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Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

The story of David Stein, or David Cole, is the typical all-American story. Indeed, he’s the prototypical “everyman.” His dad was the doctor who killed Elvis. By 21 years of age, he was universally condemned as the “Jewish Holocaust denier,” even though he never denied the Holocaust. He appeared on the highest-rated news and talk shows of the time. Phil Donahue called him “the Antichrist,” and “60 Minutes” called him a danger to mankind. He was one of only two guests ever canceled by the Jerry Springer Show. He reunited Holocaust survivors who didn’t know their family members were still alive, he forced the Auschwitz State Museum to stop exhibiting an air raid shelter as a “gas chamberr.” By age 25, he had a $25,000 bounty put on his head by a terrorist group, so he faked his death by pretending to drown off the coast of San Diego, later resurfacing as a respected documentary filmmaker, working with Warner Brothers. He then reinvented himself yet again as a leading Republican Party organizer in L.A. In 2013 his “Jewish Holocaust denier” past was “outed”. He was banned from the Republican Party for life, and denounced in over 200 newspapers, magazines, and websites.

In theory, this might just make an interesting book. At the very least, it's unlikely you'll be bored while reading it.


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