"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by
Jews" (Marlon Brando ).
Jews are about 2.5 percent of the US population and they are about 60 percent of
Hollywood. It is extremely clear to anyone in Hollywood that Jews are, so to speak, "in charge" in Hollywood in a way that is not duplicated in any other large business, except maybe garments or scrap metal or folding boxes.
Situation in the year 2012: At Paramount, the controlling stockholder
is Sumner Redstone . Head of the studio is Jon
Dolgen. Head of production is Sherry Lansing ,
all members of the tribe. At Disney, the CEO is Michael Eisner ,
Deputy head is Michael Ovitz ,
Head of the studio is Joe Roth .
At ICM, the top heads are Jeff Berg
and Jim Wiatt . At
CAA, Jack Rapke
and others predominate. At William Morris, Jon Burnham
and other Jews are in the power positions.
This has always been true in Hollywood. The ex-furriers who created Hollywood were Eastern European Jewish immigrants, and all of the great edifice of fantasy-making in Hollywood is their handiwork.
Thus, the fact of Hollywood's being very largely Jewish, is not exactly news.
Let us start at the Jewish beginning. The first Hollywood blockbuster was the 1915 movie
'Birth of a Nation'. It was financed by Jews from Brookline, Massachusetts, and it was a spectacular production that packed movie houses around the world. It generated more money than any other film up to that time, enough for one of its Jewish distributors, Louis B.
Mayer , to start his own
studio, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). It depicted Blacks as criminals and rapists, simpleminded, barefoot chicken thieves, who had no useful or rightful function in America except as
It only got worse from there. By the 1940s Jews were the heads of all the major movie studios in America. Jews with familiar names such as
Zukor ,
Goldwyn ,
Selznick ,
Thalberg ,
Cohn ,
Laemmle ,
Lasky ,
Schenck ,
Fox ,
Shulberg ,
Warner , and Loew
ran every aspect of the movie business. It took all these Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews to create the lasting, worldwide image of America.
The ADL’s
own founding charter of 1913 reveals that the very reason it formed was for the purpose of curtailing the negative images of Jews that were then prominent on stage and screen. It says: “The effect of this on the unthinking public has been to create an untrue and injurious impression of an entire people and to expose the Jew to undeserved contempt, and ridicule . ...”
So right from the start, the ADL fully understood the damage that filmed images could cause to the reputation of a people. And ever since then, under the watchful eyes of the ADL, Hollywood Jews sanitized their own movie images; but in film after film these same Jews ran the images and the reputation of Blacks
and other nations into the gutter. These Jews actually invented a new form of “entertainment” to accomplish their racial propaganda
The Asians were introduced by these same Jews as devious backstabbers during World War
2. The Germans as Nazi-killers (Schindler's list). The shifty-eyed Muslims have no other
“prayer” but to strap on a bomb and curtail the civilized Western world. Superman was
invented by Joe
Shuster , a Jew, to
deal with whoever challenged the Jewish world.
The goal was to take over the greatest superpower in the world to control all aspects of its daily life and to harness it in the service of Jewish goals
worldwide. The most dangerous aspect of the Jewish influence over global culture through Hollywood was not films centering around Jewish characters or themes, but rather films subversively promoting Jewish
culture. The Jews possessed and possess the technology, equipment, skill, specialists and cinema professionals to execute their plan of global
On the other hand, the fact of Hollywood's being very largely Jewish,
has another long lasting and common result: The sexual exploitation of aspiring actors and actresses. The casting couch is real. It always has been. It is
easy for men and women to sell themselves for profit. The number of writer/masseurs, actress/masseuses here is shocking. Sexual corruption is endemic to
Hollywood business, and gay behavior normal. The present Bryan Singer
is only the tip of the iceberg. Roman Polanski's rape case
is still in best memory: the Oscar-winning director who pled guilty to rape and sodomy of a 13-year-old girl in 1977 before fleeing the United States to avoid prison.
Not to forget the resurfacing allegations that Woody Allen
molested his adopted daughter when she was 7 years old.
Jews also play a disproportionate role throughout the
US sex industry. The late Abbe Lionel Groulx ,
a Canadian Roman Catholic priest, wrote in 1954 that Jews have a natural passion for
money and could be found behind all businesses, all shady enterprises, all the pornography
operations. Leading modern Jewish pornographers include Ron Braverman, John Bone, Wesley Emerson, Paul
Fishbein, Herbert Feinberg, Hank Weinstein, Lenny Friedlander, Bobby Hollander, Rubin
Gottesman, Fred Hirsch and his children Steve and Marci, Paul Norman Apstein, Steve
Orenstein, Jack Richmond, Theodore Rothstein, Reuben and David Sturman, Ron Sullivan, Jerome Tanner, Armand Weston, Sam and Mitch Weston.
Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers of the 1970s and '80s: Buck Adams, Bobby
Astyr, Robert Kerman, Paul Siderman, Adam Glasser, Al Levitsky, Bernie Cohen, Steve Drake, Jesse Eastern,
Jamie Gurman, Ron Jeremy Hyatt, Michael Knight, William Margold, Steve Tucker, David Morris, George
Payne, Mark Krinski, Herbert Streicher, Dave Ruby, Herschel Cowen, Mal Warub, Marc Stevens,
Phil Tobias, Marc Goldberg, Andy Abrams and Jack Wrangler.
Roman Polanski |
Woody Allen |
Bryan Singer |