that he is sitting in a lower chair and we are in the higher ones, that there is only an Israeli flag on the table and that we are not
Ayalon admitted that he and Lieberman had planned the details of the encounter, but told the radio station that such behavior was
standard diplomatic conduct, offering no apology. Lieberman said Israel won't tolerate anti-Semitic remarks and incitement against
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15. Januar 2010
Kevin Käther
re-sentenced to 20 months
Berlin - In an appeal hearing on 9th June 2009, Tiergarten District Court (Berlin),
confirmed the sentence of the lower Court, sending
Kevin Käther (photo), a family man with a small
daughter, for eight months in prison without
probation. Käther's crime consisted of sending compact discs (CDs) of Germar Rudolf’s proscribed book
'Lectures on the HOLOCAUST' to three judges in Berlin and then filing an official complaint against himself for violating Germany’s
censorship laws.
His purpose in doing this was to judicially determine, in a court trial, whether Rudolf’s factual conclusions are scientifically
valid. In the cover letter that he sent with the CDs, he stated that if empirical evidence proved the contents of Rudolf’s book to be inaccurate, he would accept his punishment without objection or
appeal. He wrote: 'Under the censorship laws of the Federal Republic, distribution and dissemination of this book is proscribed as
Denial of HOLOCAUST. Germar Rudolf, the author of this
book, was sentenced to a prison term for the
commendable but criminal act of writing it.
As a self-respecting German I have a patriotic obligation to publicize these lectures in our
I realize that I will probably be indicted and convicted in a court of law for my
action, and I accept that probability.
In the ensuing criminal trial, you will be required to testify as
For this reason, you should familiarize yourselves with the factual contents of Rudolf’s
book, applying old-fashioned German thoroughness.'
In order to either prove or disprove the veracity of Rudolf’s book in a judicial
framework, Käther submitted over four thousand pages of empirical evidence during his
trial, along with Rudolf’s 'Expert Report on the Alleged Gas Chambers of Auschwitz.'
[Rudolf, a diploma chemist at the Max Planck Institute, had originally prepared this expert report for the Defense in the 1992 trial of Retired Gen. Otto Ernst Remer for
In 1993 Gen. Remer sent the Rudolf Report to more than 300 professors of Inorganic
Not a single professor would or could find a single mistake in his numerous
analyses. An expert witness in a Swiss court also attested to its
The Rudolf Report was Käther’s main piece of
evidence, but he pointed out a number of other discrepancies in the official
HOLOCAUST tale that need clarification as well.
Käther also wanted the judges to indicate which of the official estimates of the number of Auschwitz deaths is
correct, since they range from 66,000 to 9,000,000.
Käther then asked the Court to clarify which of the judicially valid Maidanek verdicts is
correct: Berlin District Court determined that Maidanek Concentration Camp had no homicidal gas
chambers, whereas Düsseldorf District Court ruled that mass gassings took place in homicidal gas chambers
He also asked the judges to clarify through evidentiary findings whether the victims in Treblinka Camp were killed with steam or gas.
The Allied Military Tribunal decreed that victims were
'steamed' at Treblinka whereas Federal Republic verdicts claimed they were
Käther's motions were disallowed by the lower Court
and equally by the Court of appeal, for the
proceedings of which he
had submitted another 2500 pages of evidentiary
motions. As mentioned above, the original verdict of eight months imprisonment was
Käther then appealed on points of law to the next higher
court. On 16 September 2009, the Fourth Criminal Section (Kammergericht) of Berlin Superior Court of Justice vacated the verdict of the Tiergarten Appellate Court.
It ruled that Käther’s sending the book CD to three judges did not involve the
public, which was indispensable for the crime of HOLOCAUST
On 10 December 2009 Käther was charged with a new
accusation, this time with repeated 'Incitement of the
Masses' (wiederholte 'Volksverhetzung') and sentenced to a prison sentence of one year and eight months
with probation.
Here's freedom to him who would speak,
Here's freedom to him who would write;
For there's none ever feared that the truth should be
Save him whom the truth would indict!
ROBERT BURNS (1759–96)
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14. Januar 2010
ein Wort
ABCD Der letzte Winter
war bundesweit um ein halbes Grad zu kalt, der diesjährige Winter
zeigt wieder viel Schnee und Eis. Der britische Wetterdienst sprach vom kältesten Winter seit fast 30 Jahren.
Rekordkälte wurde auch in Norwegen verzeichnet, wo das Quecksilber auf minus 41 Grad fiel.
Schnee und Eis machten auch den Menschen im Westen Frankreichs zu schaffen.
In Mailand und Marseille mussten die Flughäfen geschlossen werden. In Südfrankreich wurden alle TGVs gestoppt.
Selbst in Spanien behinderten Schnee und Eisglätte in weiten Teilen des Landes den Verkehr. Schon der letzte Winter war der kälteste in Spanien seit 35 Jahren gewesen.
Auch der Süden der USA fröstelt. Im Süden Floridas fallen Leguane vor Kältestarre von den Bäumen.
Schon der Winter 2008/09 in den USA war einer der kältesten seit Jahrzehnten. In Indien sind in den vergangenen Woche mehr als 100 Menschen erfroren, während in China und Korea die heftigsten Schneefälle seit Jahrzehnten verzeichnet wurden.
In Sibirien ist die Lufttemperatur in der Nacht zum Silvester-Donnerstag erstmals seit 36 Jahren auf minus 50 Grad gesunken. Wem
fällt bei diesen Nachrichten nicht BRD-Minister
Norbert Röttgen
ein, der noch am
11. November von Hunderten Millionen vertrockneter
Menschen durch die Erderwärmung sprach und seine
dullokratische Chefin Angela Merkel, die in ihrer
Regierungserklärung am 17. Dezember vor den
dramatischen Schäden infolge der Erderwärmung
warnte .
Und wer denkt bei den verbalen Absonderungen dieser
nicht an das staatlich inszenierte
oder an das Aufheulen der gesamten Dulli-Prominenz
anlässlich der vermutlich getürkten 'Mannichl'-Affaire
Bei der
Offensichtlichkeit dieser und vieler anderer Megalügen
meint man, auch
der Dümmste müsste inzwischen begriffen haben, wes
Geistes Kind die Berliner Dullokraten und ihre
landesweiten Dulli-Zünfte sind
Aber weit gefehlt: Die meisten braven BRD-Insassen (vermutlich
bis zu 99 Prozent) wollen belogen werden
. Hinzu kommt, dass die modernen Methoden der Massenindoktrination und -hypnose
viel wirksamer sind als die simplen Herrschaftsrezepte vergangener
Zeiten. Diese Konditionierung bzw. Abrichtung wirkt
bei den meisten vor allem reflexartig auf bestimmte
genau wie der Speichelfluss beim Pawlowschen Hund .
Die Medien (Fernsehen, Presse) spielen bei dieser
Psycho-Dressur die Hauptrolle. Wer sich dieser
Dressur entziehen
will, muss versuchen, resistent zu werden gegen die
auf ihn einflutenden Gifte, am sichersten durch
Verzicht auf den Konsum von Fernsehen und Presse. Bischof Williamson
(Foto) ,
einer der heutzutage raren Geister mit eigenem
Urteil, drückt
das so aus: 'Der
Fernseher muss raus!'
Zu dieser Radikalkur sind die wenigsten bereit und in
fähig. Deshalb gewinnen nach Williamson die
satanischen Kräfte immer weiter Raum
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13. Januar 2010
12. Januar 2010
12. Januar 2010
von der HRE
München -
Bei der verstaatlichten Münchner Hypothekenbank Hypo Real Estate
(HRE) soll in Kürze eine Abwicklungsanstalt (Bad Bank) zur Auslagerung ihrer 180 bis 200 Milliarden Euro
betragenden Schrottpapiere eingerichtet werden. Für diese Summe können weitere Garantien des Staates notwendig
werden, weil er auch weiterhin über die HRE Eigentümer
bleibt. Bisher sprang der Staat schon mit einer Eigenkapitalhilfe von sechs Milliarden Euro und Garantien von aktuell 95 Milliarden Euro ein.
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11. Januar 2010