9. September 2009
war against Palestinians
The Israeli government has launched an advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying
non-Jews. About half of all Jews outside Israel marry
non-Jews. It is one of several initiatives by the Israeli
state and private organizations to increase the size of Israel’s Jewish
population in the West Bank, in their demographic
war against Palestinians. About half of all Jews in Western Europe and the United States assimilate by
intermarrying, while the figure for the former Soviet Jewry is 80 per
Israel, whose Jewish population of 5.6 million accounts for 41 per cent of worldwide
Jewry, has obstructed intermarriage between its Jewish and Arab citizens by refusing to recognize such marriages unless they are performed
abroad. The campaign is directed particularly at Jews in the United States and
Canada, whose combined 5.7 million Jews constitute the world’s largest Jewish
population. Immigration rates have steadily declined since a large wave of one million Jews arrived from the former Soviet Union through the 1990s. The absorption figure for last year – at 16,500 – was the lowest since the 1980s.
There is a growing trend of better-off Jews leaving Israel to live
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8. September 2009
Dummheit, die man bei andern sieht, wirkt meist erhebend
aufs Gemüt.
In der Sendung 'Kunst & Krempel' des Bayerischen Fernsehens
vom 15. November 2008 wurde ein 33 cm mal 79,5 cm großes
und mit 'Paulus in Lystria' untertiteltes Bild gezeigt,
das sich als ein Original aus dem Jahr 1606 des flämischen Malers Frans
Francken mit einem Wert von 100.000 Euro
herausstellte. Im April 2009 begann das LKA auf eine
Anzeige hin zu ermitteln und erhielt den Hinweis, das Bild
hinge im Schlafzimmer einer 92-Jährigen
Münchnerin, derzeit im Krankenhaus. Die Zeugin,
welche über den Besitz der 92-Jährigen verfügt, willigte ein, dass
die Polizei das Gemälde, vermutlich ein Erbstück,
einzog. Die alte Dame wurde noch nicht befragt. Ihr
Vetter, der das Bild im Bayerischen Fernsehen präsentierte, ist in der Zwischenzeit verstorben.
Gemälde wurde im Oktober 1943 für 10.000 Reichsmark von einer Dresdner Kunsthandlung
aus französischem Privatbesitz erworben und war
für ein Museum in Linz bestimmt. Es lagerte mit 722
anderen Bildern in einem Münchner Depot, das am 29. April 1945
von den Alliierten geplündert wurde. Etwa 650
Bilder, darunter 'Paulus in Lystria' verschwanden. Seither galt das Bild als verschollen.
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7. September 2009
7. September 2009
forged documents to prove that Iran
has been trying to make nuclear bombs
Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
(photo) on Monday ruled out talks on Iran's undeniable nuclear
rights, insisting that any dialogue on the nuclear issue would be focused on cooperation on peaceful use of atomic energy and
non-proliferation. "In our view the nuclear question is
finished," the President added. Ahmadinejad also said that he was willing to hold a public meeting with US president Barack
Obama, in the presence of mass media. He suggested that this could be held at the UN General Assembly in New York later this
In a letter to the UN 'International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA' in Vienna, Austria, Iranian ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh said the US allegations that Iran has been trying to make nuclear bombs were forged by the US CIA.
This unspecified intelligence and other evidence allegedly recovered from a laptop computer that reportedly was smuggled out of Iran. U.S. intelligence later assessed the information as indicating that Tehran had been working on details of nuclear weapons, including missile trajectories and ideal altitudes for exploding warheads. The material on the laptop also included videos of what intelligence officials allege were secret nuclear laboratories in Iran.
The IAEA' 35-nation board of governors will discuss the matter on
Monday. Soltanieh accused the ambassadors of the United
States, France and the United Kingdom of ill will and political
The list of
the US' promoting wars with direct interventions,
supported by propagandistic lies, is long: The
preparation of the Spanish–American War of 1898,
the Lusitania operation
(1915) leading to the US entering WW I; the creation
of conditions leading imperatively to WW II in 1941, when the US prohibited exports of
steel, scrap iron and fuel to Japan, making both their air force and navy completely
useless, and openly supported Churchill against
Hitler; the incitement of Iraq to attack Iran in
1980 ;
the attacks of Iraq in 1990 ,
of Afghanistan in 2001 and again of Iraq in 2003
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7. September 2009
I20.000 sterben an Krebs - täglich
Im Jahr 2007 wurden
weltweit zwölf Millionen neue Krebserkrankungen diagnostiziert. Im selben Zeitraum starben 7,6 Millionen Menschen an der Krankheit - das sind rund
20.000 Krebskranke am Tag. Umgerechnet auf je 1 Mio. Einwohner ergibt sich folgende Zahl von Krebstoten
pro Tag: BRD: 7,3; EU25: 6,9; Israel: 0,05: In
der BRD ist die
spezifische Krebstoten-Quote also etwa 150 Mal höher als
in Israel !
Es ergeben sich daraus drei Konsequenzen:
1: Lösen wir das Krebsproblem wie die Israelis! Wenn es stimmt, dass die an Krebs erkrankten jüdischen Einwohner i.
d. R. weder chemotherapiert noch bestrahlt werden, dann muss das
aufhorchen lassen. Wie machen die Juden das? Ganz einfach:
Totale Entgiftung von Körper, Seele
und Geist und anschließend totale Umstellung der Ernährung (Essen, Trinken,
Fühlen, Denken, Handeln).
2: Stellen wir uns die Frage, was die wahren Gründe dafür sind,
dass die unheilige Dreiheit aus Schulmedizin, Pharmaindustrie
und Politik in den meisten anderen Ländern am System Chemotherapie + Bestrahlung + Chirurgie + Morphiumgabe festhält.
Antwort: Es handelt sich um ein gigantisches Geschäft
Mit der Entgiftung von Körper, Seele und Geist und der anschließenden
totalen Umstellung der Ernährung (Essen, Trinken, Fühlen, Denken) kann man
kaum Geld verdienen.
3: Jagen wir in der BRD die dafür politisch verantwortlichen
Dullokraten zum
Teufel. Das klappt nur, wenn man sich für die
noch nicht im Bundestag vertretene Partei mit den höchsten Chancen
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7. September 2009
rules Israel, to now
York - On 31 August 2009, Lev
Leviev (above), the sixth richest Israeli
, announced that his company 'Africa Israel' will be unable to meet its financial obligations and repay its debts on time. Leviev’s debt is estimated at nearly Euro 1.4
Leviev originally made his fortune in the diamond industry. Now, 'Africa Israel' is the flagship of his business
empire. The company is well known for its widespread real-estate
investments, but also for the fact that it builds in Israeli
colonies in the West Bank and dispossesses Palestinians from their
lands. As a result of these construction projects, Leviev’s business empire came under a worldwide boycott
campaign. Demonstrations took place in New York
City. UNICEF refused a donation from him, saying “We are aware of the controversy surrounding Mr. Leviev because of his reported involvement in construction work in the occupied Palestinian
territory.” The UK embassy in Tel Aviv decided not to buy its office from
'Africa Israel' while on 23 August 2009, it was revealed that Blackrock Inc., a large British investment firm, decided to divest from
'Africa Israel'. Eight days later, Leviev convened the press conference in which he announced his inability to repay his
debts. It is,
however, unrealistic to assume that the massive losses of
'Africa Israel' result solely from the boycott. The primary reason for debt is the depreciation of real-estate assets, which the company bought at tremendous leveraging. The international capitalist crisis impacted the value of the company’s assets, making the huge company seem like a sinkhole of
debt. 'Africa-Israel' bought its three most expensive properties in the US just before the credit crisis came knocking at the door.
The US real estate market is not 'Africa-Israel's only
problem. Heavy investments in Moscow are also costing the company
dearly. It is too early to say what the consequences of Leviev’s fall could
be. His creditors are mostly Israelis, and many were invested in his companies through their pension
funds. The fall could be painful for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Israelis.
The 'big six' Israeli tycoons include, according to
the latest census, Eliezer
Fishman (2nd from above)
with debts estimated at Euro 4.2 billion, Israel Corp of the Ofer
family (Sammy Ofer 3rd from above) , with debts worth Euro 7.5 billion, Delek Group of Yitzhak
Tshuva (4th from above) , with debts amounting to about Euro 8.1 billion, I.D.B of Nochi
Dankner (5th from above) , with debts estimated at Euro 14.9 billion,
and Haim Saban (6th from above) .
'Africa Israel' has the least amount of debt amongst these tycoons, but was the first to
fall. The other Israeli tycoons are not subject to widespread boycott campaigns, and are so far able to obtain sufficient credit from investors to keep doing
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6. September 2009
York - Der Fall Bernard Madoff (Foto) wirft immer mehr Fragen auf. Dass die US-Börsenaufsicht SEC in all den Jahren keinen Verdacht
äußerte, wird wahrscheinlich noch ein Nachspiel haben.
Während die SEC mit Megaaufwand hinter 'Strauchdieben' her war, blieben die ganz großen Betrugsfälle unentdeckt. Dazu zählt nicht nur Madoff, sonder auch Worldcom oder
Enron. Die SEC setzte absichtlich unerfahrene Mitarbeiter ohne das nötige Fachwissen an
den Fall Madoff an und kontrollierte die Firma des
Großbetrügers in 16 Jahren insgesamt fünf Mal, ohne Verdacht zu
äußern. So konnte Madoff sein milliardenschweres Schneeballsystem trotz glaubwürdiger und konkreter Hinweise fortführen. Doch diese wurden von der SEC ignoriert.
Dabei nutzte Madoff seine Bekanntheit in der Finanzbranche und schüchterte die jungen Kontrolleure dadurch ein, dass er ihnen von
seinen Verbindungen zu führenden
US-Finanzkoryphäen erzählte.
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6. September 2009
5. September 2009